Random Acts of Kindness and Pay it Forward – two concepts that - TopicsExpress


Random Acts of Kindness and Pay it Forward – two concepts that for me go hand-in-hand. Interestingly, now I am running my own company I think about & implement both these concepts way more than I ever did when I worked in corporates. And then, I was given “4 hours a month” to volunteer at any chosen charity. Did I do it? Not once. It was always “I’ve got so much to do …..” Now, when I am my only income source, I am much more conscious of making the effort to both Pay It Forward and RAK. Consider this: If everyone did one random act of kindness every day, the ripple effect would be enormous. The video I’ve linked to below shows how one act of kindness, which didn’t cost the “giver” anything other than 15-20 seconds. Her one random act of kindness makes a huge difference to the recipient. Why not give it a try today? Your one act might not change the world, but I guarantee you, it will impact the life of two people – yours and theirs. A further example was evident in a post from the Guardian online by Alex Andreou. The extract is as follows: (You can read the full article here: theguardian/commentisfree/2014/oct/28/random-acts-of-kindness.) “On Monday, I visited a new coffee house opened by an acquaintance in London. The Gentlemen Baristas, they call themselves. I was there with a friend who lost his father to cancer a few months ago. His mother’s diagnosis is terminal. He has just done the Tough Mudder challenge to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. The same thought buzzed around my brain. “There he is,” I thought, “doing something physical which translates directly into love.” When we paid for our coffee, one of the people who runs the coffee shop, Ed Parkes, came over and gave him a tiny brown envelope. We inquired as to its contents. We were told it is a “good egg card”. They give them to people who made them smile or they saw help someone or were kind in some way, to pass on to someone else observed doing the same. That person can then present it for a free coffee. The gesture touched me. Here was this small start-up business, physicalising kindness. Kindness is tangible.” November 13th is World Kindness Day. What will you do to make you feel proud? https://youtube/watch?v=pzjEzohHmaM
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 13:14:26 +0000

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