Random Afternoon Thoughts When i decided i wanted to pursue - TopicsExpress


Random Afternoon Thoughts When i decided i wanted to pursue being a TEACHER, many of the people close to me, family and friends alike seemed to question the decision. Was the decision because i was disillusioned by my experience as a Nurse? Of course not, in fact my background as a nurse prepared me for what I now feel is my passion. My previous career thought me to be very patient and understanding, as well as grateful.It also made me realize I love talking to people and explaining things to them. Another thing many found weird was WHY A TEACHER? I have heard this over and over again ever since I started my journey this year. Those who know me say I should pursue my initial plans for Medical or Law School, my father especially was pushing me to pursue one of the two. Most of the people who had this opinion saw that i was over qualified to become a teacher-that i had so many potentials that it seemed to them becoming a teacher was a downgrade to whatever I can become. Which I dont know whether to take it as a compliment or an insult, an insult to a profession that I think is one of the noblest. I dont know whats the minimum requirement it takes to be a good teacher, I did not even know someone could be over qualified to be a teacher. All I know is I want to be one, that my potentials, talents, ideas, hopes and aspirations can not only be realized but multiplied as well through the children I soon hope to be teaching. I see this profession as one of the best avenue to plant seeds for change, I mean, in a class of 50 children, Id be so happy if I could influence at most 5 of them to strive to make a world a better place, to become someone who will not only live for themselves but for others as well, someone who would dare to be foolish enough to dream for a better future for humanity and even more foolish to try to achieve it. Hey, they say Im a dreamer, but Im the only one...hehehe... That is the main reason why I felt the fire inside me burned the moment I decided Id become a teacher. It was a good feeling, an epiphany of some sorts. I did not just woke up one day and decided on this, it was a long process, I knew I wanted to be a teacher, but something in me felt the same way with the people questioning my decision right now. I was concerned too that becoming a teacher would not maximize all that I can become and admittedly, I also did not see teaching as a highly regarded and revered profession. Through the years, my opinions changed and I also slowly did not care what others thought about my life choices. I took full control and followed a dream that I had tried to set aside. And last night until just this afternoon, I had several situations that validated my decision that I said to myself; no amount of money will deter me from this. I admit, it took a long time before I settled and realized what it is that I wanted to really do with my life, and now I do, and it feels like I am seeing the world with new eyes, it feels so good. I am still on the journey, and it is not easy; balancing work and school is truly difficult. Just like Santiago of The Alchemist, I feel that I am on the road of finding my personal legend, and in spite of all the hardship, I have this inkling that all of this difficulties is so worth it. I wish for you, whoever you are reading this that you find what it is that burns the fire inside of you, i hope you find the same priceless passion and drive that i feel right now, whatever it is that you find to make your life revolve around, I hope you find it and i genuinely wish it would bring you happiness and contentment. :)
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 07:44:37 +0000

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