Random Headcanon: “They say he still walks the earth,” said - TopicsExpress


Random Headcanon: “They say he still walks the earth,” said Scorpius Malfoy quietly, clad in his Ravenclaw robes as he and his friends drifted aimlessly atop the lake, held afloat by the enlarged boat they had nicked from the boathouse. One foot hung lazily over the edge of the boat, shoe and sock removed, toes tickled by the water swirling around them. Rose Weasley, garbed in the red of Gryffindor, glanced at him questioningly, wondering who he was talking about. “They say that, during the hours before the dawn, he rises from the lake, as alive as the day he stepped into it. They say he roams the grounds, the hallways, patrolling with wand and sword drawn. They say he will always watch over us, that he will always be here.” Frank Longbottom II’s eyebrows rose, the fine hair almost as yellow as the colour of his house. “Who?” asked Albus Potter, rising up on his elbows so that he could give the prat a sharp look. His eyes matched the tie at his throat. “Godric Gryffindor, duh.” Albus made a scoffing noise. “Don’t be ridiculous; after a thousand years, even Gryffindor will have turned to dust.” “It makes sense,” protested Scorpius, pale eyes narrowed. “No one knows how he died. He vanished without a trace one day; the only thing we have is hearsay, handed down through the Ravenclaw House for generations. How else do you explain the documented tracks of wet footprints that have been found every morning for centuries?” “Late night swimming ventures, obviously,” said Rose, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. But Scorpius would have none of it, rising to his feet within the boat. “I’m telling you, he’s alive. He’s out here somewhere.” He would have said more, but the Giant Squid’s tentacle playfully knocked him over, sending him crashing into the lake with a startled yelp and a splash. ~Xeno
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 14:40:54 +0000

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