Random Thought: The only way a person of color can hate his or - TopicsExpress


Random Thought: The only way a person of color can hate his or herself, thier own brown skin, thier beautiful nappy hair, etc is if you are subject your whole life to a society that does not acknowledge natural black beauty but only acknowledge beauty according to european standards, and in america thats exactly what were dealin with...for centuries we been subject to white power (this aint hate just truth) in america, everything bad was based on black ppl but everything good was based on white ppl, do you understand the negative blow to the mind this did for our ppls self esteem? This low esteem was one reason why our ppl desired to eat from the white mans table back in the days, even though we had everything OF OUR OWN being segregated, from businesses, to schools teaching our own children, etc we had it made ON OUR OWN, but it wasnt enough because we wanted to be side by side with them so damn bad, to have what they have...we got what we wanted, now look at us today One main tactic that this country used in the past and is still obviously workin today in thier favor, is they made the so called black man hate himself with a passion...they insulted our lips, our skin, our hair, this went on for decades, they practically bullied my ppl to the point where half of them wish they was never born black, the scriptures say as a man thinketh, so is he...that mean if u think you aint sh*t, you aint gon be sh*t, and through centuries of hardcore oppression by every form you can think of, an entire nation of ppl began thinkin they wont sh*t because theyre not caucasian...over time they start desiring and dating other nationalities not only because they fell in love, but because they dont want someone that looks like themselves, they want mixed kids so they wont be dark skin with nappy hair.... The sad part is alot of our own ppl add fuel to the fire of self hatred, we joke on each other about how black one is or how thier hair look, it might be a joke to you but is it funny to those who are actually self conscious about how they look? You got rappers doggin dark skin women, and these idiots themselves be dark skin!, its SELF HATE, actors and actresses going interracial, then when they explain it, these INFLUENTIAL PPL, say sumthin about thier own ppl that they dont like (causing those they influence feelin the same to go even harder on the band wagon of self hate), now though im not an advocate of interracial relationships, im not a hater either, if a couples love is authentic, more power to you, but I do have a problem if your love for another nation is based on self hate....this syndrome is real, you dont even have to be aware of it, do you know why these hair companies sell you perm? Are not mostly all perm products directed towards women of color? Knowing that the chemicals are harmful to your scalp and hair follicles causing it NOT to grow? The rich that hate you dont want to see you being yourself (natural, and the 70s was probably the worst decade for them) and while they got you unconsciously UN-natural, they make money in the process, thats just my opinion, talkin bout gettin perms cuz it make the hair easier to manage, YOU CAN MANAGE YOUR NATURAL HAIR IF U JUST STOP NEGLECTING IT FOR A PERM!! then most sisters look like hell without a perm because the chemicals are KILLING your natural hair, my mother wears hers natural and her hair is pass the bottom of the back of her neck, all she did was wash it, keep it moist, take care of it and give it sun shine and it grew long as hell, so dont tell me your natural hair cant be managed....who the heck do u think skin lightening cream is for? White ppl?...hell no, its for self hating ppl of color like that african chick who look like a damn ghost, from self hatred my ppl became a target for marketing companies...rich white men aint stupid they takin advantage of your self hate, research the owners of them perm products and be surprised, and u know what else gets me? When I hear I dont know if Ill look good going natural...going natural? YOU NEVER WENT NATURAL, YOU WERE BORN NATURAL, YOU CHOSE TO GO UN-NATURAL when you chose to put that hair-death in your head man look, if you are whatever shade of brown and you hate yourself whether u a bro or a sister, that aint nuttin but a ball and chain on your spirit and self esteem caused by your experience in america, YOUR SKIN IS LIKE GOLD whatever shade it may be and aint nuttin better, and to be real, if your afraid to be YOU (natural), if you allowed society to cause you to hate how you look, to hate your brown eyes because they arent blue, to hate your brown skin cuz it aint white (sorta pinkish pale really), to hate your nappy hair cuz it aint long and straight and thin...you have a WEAK mind for it to be 2014 and u still let this sorry ass system make you hate yourself cuz you not pretty to caucasian standards, did they make you or did AHAYAH make you?, the european power structure caused you to hate yourself and envy them...to envy the ppl that truly wouldnt be nowhere without the ideas and intelligence of the darker skinned nations before them...heres the secret of the prejudice elite powers, they do the things they do, because its YOU they cant be, they hate you but they take your slang, they hate you but they sing dance and rap like you, come on man, ITS CLEAR AS DAY THAT ITS YOU THEY ENVY, why u think they compare these european singers to BLACK SINGERS only, they compared justin Timberlake to michael jackson why not compare him to some spanish artist? They compared robin thicke to smokey robinson why not some asian singer???, the elite envy my ppl but they use psychology to turn the tables...think about that, whats usually the main reason a person bullies another?
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 15:03:34 +0000

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