Random Thought: Wherever God has you it is for PURPOSE: This - TopicsExpress


Random Thought: Wherever God has you it is for PURPOSE: This morning at 337 am my eyes popped wide open. I knew the father was calling so I answered the call for prayer and devotion. Judges chapter 4 is where I found myself. The story of Deborah is known by all but it wasnt Deborah that got my attention it was Jael. We all know the story of Deborah and how great she was - She was a prophetess, a wife, a judge, and a leader to the people of Israel of that time. Her calling was great, her devotion was loyal and she communed with God everyday. No doubt her job was difficult. Perhaps people were jealous but she still had a job to do. In Judges chapter 4 the children of Israel had been oppressed by Jabin king of Canaan, who reigned in Hazor. Indeed it was rough for Deborah but she hung in there (Any Deborahs out there?). Long story she joined Barak in the battle to fight against their enemy Sisera but he fled. Guess where he fled? Jaels house. The enemy and Jaels husband had an alliance at that time so Sisera thought he was safe. Now Jael was not a warrior, she was a homemaker, a wife, a humble woman no doubt caring for her family. BUT she was just as important. The story goes on to say that Jael invited the enemy in - gave him something to eat, covered him with a blanket, and killed him. This woman killed the enemy with what she did best. No matter where you are in Christ or what your assignment may be at the moment it is all for purpose. Deborah had her purpose but so did Jael. There is no road taken that God ordained just for nothing. God knows us, He made us, and will finish what he started!!!! ####PURPOSE!!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 03:20:31 +0000

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