Random memories of a wild n crazy life. - TopicsExpress


Random memories of a wild n crazy life. Ive often rode the wrong train on purpose just to see where it was going. I rode the bus downtown to ride the elevator to the highest building in town just to look at the horizon; I was nine and not allowed to leave the neighborhood. I rode my bike to the mighty Ohio, just to swim across and spend the better part of the day walking back to where I left my bike, just to see if I could do it and because Mom said dont cross Bardstown Rd, I was 11. I went to jail once before I was 18 and decided that was one adventure I never wanted to take again. I went down the up escalator and turned around to climb the down one up and got my blue jean jacket button caught in the wall seams and had to strip it off or suffer the fate of being eaten by the thing (one thing I wish I had video of that I am sure would be a Youtube sensation). I rode a horse backwards just to see how far I could get before I fell off and laughed when I shouldve been crying when it happened. Always an adventurer, an explorer of sorts Ive dance naked in the rain just to feel raindrops on my skin, stomped in mud puddles just to see the pattern it would make on my new white pants. Ive had a jelly fish stuck in my bathing suit and so stripped naked to the waist on a left side beach to get the damn thing off me (would not be a great Youtube moment btw but would likely go viral). If I had to do it all again, I would ride the whole damn train all the way back to whence it came and never look back one time. I like it when things are not used for their intended purposes, when old things break and we find a new way to make them useful. I used to love going to the city dump to explore the things people throw away and always came home with something useful even if it was only a brand new thought about the state of mankind and how much crap we buy and make that we really dont need. Ive spelunked in storm drains under an entire region of a city just to see where the tunnel comes out at. Ive trespassed on property with razor wire and keep out signs, just to see what they didnt want folks to see. Now Ive had a lot of birthdays and I am ready for new adventures, where will the next adventure carry me? Is there any more crazy things I can do, just to explore what I havent discovered? What can a many birthdayed girl get into these days? There still lots to see that wasnt meant to be seen but needs to be and lots of things that need to be experienced. I never wanted to be normal and to look at this list, I guess I got my wish.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 00:49:58 +0000

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