Random thoughts on fake-ism (sheep behaviour, denial) A few - TopicsExpress


Random thoughts on fake-ism (sheep behaviour, denial) A few days ago I got a text telling me that my daughter had been challenged to the ice bucket challenge. After some thought I replied back that she had already done the gaza rubble challenge the week prior. (If this person hadnt unfriended me in the first days of the incursion to Gaza, she would have known that). I then explained about the number of deaths from not having water compared to the much smaller number of deaths from ALS. I also explained how the organisation ALSA used most of the money on salaries, the tiny amount of donations that go for research and the abuse of animals in that inconclusive research. I suggested that there may be better ways to help ALS sufferers than to contribute and pursuance others to contribute to that organisation. The response I got back was not openly hostile but certainly had an air of You are a spoil sport, it is a fun activity for a worthy cause. Well, while the cause is worthy, the organization obviously isnt and I suggested finding a different way to help out. However, that isnt what bothered me. What bothers me, and always has, is the people who jump on every popular bandwagon while doing NO investigating on their own. They just want to follow the crowd and pat themselves on the back for their support of a worthy cause, even if it isnt really supporting a worthy cause. It is more important that they APPEAR to others as if they are doing something good then to ACTUALLY BE doing something that is good. Im the bad guy for telling them facts that they couldnt care less about knowing. Another example from several years ago - I was with a friend who introduced me to another friend of hers. The new friend was talking about a guy she was seeing from a popular local band. She went on and on about him and their romance and I said nothing. Then she said that she suspected he was married. After a while if her wondering about this I told her that I knew him, our kids went to school together and that yes, he was married. Both of those women were so angry at ME! After we left my friend yelled at me that I was wrong to tell her friend the truth because now she would have to stop seeing him! WTH? So its ok to break your morals and convictions as long as you can claim that you really didnt know for sure that you were breaking them? Why do people love to lie to themselves? Why do they blame the people who tell them the truth? It is the same with Palestine, almost. People dont want to know, refuse to know even when we put it right in front of them. On the bright side, as protesting for Palestine becomes more popular these sheep will undoubtably jump in to protest too, when about 80% of the celebrities are doing it. Then when Palestine is free they will brag about all their hard work on the issue. Thats ok though. I will welcome them to join in.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 10:19:16 +0000

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