Random thoughts on my mind (no one has to respond and this is very - TopicsExpress


Random thoughts on my mind (no one has to respond and this is very long): Recent realizations about melee are sad to me (if they end up being true). Sometimes I feel like you pretty much have to be a spacie to utilize the game at its peak or near-peak (possibly what the future might be; but Im not sure yet). But I feel spacies dont suit my style at all (Marth/Sheik feel more natural and fun to me esp marth [in terms of fun], but have more clear limitations unfortunately at top level). I am unsure who I should even be using sometimes, since fox is clearly better than marth/sheik but I dont feel like I utilize the character correctly since Im not a very technical player despite popular belief, which pushes my 3 mains to be roughly equal (and I play more chars for fun but I put far less time into anyone else besides those 3). I think Fox(and Falco to a lesser extreme) is more naturally well-suited for players that like to be hyper aggressive or, more accurately, like to be extremely technical, and those players can utilize the character more properly to their full potential (when playing well/perfectly). I enjoy the game more using many characters, esp Marth(and Roy but hes unviable) for some reason. I also use Sheik but thats because shes natural to me. Im good at turtling and gimping/edge guarding and abusing range. Back to topic: it feels like most new upcoming great players end up just being another fox/falco. At first I didnt care much and thought it was just coincidence, but it does seem to be like this is happening more and more often than i would have previously foresaw a few years ago. Im not sure if this is just because those characters are fun to play as (which is why I think c.falcon is so popular and why I think puff is not as popular personally), which could be one reason, or if its bandwagoning which could be another factor, but it also often makes me wonder how good those characters truely are when most players doing well is usually using one of those two characters and rarely any other top/high/mid tiers despite there being so many good characters. Learning tech skill really well (which I encourage since thats how I got good before I played any humans back in 2005 and before) and then youre pretty much set after you learn matchups. It feels like rarely is a new upcoming player using another character instead of just being a new successful fox or falco (of course there are many exceptions but its almost always a new fox/falco that appears that is doing very well). So the distant future of melee (for tournament sake) may or may not be how good you are with spacies, or be limited to how well the spacie is playing sometimes (only at top top level though). I do hope I end up being wrong though; I highly prefer to be wrong. Armadas peach for example is very great and Peach is obviously not on the level of spacies (But she does have a very good falco MU which helps her a lot). Armada shares a similar viewpoint on Melee as I do. He feels that his natural style utilizes Peach to more of her full potential than other characters, which is why he decides to use her the most despite her limitations. This does make me wonder if I will be limited or not in the future. Another thing I have been wondering is that I have no idea who to be using vs fox/falcos anymore (esp fox). I think I just randomly experiment with my characters a lot. Im pretty much equal with my 3 mains vs foxs, but sometimes I feel I may choose the wrong character (wrong meaning I would end up losing with it), but I never know who the right or wrong ones are until I play someone and it varies per person and stage and match so its hard to ever know. In Brawl I think Im not that great overall of a player but very good as a tournament threat (maybe even top 2 with zero idk at least I used to be when I had a major focus on it) because I picked 1 broken character and ONLY focused on it almost the entire time I played the game (the correct option for the sake of competing in tournaments). In Melee I did the opposite. I feel like I spent most of my play time over the years just messing around with a bunch of random characters for fun or whoever I just had the most fun with, instead of focusing on one super super good char (I think marth/sheik are very good but not quite the same level at top top level in todays metagame and current knowledge). I often wonder, was this a mistake? But then I often realize it doesnt matter because thats already in the past, although I am not sure what characters that should be focused on in the future. With smash 4, I am pondering if the best option is to master 1 or 2 characters like I chose in brawl, or just have fun with a lot of characters like I did in Melee. I would also love to focus on Project M as I really love that game, but I am very reluctant to do so because it feels like you are punished if you master a great character because then they are auto nerfed on the next release, which is literally the only thing that drives me away from focusing on that game. I do understand that balance is great and I highly encourage a good balanced cast, but I also think they do the nerfs too hard per new version release and I think if that didnt happen the game would have ridiculous potential. These are just random thoughts on my mind. Most likely, for the future when I stream smash esp Smash 4 (maybe also Melee/PM), I will try to pick up a lot of the cast for both entertainment/teaching/learning purposes and also to break every characters metagame as quickly as I can. But for competitive tournament purposes, I often wonder if this is the best idea or not. (my stream is twitch.tv/mew2king for anyone that cares lolol. Since I live in SoCal now, I will likely start pretty soon when i get the chance to [been constantly going to tournaments all the time and need to do a few things with my computer first].
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 07:50:42 +0000

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