Random thoughts you have while loping horses in circles for hours - TopicsExpress


Random thoughts you have while loping horses in circles for hours at a time: I dont believe in The commercial Santa Clause. I dont teach my kids to believe in him either. Atheists dont believe in God the same way I dont believe in Santa. You dont see me crying and whining about Santa decorations. Im not suing to have him removed. The sight of Santa does not offend me. To be offended by the sight of something you do not believe in must be a huge issue. It seems like their brains would be on sensory overload with the thousands upon thousands of daily sights that could potentially offend their sensitive nature(s). Why is it that I and people of like mind, that dont believe in Santa simply choose to not believe, smile, and go on our way, while people who dont believe in God go all in trying to destroy any reference to him? I would submit to you that everyday, every person, sees lots of things they dont believe or dont like, but as logical human beings our brains have built in defenses\filters by way of reason to accept what we want and disregard what we dont. My question is why do atheists feel that they shouldnt have to use their logic and filtering brain skills like the rest of the world, but instead want to fundamentally change the culture, diversity, and freedoms we all have living in a diverse world of many cultures, customs and traditions? Why do they seem to have such in unnatural hatred for anything to do with God? Is it fear? Is it a deep underlying phycological issue derived from unconscious guilt? I cant seem to relate. As I said, I dont believe in Santa. I thinks its a made up tradition based on a small shred of truth from long ago. From what I know about atheists this is a fair comparison to how they feel about God. The similarities end there. My life is not consumed with removing him from our culture, I have no anger or hatred towards him, I am not going to file a lawsuit against a small town 500 miles away because they have a plywood cutout of him and a magic reindeer on the lawn of the courthouse. Please explain this seemingly unreasonable hatred and utterly ridiculous desire to remove from culture things we dont believe in? Furthermore, I would like clarification on another issue. I am confused by societys willingness to cave to small minorities of people who for whatever ridiculous reason, find our way of life offensive. For example. A small town has a population of 1000 and has a nativity scene at the court house. A single atheists complains and the nativity scene comes down. Or a store owner tells his employees not to say merry Christmas because it may offend someone, knowing that may 1 in 1000 people will actually be offended. In both these examples our tradition/cultures was changed for the ultra minority. Whats more the 999 people who were robbed of their nativity scene or had to listen to the words season greeting were actually more offended buy the massacre of their traditions and culture than the one atheist who initially complained. Lets take a moment to scientifically analyze this situation. I would like to propose a system to evaluate these types of situations. I call it Scientific Calculation to Remove Our Openly Great Environment or (S.C.R.O.O.G.E) for short. In this system we will assign a number value to each person involved in each circumstance. In the example of the nativity scene you have a town of 1000 people. 1 atheist is offended by the presence of the nativity scene. The removal of the nativity scene would offend the other 999 people who enjoyed seeing the nativity scene. We will then convert these numbers to a percentage to come up with an Offensiveness Rating. In this case the offensive rating for keeping the nativity .01% conversely the offensive rating for removing it would be 99.99%. To give credence to the rating system lets plug in the numbers of a completely unrelated situation. Lets say 1,000,000 people watch the evening news and see Al Sharpton raising his hands and saying dont shoot as a means to stir up racial division for his own financial benefit. Of those million people watching you have to figure a quarter of them are either too stupid to see it or just dont care, which leaves the other three quarters of us shaking our heads in disgust. When converted to our previously explained scale Al Sharpton would have an offensive rating of 75%. This scale can be used almost anywhere, lets say a school Christmas Play whos name was changed to a Winter Solstice Celebration. As seen with the Sharpton example it is not limited to Christmas, trying plugging in the numbers and coming up with an Offensiveness Rating for the removal of the Ten Commandments from any given courthouse, or your neighbors loud music, the guy in traffic who knows the two lanes merge but still goes all the to comes and forces his way in while everyone else waits. Point is, politically correctness is stupid.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 14:28:18 +0000

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