Rant/Discussion If there is one thing anyone who knows me well - TopicsExpress


Rant/Discussion If there is one thing anyone who knows me well will tell you, I get angry about a lot of things, but there are very few things in this life that I truly hate. At the top of that short list are psychics! They are all fake, and not a single one can talk to dead people or tell you your future. If they could, the government would have them hidden in a bunker somewhere studying their brains. They prey on weakness, low self esteem, people who have suffered loss, and of course anyone stupid enough to give them money to speak in generalities so vague they will eventually hear what they want. They are simply legal con artists that get away with it because of the human need to believe their crap. A few months ago I proved this by giving an accurate psychic reading to a caller on the radio. It blew her mind. Ill be happy to post the audio, I still have it. I learned their tricks in college while studying psychology. For anyone who really believes that dumb chick in Long Island with the huge hair or the old red headed hag that goes on all the talk show are for real, just remember a man named James Randi. Mr. Randi has been offering a million dollars for decades to anyone who can display genuine psychic abilities in a controled scientific environment. These ladies wont go anywhere near him. Why? Thats simple, he busts every psychic that comes anywhere near him, and their career comes to an end. All of that being said, do you believe in these people? If so, why? I just have to know. I would love a poll of the people on here. I wont bash you, I just have to know the logic behind it. Please discuss. P.S. Any local psychics reading this have an open invitation to come on my show.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 12:06:02 +0000

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