Rant Those of ye making light of the California drought should - TopicsExpress


Rant Those of ye making light of the California drought should be ashamed of yeselves,ye must not live in California because if ye did Im pretty dam sure ye would not be making jokes about it,even with me telling some posters animals are dying,orchards are dead,salmon are dying in almost depleted rivers and its all a joke to ye,to make such comments of those suffering there with no water ye should try living there for a month without being able to shower everyday,having bottled water shipped in,having ye wells dry up,ye people have taken for granted wot used to be something that used to be plentiful and if I offend anyone with my rant well guess wot,I dont give a shit,my daughter lives there and ye think she has it easy,think again and when ye makes jokes about this drought just remember it could be ye and ye families hurting from lack of water that ye have taken for granted,rant over!
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 15:43:22 +0000

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