Rant for the day: We hear in the news that our republican - TopicsExpress


Rant for the day: We hear in the news that our republican government threatens to shut the government down if they dont get their way again. This came close to happening once before and we now live under republican control. Then there is the banks, The to big to fail banks that threaten us that if we change the laws to stop them from screwing us over and if we enact laws to regulate them they will close up and tank the American economy. This to is backed by republicans in government. You and I are powerless to stop these people as it stands right now and they most assuredly will go on raping us all until they achieve their goals. There is however one thing they cant control. This one thing has them all locked up inside and terrified. They work day in and day out to redirect us from realizing this one thing. They create and implement everything in there power like Media to keep us fighting between ourselves so we dont figure this one power we have out. You may think Im going to say Voting is that power but youll be wrong. Yes I do believe we should vote but there is something all of us have over looked. As I mentioned earlier how the republican government has been bought and were forced to live under the second hand government control in the hands of corporate America and all the filthy rich foreign entitys surrounding us. The power they have is MONEY, The power we have is MONEY yes I said Money. How you may ask can we have that power when they have collectively trillions and we have separately maybe hundreds? Thats the secret they dont want you to figure out. Together we have massive money power but the problem is they have all to many of us believing were to small and insignificant to do anything and alone we may be but together in collaboration with each other we can knock any corporation out of the ring and put any corporation we want in the ring. The subject of shutting our government down? Well how about we shut the entire show down? Yes together you and I can shut them up and put them back where they belong. The questions you ask will be how can we pull this off? I laugh when I say this but its so easy its stupid. We pick a day and just dont buy anything. Or do it for a week, or a month. Do you remember what we where all told to do during 9/11 when the WTC fell to the ground? yeah I know you felt it too the strange felling you had when the news said dont stop buying stuff act like nothing happened and go out and spend. Not many people caught this, but it was the biggest scam ever played on us and almost everyone fell for it. The powers that want your money shit there pants thinking you would stop spending. Well their still scared shit-less you will figure this out and use it to control them. They are addicted to your money, they live off and for your money, they kill for your money. The one thing they cant live without is your money. We all need to put our heads together and use this power.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 08:32:01 +0000

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