Rant of my life coming in 3....... 2....... - TopicsExpress


Rant of my life coming in 3....... 2....... 1........... Here we go so bear with me........ There are moments in life that scare you, there are moments that will make you afraid. For most these come from scary movies, or close calls, car accidents and things like this........ For me..... I wake up scared. I wake up wondering what will happen today, how much farther can we be pushed? Scared that our way of life will be forever changed, that we will have to fight for something that so many before us already did..... Scared that I cannot give my children a country that my parents gave me. Scared that my daughter will never be allowed to defend herself from an attacker, scared that when my children grow up it will be illegal to defend there home and country. Scared that the people we intrust to protect us have turned there backs on us for money. Are we as Americans ready to sit by and let paid off celebrities (read politicians) dictate our future and what our rights are? Will we sit by and be pushed aside? Will we be idle when the lion roars its head? Will we not realize that these things are now? I love a few things in life. My Family, my country and my way of life. If one single person gets in the way of these things...... may god have mercy on them. I was guaranteed these things long ago, with the blood and mercy of patriots. How can we as Americans, left, right, Dem, Rep, or whatever you want to call yourself stand here and say that what is going on in this country is OK? From the shutdown, Benghazi, 9/11, Syria, old wars and new, to the Vets being blocked from there own memorials to the very rights that founded this great country. When is enough enough? I understand that each side wants too, and came blame the other. I understand that we need to end shootings, I get that we have lives at stake. I understand that we have to do something..... we have to do alot. Its unimaginable how far off course this country, its leaders and its people have wondered. Do we realize what the worst part is? I really dont think we have. When will we as THE PEOPLE just say this is enough? When will we collectively come together to say that we have had enough bickering and lies. WE as Americans know what we want, we will not let paid puppets run the show any longer. It is time for WE as Americans to take back our country and run it the way WE want it to be run. Left, right, it doesnt matter anymore. What matters is we need our home back. We need a place, a home and a set of morals to instill into our children so that we as parents and modern Americans can say that we also passed on a legacy, hope and a future. Do we want to pass on Trillions in debt, a police state and the fear that some movie put into us to our future? Or do we want to give our children a future? Do we want to sit on the porch as old men and tell stories of when this country was great, and we made it stay that way? Or do we want to tell stories off the days when when a communist/soviet government took our great land and we sat by and did nothing? What will be our answers then? What stories will you tell? What can you say? We all look up to our veterans as the men and women that give us our freedom. AND THEY DID, yet we rape them off there memorials over some bickering. WE as Americans, side by side with our vets need to stand up and say this way of life, this system of politics, this BS thats has stripped us of our basic and unalienable rights has to end. We are one unit, we are one people, divide by thoughts, religion, race, way of life and the freedom that lets us do these things. We are Americans and the puppets that want to take these ways off life away from you are winning. When will you, stand up in the name of freedom as so many of my friends/family and veterans have done? When will you say that this is my country and YOU CANNOT TAKE IT! THIS IS MY HOME, NOT YOURS AND I AM A FREE AMERICAN AND THIS IS MY HOME. Its not about parties anymore my friends, its about a way of life. For me, for you. But most importantly for the future that we leave. Its time to stop walking with the heard, we as Americans have to wake up. We have to take a stand, and we have to live up to our name. We are Americans, and no one, and I mean NO ONE will take that from us. I am not one for God...... but I will be damned if I dont know what this great country is built on. God bless this great Country, you, me and our familys, and may WE let freedom ring for thousands of years to come. and I am done....... still pissed but done. Night all. Breaking Obama Barack Obama Alex Jones Ted Cruz Mike Vs Corner 2A Defender TheBlaze Truckers Ride For The Constitution The Tea Party Republican National Committee
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 06:15:52 +0000

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