Rant time: Alright. So I have been seeing things like Why does the - TopicsExpress


Rant time: Alright. So I have been seeing things like Why does the whole world know about this celebritys death, but not the death of this soldier or that soldier. Here is my opinion, and yes, its coming from a two time Purple Heart recipient infantry soldier and veteran. The reason why everyone talks about a celebritys death is because that person is known (in a sense) to the whole world. That INDIVIDUAL. We are soldiers, we are many. Sad to say, but this is the job we signed up for. Dont get me wrong, its good for soldiers to get recognition, but dont compare a soldiers death to a celebritys death, it makes no sense. Thank a soldier, appreciate a soldier, and that should be plenty. There are millions of soldiers out there. The world doesnt know my name. America doesnt know my name, even though I have placed my life on the line for them. I see Robin Williams name tossed out there too compared to a soldiers death. The world knows who he is, they know his name, seen his movies. People dont know the names of a couple million soldiers out there and honestly, thats fine with me. I didnt do this job to be praised. I did it because its my duty. So to my fellow military out there that complain about a celebrity getting more attention than an individual soldiers name, please think about it. There are enough people out there all the time that look at us as Heroes. I had a kid wave frantically at me today excited because he saw a man in uniform. Thats more than enough for me. When I die, the world will not know, just the people in my life would. Its fine with me. I am not a celebrity. I am a man who chooses to serve instead. Im proud to be a soldier. This is my opinion. I am sure some military may disagree and think we should be looked at like celebrities, but I know we are not. I lace my boots each morning and go to work like the rest of America does.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 20:11:54 +0000

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