Rant warning: Why is it that some biological mothers think they - TopicsExpress


Rant warning: Why is it that some biological mothers think they dont have to abide by court orders? Take our situation for example... We follow the court order to a T. Child support is faithfully paid in full and on time, access & contact is exercised faithfully and we request more - but BM denies us stating no, its not in the court order. (Even though it states additional access/contact can be provided if mutually agreed upon.). Our children live outside of the province, so we purchase flights for them to visit. We were only granted 7 wks/yr, and yet even with flights purchased on time & in full, the BM is telling us shes not putting our children on the plane this summer! She took a year to follow other court ordered specifics too, which the judge placed in the co to assist us with contact as BM was denying us contact prior to our last court appearance. Contact has continuously been a struggle. We are lucky to reach them once/wk and are told by BM exactly that...that we are lucky. BM is consistently bashing us on FB publicly and permitting the children to see this, even though the co states that neither parties are to speak ill of the other nor permit anyone else to. Although we could retaliate, we dont because we arent like that. We turn the other cheek, time and time again. We only want to talk to, spend time with and support our children in every way. But are repeatedly shot down and pushed away by BM and then bashed and made out to be deadbeats (and worse) and her DH is praised as their saviour! Something has got to give! Even our lawyer warned her that she will be held in contempt if they do not visit this summer, and shell be made to repay the costs and missed access. Instead of heeding the warnings, she states she is going to her local court house to try to make it so the children dont have to come. (She visually feels threatened that we are a moral & ethical household, and the children have a hard time leaving us each time they are here). Shes voiced on FB that she needs the eldest for babysitting her younger children...big surprise. And yesterday was our eldests graduation (elementary school) and BM made sure to tag our child in a post stating that *she* will always be at every milestone (indicating we will not). The whole case is a case of parental alienation! Its sickening! We just want to rescue our children from her grasp so badly so that they arent further hurt, manipulated and neglected by her! We want custody and believe that it is in the best interest of the children for not just reasons mentioned here, but a slew of others. So perhaps if she denies us our summer visit, it will work in our favour? We just dont want it to come to that. We want them here!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 15:27:49 +0000

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