Rantings of an amateur political observer. AMNESTY - an - TopicsExpress


Rantings of an amateur political observer. AMNESTY - an official pardon given to people who have been convicted of political offenses, to grant an official pardon, to forgive an offense etc ... BUT IT IS SO MUCH MORE THAN JUST A PARDON!!! Tonight Pres Obama is expected to unilaterally announce his amnesty immigration reform. This is both unprecedented and unconstitutional. The Dailysignal points out that he would unconstitutionally be revisiting existing laws, without congressional approval, imposing new ones that had been rejected many times by congress, therefore setting himself up as Kingmaker (King) on immigration policy. There are supposedly upwards of 5million, others estimate 11million or even more, illegal aliens would be effected by such announcement, and could be eligible for approval to permanent residency and citizenship. In 1986 with the Simpson-Mazzoli bill, it was not a unilateral act by Pres Reagan to grant amnesty to 3million illegal aliens, but rather a bipartisan approval from Congress. It was so when Pres G.H. Bush in 1990 allowed 1.5million the same, only after Congress hashed it out and allowed him the privilege sign in that amnesty approval. But there were many stipulations, laws, qualifications and credentials needed from and by those who qualified through the amnesty of those years. Immigrants, who had to have been in the US, legally or illegally, up to a certain time still needed to go through the process of legalization just like any who applies for permanent residency. Criminals get no passes. Because of the stringent process of immigration many still hadnt become residents because they could not meet the minimum requirements as per immigration applications. When the president makes his announcement it would be met, as usual, with many intrepid feelings on both sides. Those against, would vehemently argue to SECURE THE BORDERS, how would this law be funded, where would the funds come from, what kind of skills would the new residents bring (usually low level labor meaning more poor meaning increased welfare recipients meaning higher taxes, to fund and support an increased welfare state etc etc etc). As he extends a hand to possible engineers, computer techs, professionals...how about expending a hand to the many professionals, born citizens, who had lost their high paying jobs due to downsizing, services going overseas etc. Proponents see work force increase meaning more infusion of taxes, more spending, less illegal activity (doubtful). President went at it alone in 2012 when he suspended the deportation of dreamers and offered them the opportunity to become residents, and that was a nightmare on thousands of them as they could come up with the necessary documents to complete the process and many gave up. Many dreamers had gone past the age to qualify too. This supposed amnesty bill coming tonight would ignite great many celebrations among millions of folks and groups, cultures, various ethnicities, but the harsh reality of actually becoming one lays ahead and this would be just nothing more than a rehashed 1986 immigration reform but one on steroids. Congress wi still have to approve many parts of it and see how it falls. Pres Obama needs to go back and watch video after video of him saying that he wishes he could go it and do it alone but thats not how the constitution works and not how the laws works. Are you eating your words, or are you just blatantly going maverick on the constitution, for which supposedly you taught. Ok, Rantings ceding!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 10:00:54 +0000

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