Rapture of the Saints is very real Our Lord Jesus has announced - TopicsExpress


Rapture of the Saints is very real Our Lord Jesus has announced His Soon coming for the rapture of His Church. The announcement was made in the midst of hundreds of END TIME workers of the Lord in my revelation dream of November 27th, 2012. This revelation is being confirmed by the numerous utterances of the Lord’s workers presently. BRETHREN, RAPTURE IS IMMINENT! RAPTURE IS UPON US!! RAPTURE IS NOW!! He gave us His life to redeem us from every lawless deed and purity for them that receives Him. When He comes for His own special people would you be ready? DON’T BE LEFT BEHIND FOR YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE TO ENDURE THE DISTRESS! REVELATION OF RAPTURE: Our Lord is revealing the End Time programs to some selected few in this world; as the word of God says: “But ye brethren are not in darkness, that that day may over take you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light and the children of the day; we are neither of the night nor of darkness. 1Thess.5:4-5. Brethren RAPTURE IS VERY REAL by Grace Anawana It seems many lukewarm Christians still have their doubt on the rapture of the saints which is knocking at the heart of every believer. In the year 2009, our Lord had allowed me to experience it and report to His people. RAPTURE EXPERIENCE I HAD IN MY DREAM OF JULY 2009 WAS A TEACHING TRIP FOR BETTER UNDERSTANDING In that dream, it was a very normal day and I was sitting with a lady friend on the floor of her lounge, deliberating on the same subject RAPTURE; suddenly as I heard a sound of crashing wind, I looked at my back to see what it was, behold it was an ARK COATED IN BLOOD. Within a blink of my eyes I saw myself in the Ark but could not say how. The ark was behaving like a person, because it waited for few seconds for me to see the reaction of the lady, who was becoming hysterical and calling after me, due to my sudden disappearance. While I was telling her that the rapture was taking place, she could neither hear my voice nor see me; but I was seeing and hearing her very clearly. After that the Ark zoomed off. The speed was faster than any earthly object. Few questions that were cropping up in my spirit, the Ark was answering them in my intuition. In fact He knew all of the questions that I had in my spirit. For example before I could finish my question in which Mary Baxter stated in her book, ‘Divine Revelation of Hell’ that she saw the rapturing souls as points of light, the Ark immediately directed me to look forward, and I saw many souls in form of stars moving on the open space heading to the same direction. Then I said “So I am also a star to them? The Ark answered yes. When I wanted to ask about their own carrier as I did not see any Ark bearing them, the Ark answered, “it is invisible to all eyes.” Once I did not see myself in the Ark, I became afraid of flying alone on the air, immediately I was re-assured and I saw myself inside the Ark again. Our Lord Jesus would personally bear us to our safe haven far above principalities, powers and rulers of darkness. When the Ark was 500 yards above the landing area, I saw many arks that had earlier brought people there. Those people that were like stars, as their carriers touched the ground they materialized in their full body. As we walked to the gathering ground the joy that was ringing out from us was inexplicable. We were embracing each other and say “so you made it” Just one moment of joy in me surpasses all that I had experienced on this planet earth from the day I was born till the last moment of my leaving the earth. ‘Oh how I love You Jesus my Lord. When I started looking around; I noticed there were large buildings that resembled university campuses. The surroundings were carpeted with green grasses and trees for relaxation as in the university compounds. Well I termed it further institution of higher learning. Praise God, the gospel of Christ is true. Among many things that I observed: I saw identical three sisters walking majestically in their shinning white garments. The colour of their skins was brilliantly dazzling. The three cannot be differentiated or separated in anyway. They seemed to be clued together and yet they are individuals. I was really stunned with admiration. (Then my question being: could they be the dead in Christ that had first been raised incorruptible? For as the word of God says, after they had been raised incorruptible we that are living will also be changed from mortal to immortality within a twinkle of an eye, and meet them in the cloud and we shall all travel together to meet the Lord in the sky. (Anyway this subject will be fully explained in due course. However, I am only stating what I observed during the teaching rendezvous’ journey to the cloud. People, this is one out of three personal experiences I had as regards the soon coming event called rapture which is also supported in the scripture. Many pastors have backslidden and are working for the devils. They are always quoting the bible out of context to support their misconceptions. Do not listen to them. OUR LORD JESUS IS SOON COMING FOR HIS SAINTS. God bless you. This is the voice of the 7th trumpet
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 19:48:25 +0000

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