Rare is the union of beauty and purity... Ladies (and men,) at - TopicsExpress


Rare is the union of beauty and purity... Ladies (and men,) at some point in our lives weve fought those lies in our minds which assert that somehow our weight, our make-up, our thighs or our faces, define our worth. I want to tell each of you right.now. - GET RID OF THAT MESS! I learned this truth the hard way: There is NO “magical destination.” We have this belief that, IF Im thin enough/pretty enough/good enough, THEN Ill be happy! That ever elusive Garden of Eden - IS NOT REAL. I will fully admit that I, like 99% of us, still struggle with those lies from time to time. I HAVE to remind myself that I am who He made me to be. My nose is crooked and I have laugh lines. I have spider-monkey toes, and I laugh like a man sometimes. We cannot change our height, and, PLEASE READ THIS – OUR WORTH IS NOT measured by a number that peers back at us from a scale!!! There are, however, things we CAN change....For me, it’s about distinguishing which is which. Todays oil is PURIFICATION~ I have come to understand that my body reacts to the things I eat, how kind I am to myself (stress,) and those invisible hormones that my body creates! Blemishes. Zits. Black-heads. Face it, weve all had them - and some of us more than others. I recently set out to find an oil – in place of the Epiduo I would normally use, to battle the blemish! (Note: There are endless testimonies online - and countless oils (melaleuca alternifolia, lemon, Frankincense, basil, oregano, the list goes on,) that yield fantastic results for different individuals! It may be a trial and error process. You may have better results with a different oil! THIS post is my experience. It may not be yours. Keep that in mind! ;) Recently my skin/face has been OUTTA control! I attribute this to being busier than usual, beginning an internal detox that was WAY overdue, and perhaps a few late-ish nights when I knew better to stop what was “so very important” and get myself to bed! Despite the cause, the result was a lot of blemishes that made the great cover-up (what I fondly call the process of using concealer and powder,) considerably more difficult than usual! I read a TON of testimonials from other Young Living gals, and tried a few different oils. Malelucia Alternafolia is a superb oil for skin in general. Many use it for complexion issues, and it’s ranked super high as a “skin-loving” oil! I used it on myself and liked it! However, I’m incredibly impatient and was looking for an “overnight” fix… Next – one of my FAVS, Lemon! I used it at night with my moisturizer. It did an amazing job of drying up the blemishes! However, my skin tends to be dry anyway. Although the blemishes dried up, so did the skin surrounding them. Though it wasn’t the right fit for ME….I HIGHLY suggest Lemon for those of you whose complexion leans toward oily!!! Lastly, I used Purification. I adore Purification simply because I think of it as the “Lysol” of YLEO! It neutralizes the air in any room, kills bacteria, viruses, and makes your house smell fresh – not “perfumey.” Very light, pretty aroma. I read a great testimonial and thought, what the heck! I wouldn’t have considered Purification – but let’s do this! That night I washed my face as usual. I put about 3 drops on a cotton ball and essentially used it like a toner. Afterward I applied my moisturizer and went to bed. The next morning I looked in the mirror – and my complexion was at least 50% better!!! The blemishes were FLAT, not inflamed, and my skin was NOT dried out!!! I was so incredibly pumped! Even Jeff noticed a huge difference and has now begun using it on any problem spots he might have! Quick Low-Down on PURIFICATION: It is a Young Living Oil Blend consisting of Citronella Oils, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Melaleuca alternifolia (more commonly known as Tea Tree Oil,) Lavender, and Myrtle. As I’ve said before, I love Young Living Oils because of the quality and how absolutely pristine these oils truly are. As women, we don’t NEED all the expensive lotion/procedures/chemical nonsense that is pandered to us! Most all are full of chemicals and impurities that perpetuate the blemish cycle! I personally don’t want to wear spackle on my face and hide my skin because of imperfections. I don’t think any of us do! I want the true me – MY skin, to show through. Young Living Oils have helped me to abandon the “great cover up!” To YOU – yes you, the precious girl who is reading this…You are fearfully and wonderfully made! Focusing on the health of our bodies and the things we CAN change (i.e. taking care of ourselves physically, emotionally and spiritually) is a bigger self-esteem booster than any amount of make-up in the world! Young Living allows us to harness God’s remedies in nature. And there’s nothing more beautiful than the 100%, unveiled, YOU. Happy Thursday, lovely friends!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 04:58:10 +0000

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