Rasas (flavors): in Indian aesthetics. Srngaram (Romance); - TopicsExpress


Rasas (flavors): in Indian aesthetics. Srngaram (Romance); Hasyam (Comedy); Viram (Heroic); Adbhutam (Wonder); Karunyam (Pity); Bhayanakam (Terror); Bidhatsam (Odious); Raudram (Fury); In aesthetic works of common value they are used in pairs: Romantic comedy; Heroic wonder tale; Piteous horror story; Sheer force and wrath. In high aesthetics, they are all included to make a complete picture of the world . . . and underneath them all, is the final rasa . . . Santam (Peaceful). I used to find it difficult to come up with an example of Odious and Furious. Richard the 3rd? But today, I think that most action, particularly childrens acton films describe just sheer force and wrath. I just saw Man of Steel, an assault of brief declarative statements and trash cans crashing against each other. The Hobbit starts off well enough, then breaks down to the monkey crashing his cymbals together for the last two hours. The Christopher Reeve superman movie, by contrast, is heroic and wonderous. Reeves has a perfect sense for comic elegance. He could have been a silent film star. What has happened to the aesthetics of popular culture? A sense of proper aesthetics means a sense of taste, proportion, balance, harmony, morality, emotional clarity, and when we include the higher aesthetics . . . peace. When people digest healthy food they remain healthy. Likewise, when people experience aesthetic works of taste, clarity, balance, and all the rest they build a proper inner aesthetic. This is an essential and global human experience.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 21:39:03 +0000

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