Rather than always striving to make more, learn to live on less. - TopicsExpress


Rather than always striving to make more, learn to live on less. --Me Via Esau Lafcadio Kessler The Plutocracy’s beatific vision for the mass of Americans is wage servitude: a fearful, ever-busy, and cheerfully abject pool of human resources. Rendered lazy and recalcitrant by a half-century of mooching, American workers must be forced to be free: crush labor unions, keep remuneration low, cut benefits and lengthen working hours, close or narrow every avenue of escape or repose from accumulation. If they insist on living like something more than the whining, expendable widgets they are, reduce them to a state of debt peonage with an ensemble of financial shackles: mortgages, credit cards, and student loans, all designed to ensure that the wage slaves utter two words siren-sweet to business: “Yes, boss.” —David Graeber relates in Debt booksandculture/articles/2013/mayjune/love-stronger-than-debt.html?paging=off
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 13:24:16 +0000

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