Rational of a Mad Fat Woman Word of the day: - TopicsExpress


Rational of a Mad Fat Woman Word of the day: Rationalization. Most of us are guilty of it. And all the more so when trying to lose weight. Rationalization is an attempt to justify a certain behavior or choice so that it appears to be in line with your stated values and goals. Even if it is actually moving you further away from those goals. I know that every time Ive failed a lose weight in the past, it started out with small, barely noticeable detours that pointed me away from success. These took the shape of a York peppermint patty here and there, or a caramel mocha a couple times a week on top of what I was normally supposed to be eating. Nothing too consequential, or so I thought. I have to shake my head at those choices now. Did I really think these treats would have no effect on my progress? Here are a few of the subconscious excuses I made internally each time I had a treat: These liquid calories dont really count. Its so small it cant possibly push me over my daily calorie limit. Im still on the right track. I can just go to the gym later and burn this off. (Which wouldnt always happen) Its okay, I can splurge on this treat. I have all the time in the world before summer/New Years Eve/high school reunion etc. It never felt like a big deal each time - treating yourself never does. It gives you a little rush of momentary happiness, but its not the way to give yourself positive results. You get those by developing honest communication between your actions and their effects. Its important to recognize a diet detour before it happens - while its still just a twinkle in your eye as you plan out your day. Dont wait til youre at the drive-thru to decide whether or not youre going to succeed at your goal. Stand firm in the mirror every morning and make your decision there. Defy the part of you that secretly wants things to stay exactly as they are. That little voice saying, Its too much work. Just give up now. You know youre a quitter. The only way to drown it out is to disprove it with action. Dont be afraid to start your diet because of all the things that have stumbled you in the past. Your past doesnt have to predict your future.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 19:12:50 +0000

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