Rattlesnake Tooth - Birth Chart Sign for William W. Warwick IV - - TopicsExpress


Rattlesnake Tooth - Birth Chart Sign for William W. Warwick IV - Cherokee tradition: Cherokee Birth Chart for: William W. Warwick IV Born: October 10, 1971 Direction: South-Green grass, healing herbs; living with compromise; Balance of Life and Death. Guardian of The Way. Symbol: Caduceus Color: White (The White Knight) Stone: Ivory Element: Fire Flower: Silver-bells Herb: Sweet grass The Signature of Rattlesnake Tooth in the Sky is the Rainbow. It is a delicate display of the electromagnetic rays of the sun, separated into seven basic colors: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. Daylight is white, a carousel of all colors; Night is black, the absence of color. Sun and Moon, Day and Night, Physical and Spiritual come together to display the glory of The Heavens. Raindrops project this illusion onto the horizon: Water is the vital fluid-the Great Healer of all Life. Rattlesnake Tooth is the Natal Day Sign of the Medicine Woman or Man, the Shaman, the Priest, the Healer--and also the Sorcerer. The Medicine Man wore a fur cap with buffalo horns sticking up at the top. He used a terrapin shell to hold the herbs; drums, rattles, gourd dippers, and grass stems as tools of the trade; beads to diagnose and to predict the future of the patient. The Osi (Hothouse) was the Native American hospital. The fang of a Rattlesnake, prepared with proper prayers, was used to brush or scarify a persons skin before applying herbal preparations. Not hard enough to draw blood, just enough to absorb the medicine. The person of this Sign is a stoic individualist, slow to anger, courteous, displaying ,a serene countenance no matter what turbulence is boiling around below the surface. But still water runs deep. Underneath this glossy veneer lies the kernel of discontent. Conflicting drives of compromise and rebellion wage a storm back and forth between demands of society and desire to proclaim the indisputable verities of life. Enclosed within this protective outer shell is the heart of a fragile flower. This person is usually very touchy and easily hurt; susceptible to cuts and bruises, both physical and mental. Repression of emotional stress eventually leads to various temporary illnesses, which are recurrent but not necessarily life-threatening. The Darkening Land of the West and the psychic secrets of individual personalities hold a fascination for this Sign. A profession that entails the exploration of these dark caverns of the Cosmos would fulfill a basic need, and help to save a fertile mind from self-destruction. There is a very practical side to this mentality, combined with a strong investigative instinct: a desire to get to the bottom of things. They are problem-solvers, good at details, prone to deliberation, making firm decisions, and giving applicable and practical commands. They make good engineers, architects, research scientists, philosophers, and mathematicians. Performing is a good career choice, for they are en rapport with the audience. Those born of this Sign usually achieve success and popularity because they are conservative and practical, yet ready to make a pitch for any worthy cause. Ambitious and willing to work and wait to get to the top of the ladder. They are indeed competitive, but go to great lengths to avoid direct confrontation-careful not to upset the apple cart. Here is a demonstration of a basic Cherokee philosophy: We gonna have peace and quiet, even if we have to knock a few heads together to get it!. The olde-time Cherokee Priestess or Priest was a direct line of communication between The People and The Great Spirit. Sacred Smoke was blown to the seven directions to create a protective shield against evil spirits. And Smoke from the open fire carried messages straight up to Heaven. (Copal) The rattles, oil, and flesh of the Rattlesnake were occult ceremonial objects. Priests used them as resonant fundaments to interpret Oracles-communion with Ancestors, Spirits, and Otherworldlies. (ET’s) Silver bells is an appropriate flower: the Cherokee word for the physical Rattlesnake is Utsanati He has a bell (referring to the rattles at the end of its tail). The herb, sweet grass, has been used throughout the temperate zones as a medicinal from time immemorial. It is the American bulrush, which provides a haven for the mythical Infant Hero whose very life is endangered: like the biblical Moses and the Egyptian Horns, who were floated in reed baskets through the rushes to eternal life in the legends. Disease is a state of being out of balance; Healing is the bringing back into balance of the Human Spirit with the Great Spirit. This Sign is a receptacle to receive the vibrations of the Universe, a chalice to contain the holy healing waters, the Guardian of The Way--of Life and Death and Rebirth. The supersensitivity of persons of this Sign, which can lead to intermittent ailments, is the self-same sensitivity that makes them appear to be prescient. Careful observation reveals that this so-called psychic sense is due more to paying close attention and having concern for the feelings of others than to any supernatural agent. True paranormal activity is governed by laws of physics that have not yet been discovered by man. A person of this Sign is inclined to keep his eyes and ears open and his big mouth shut. A Keeper of the Keys of the secret Kingdom. Rattlesnake Tooth is the Sign of one who reaches out for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, who seeks buried treasure in the mountain fastness, who probes the shadows of the mystic valley. A modern day knight errant in search of the Holy Grail, a Queen Boadicea defending her homeland. (How true are these words my brothers and sisters?) Who, all along the way, is looking for The White Path of happiness. The Shadow Dance History reveals that outstanding visionaries of the past were declared by their contemporaries to be disturbed, crazy, evil, or at best simpleminded. There is a tendency to dump all persons who are different into the category of Wicked Witch. Socrates was served hemlock, Joan of Arc burned at the stake by her own people, those she sought to save. It is important to maintain a balance in all areas of life: neither saint nor sinner be! Holding emotional stress inside can be very destructive. It is necessary to have a safety valve for strong feelings, or they will explode. Talking with friends is a good idea. Physical activities-walking, jogging, team sports-are good to ease internal pressure. The magician who channels his sleight-of-hand artistry into entertainment for an audience has found a healthy outlet - so long as he does not fool himself into thinking his act is for real.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 03:11:37 +0000

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