Ravana was not coming out with the whole truth because he thought - TopicsExpress


Ravana was not coming out with the whole truth because he thought if he retained the core of the secret knowledge with him, he would resume that activity after one generation or two. But Shanishchara was very intelligent. He sensed Ravana’s intention and refused to be taken in by his efforts to camouflage his sin. When Shanishchara’s persistent efforts failed to elicit full details of Ravana’s sin, he approached Vibhishana who disclosed every detail of Ravana’s secret operation. Shanishchara got suspicious about the intentions of Ravana and he told the whole world that he did not trust Ravana who had not come out with the whole truth. Striking a note of warning, he said, “No one should be surprised if he chooses to resume his sinful practice after a generation or two because he lies even to me. How can you people expect that he will speak the truth to you? Therefore, I take it upon myself to inform you – the rulers and the subjects of the world about Ravana’s sin and to exhort you to take whatever action you choose to dismantle his sinful operation.” The people of the world gave a serious thought to the advice of Shanishchara since they were convinced that he knew Ravana’s secret. They were convinced that unless they punish Ravana and his descendants to death, his sin would continue to scourge the humanity. So fearing that their offspring would be doomed if Ravana’s sin was not put to an end, they unitedly liquidated Ravana along with all his descendants. This fact is well known to the people of the world. Now the banias have tormented me by the same diabolism which Ravana practiced to torment Shanishchara. They are cursing Mother Earth by means of their mystic ritual. They are threatening to kill me by their diabolic rite. I have been going to the places where the banias assemble and when all their headmen, saudagars etc. meet. I persuade them to give up practicing diabolism. Pleading ignorance someone of them will say, “Go and punish those who are practicing this sin.” Some other will say, “I Don’t know anything about it.” There are others who say, “We will not give it up. We will practice it with vengeance as Ravana did.” Thereupon I advised Them to give up their sin which all of them as one community were indulging in following in the footsteps of Ravana. I told the mahajans that if they stopped it they too, like Vibhishana, will attain salvation. Impressing upon them to give up their sin. I said,” You are running this operation jointly because it cannot be run by an individual. I have exposed your sin in spite of your trying hard to keep it a closely guarded secret. When you are not telling me, how can you tell others who do not know anything about it. You will damn everybody and take the riches of the world in your possession.” I told them that even the mighty Ravana could not have his way, so how they (the saudagars) could hold on to it for long. I then advised them to give up their sin in the interest of safety and security of their own offspring. I further told them that the way Shanishchara had discovered Ravana’s sin and his persistent efforts forced Ravana to give up his sinful practice during the lifetime of Shanishchara, they should also abandon this abhorrent practice during my lifetime, or else, the people of the world would join hands and kill them. Ravana did not disclose his secret activity fully to Shanishchara, who then told the whole world that since Ravana was not coming out with the whole truth, it was upto them to deal with him in any way they liked. So believing in the words of Shanishchara, they lynched Ravana. After narrating this incident to them I said firmly to the saudagars,” I want you to abandon your sinful practice. You are downright unscrupulous people. You swear by Almighty God in the presence of the rulers saying that you have stopped committing sin so that you are let off with mild punishment. But after a generation or two you people come back to your old game. You have been managing like this. But now I am not going to rest content unless you stop it completely. Admonishing them I said, “You are rogues of first order. You are ruining the whole world. You are completely devoid of pity and compassion. You have corrupted the intellect of the people. So when I approach the rulers and men in authority to acquaint them with your sinful practice, they under the influence of your diabolism treat me as if I was a stupid. People stupefied by you hurl abuse at me while you are busy with your wicked game day in and day out and would not stop it. When finding them not listening to me, I argue with them, they even beat me up. It is all due to the effect of your diabolism. You do not want people to understand things you have spoiled their mind with your diabolism and so they are heckling and pushing me around.” So the people of the world! I want you to understand seriously how widespread their sin is and how it has influenced your thinking that you cannot discriminate between right and wrong. The evil that they do is perfectly all right in your eyes whereas things which are good for you appear bad to you. This is all due to the diabolism being practiced by the banias. Therefore unless you fully understand their web of sin and do something to dismantle it, they will go on practicing it. Whenever I tried to make people see reason, I was treated shabbily by the people under the diabolic influence. But when people began to understand their devilry, they hailed me as their Guru (guide to teacher). But I do not claim to be the Guru of anybody, nor am I a disciple of any guru. I do not make anybody my disciple either. These banias like Ravana have spoiled the mindset of the people and do not let anybody gat wind of their secret operation. So someone has to expose them to the world. A person who can discover the secret of diabolism and inform the world about it is a savior, as has been mentioned in the sacred Vedas and Shashtras. I am moved by the untimely death of children in the world. I have therefore decided, in the name of God, to expose the banias and their sinful activity to the whole world so that the children of the world have not to die untimely. People do not understand and yet in spite of my failing health I am determined on my mission to expose them. I do not have the strength to suffer the blows of the people and yet for the well- being of the children of the world I am proceeding on my chosen path in spite of ill- treatment at the hands of some people who refuse to understand because their mindset has spoiled. I suffer such treatment silently. When I venture to write about the horrific sin of the banias community, my body beings to tremble and perspire profusely. But keeping the welfare of the children of the world uppermost in mind, I take these suffering in my stride and continue my tirade against the diabolic practice. I impress upon the people all over the world to take a united stand to dismantle their secret operation. The banias have tormented me by their diabolic power so intensely and severely that the suffering of Shanishchara at the hands of Ravana was less painful. Shanishchara, who had detected Ravana’s sin, informed the whole world about it. To Vibhishana, he said, “Your brother Ravana is performing a diabolic ritual to harm Earth and the whole world. I have discovered his secret operation and for the long life of children I will mobilize the people to put an end to Ravana’s sin.” Hearing this Vibhishana got scared and for the sake of his clan’s well- being, he disclosed the magnitude of his brother Ravana’s diabolic practice. In this way Shanishchara, a devout person, could detect Ravana’s sin and made incessant efforts to finish it and was successful ultimately. But now the banias have started it once again. And the world is blissfully unaware of it. They have tormented me by their diabolic power, the same way as Ravana had tormented Shanishchara. Just as Shanishchara having discovered Ravana’s sin appealed to the good sense of Vibhishana, asked him to disclose in detail the diabolic operation of Ravana and guaranteed the safety and well- being of his offspring and Vibhishana had responded positively, in the same way I inquire from the banias about their secret operation telling them that like Shanishchara, I do know about their sinful practice and if they come out with the whole truth, their children and descendants will have a safe and secured future. But they are too die- hard in their roguery to come out so easily. Day in and day out they are engaged in their sinful practice. This fact has been mentioned in some books. In this books I too, for the information of the whole world, have repeatedly written about their performing a mystic ritual at some unknown place. It is my appeal to you to take a united stand to dismantle their secret operation in the interest of the safety and longevity of the coming generation of the world. You should do it during my lifetime, otherwise, their sin will continue to harm the world. Like Ravana, they are engaged in this activity absolutely secretly. If you ask them, they would not tell anything about it. If people of the world take a united stand against their sinful operation, it can be dismantled as was the case with Ravana’s diabolism which was demolished by the people unitedly. I try to make people understand but their sense of judgement has been spoiled so badly that instead of listening to me they laugh at me. They do so because they do not understand the gravity of the situation. Once they understand it, they will not laugh off my advice. Bereft of the sense of judgement, people are making fun of me saying that ‘the baba (the old man) has lost his senses.’ Somebody says, “Still others say, ‘It is likely that someone from the banias community has taken away his property and so he is maligning them.’ My dear brother, no banias has taken away my property. But they have certainly taken away your sense of right and wrong by their diabolic power. This is the reason why you are uttering these harsh words against me. A person who exposes the secret of the operation of diabolism has always been held in high esteem. Those who have exposed this sin and got it dismantled in the past, have all been venerated by the people. Dear brethren, in this creation of God, all the people are avatars in their own right. Only they are rewarded differently according to the degree of the devotion. A devoted person doing good work leaves his good deeds in the world, while a person indulging in wrong doing leaves behind his evilness. I am not doing anything wrong. I am taking all the trouble in order to see that the world becomes a better place to live in and people and their children live long and happily. With this aim, I am making people aware of secret activity of the banias which they are indulging in to harm the world. It will be good for the world of their sin comes to an end. But only I know what people have been telling me. As I have already written, people under the diabolic influence of the banias have been using very harsh words for me. I feel hurt but do not complain to anybody. Rather I plead before the people explaining to them the nature and effect of the diabolic activity of the banias. But still people do not think over it. Dear brethren, this is a very serious matter. That’s why I am repeatedly warning you and urging you kindly to give a serious thought to my submission. I am trying hard to explain to you the doings of the banias with the sole purpose of saving you and your children from a serious catastrophe. In return you are calling me names. I am deeply hurt. I feel like dashing my head against something. But I restrain myself because if I do not expose them who else will. Because the banias have tormented me by their diabolic power and therefore I know about their secret activity. This is the reason that I have taken it upon myself to expose them. I am not carried away by what people say about me. I go from place to place and explain to the people the secret nature of their sin and exhort them to do something to dismantle it. Ravana, Hiranyakashipu, Kansa, Karun and others while indulging in diabolic practice had thought that they would rule the entire world and establish their supremacy over rest of the people. But their sin became known to the people who got together and dismantled it The banias like Ravana are nursing the ambition of ruling the entire world. I want to sound a note of caution to all of you that they intend to doom the world as a whole, while keeping themselves safe and secret. They will create rivalry among different sections of people and instigate them to finish each other. All of you, therefore, should come together because it is in your own interest. Otherwise your future is bleak. I (Anoop Das) humbly request to the Britishers, who are presently ruling India, to identify the saudagar-mahajans and take steps urgently to finish their sinful practice. Another thing to be noted is the unawareness among all other communities about their secret operation, which they use for killing others. Ironically both Hindus and Muslims have great consideration for these banias. They maintain the same bond of affection with them as children have with their parents. They have great regard for them. The rulers have conferred on them the honorific title of ‘Shah’ which is added before their names, whereas in Badshah (King) this title comes afterwards. This should be noted that these saudagars are indulging in millions of evil practices and yet both the rulers and the subjects have trust in their sincerity. That’s why the title of Sah has been conferred on them. As a mark of respect father’s name comes first followed by the son’s name. The title was conferred on them because the rulers do not know that these mahajans breach the trust of others without any compunction. They think that they are very pious and religious minded people. So much respect is given to them that in an address the name of a saudagar is mentioned first and then comes the King’s name. This is to be noted that the rulers give so much importance to the saudagar-mahajans that there cannot be any regime without the presence of the saudagars in it. So the rulers and the people of the world! See how these mahajans have very cleverly won the trust of the people and yet they do not desist from treachery. Like Ravana, these saudagar-mahajans are performing their sinful rite secretly somewhere in an Island in the midst of high seas. Consequently, deadly epidemics are breaking out year after year taking a death toll of millions of people. People of the world attribute these calamities to the fury of God. They say that only God has the power to do so and no one else. My dear brothers- the Hindus, the Muslims and the Christians! Pease note that these saudagar-mahajans, like king Ravana, king Hiranyakashipu, king Kansa and others, have taken the forces of death and rain under their complete control. Which is why they are capable of causing famine and diseases of various kinds by means of their diabolic power. God has promised all possible comforts to all living beings. How can a creator harm his own creation? Anything deteriorates only after it completes its life span. Just think how when spring comes the forests covered with greenery look beautiful and pleasing to the eye but with the advent of autumn the same forests look desolate when trees have shed their leaves. The leaves become pale and drop down when they have completed their life. Before that they will never drop dead unless, of course, somebody plucks them or tears the branches. Alternatively, one can do it with one’s diabolic power. When somebody practices diabolism to harm nature, strong winds begin to blow which uproot a number of giant trees with all their leaves and branches. Similarly, man cannot die before completing his life-span. Nor does God kill him half-way. Nut now you see millions of peoples are dying at a very young age year after year. What is it so? Is it that during the Sat-yuga, when people died at the ripe age, the Almighty God were different and now He is different which is why people all dying prematurely? Take it from me that the intention of the banias is it decimates a large population of the world, so that they can rule the whole world. The banias have deprived the people of their thinking faculty. They think that the person trying to explain to them the intricacy of their sinful activity will die and people will not understand and then their act of sin will continue as always. But it is my deep seated yearning that their sin which I have found out should come to an end and the people of the world and their offspring are saved from damnation. Their plan is that when very few people will be left in the world, they will have their supremacy over all the countries and continents of the world. The Britishers and others in foreign countries do not know the secret of this mystery. They have not tried to find out why people are dying so young. It is not due to curse of God. No one dies like this. Of course, black magic can cause death to anybody. The saudagar-mahajans practice black magic against the person whom they want to harm and consequently that person dies. They are performing this black magic in an island in the midst of an ocean. That island is quite unknown to other and accessible only to the saudagar-mahajans. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Their show of austerity and religiosity is a sham. Outwardly they present themselves in such a way as if they were the greatest devotees of the world. They do so in order to keep their real intention a closely guarded secret. They think that even if anybody by any chance becomes suspicious about their activities, he will dismiss his suspicion as a mere imagination when he will see them doing religious duties. This duplicity of banias should act as an eye opener to the people of the world. They should see how religious minded they appear and how sinful are their real activities. They are simply following in the footsteps of Ravana who used the people of the world to desecrate the deities by throwing flesh and bones on them. People are offering flesh and bones to the deities at the behest of the banias. Therefore people are not to blame for this because the banias make them sick by their magic power and suggest to them that the unhappiness of the deities is the cause of their illness and therefore they should sacrifice animals to propitiate them. Likewise, they cause famine and attribute it to the fury of gods. Then they suggest to the people that famine has occurred because they did not worship various gods and goddesses. In order to propitiate the deities, people sacrifice animals, as suggested to them. Thereupon, the saudagars cause rains by toning down their diabolic ritual. If They did not stop or tone down their sinful ritual, there would be no rainfall even if all the animals of the world are sacrificed. In such situation people will say that God did not want the rain to fall. These things happen in those countries where people sacrifice animals to propitiate the deities. You can ascertain this fact. The rulers are taken in by the outward behavior of the banias. If they would know what their real intention are, they would never trust them. Like Ravana, they too have debased the sense of judgement of all the rulers of the world. They (the rulers) would not listen to any sane advice. The banias are creating feuds and rivalry among various kings and rulers. As a result, they are killing each other. People including the Hindus, the Muslims and others do not suspect their role in it since they are operating absolutely secretly. If the rulers had known that after the death of Raja Bal they are practising diabolism, they would not have trusted these banias and would have taken steps to curb their activities. I know from close quarters the sinister game of these banias but the kings, the rulers and common citizens of the world are so stupefied by the diabolic influence that instead of condemning them for their dastardly role they are heaping encomiums on them saying that the calamities are the manifestation of God’s will and the banias have nothing to do with it. The whole world has reposed so much faith in the banias. They do not know that it is not the fury of nature but the doings of the banias which is the cause of the world’s miseries. Captivated as their mind is, they say that their survival depends on the good work of the banias. Now listen to me. When Ravana practiced diabolism people had totally disregarded God and his mercy. They were all the time worshipping Ravana and expressing their gratitude to him for their survival. Now the banias are practising diabolism and people are praising them and thanking them for being their saviour. During the times of Ravana, Hiranyakashipu, Kansa and Karun people had forgotten God and expressed their gratefulness to those demon kings for all they did for them. Similarly, people in the present times are praising the banias and bowing to their wishes and showing them the same respect and consideration as children have for their parents. As a child reports without fear everything to his parents, including their criticism by anybody, the people both the Hindus and the Muslims in the same way, share everything with the banias treating them as their well- wishers. You people are seeing with your own eyes what is happening. I have also been watching how things are happening according to their plan. In India even salt is provided by the banias. Both the Hindus and the Muslims have always shown attention to them. But so ungrateful and treacherous are these banias that they are ruining the whole world by practising diabolism. So, the rulers and the people of the world- the Hindus, the Muslim, the Christians! Give a serious thought to the machinations of these unscrupulous people. See, how they have drained out the old treasures to the kings and rulers. For this they perform a mystic rite which results in tearing apart of Earth’s surface. Then they access the treasure and drain it out. This ritual is performed in an island where there are eighty four lakh Kundis filled with blood and pus. They have circulated stories about their secret sin like Ravana, these mahajans have set up their our heaven and hell. They torment eighty four lakh animals on as many Kundis. This is how their diabolism works. Different kinds of magical practices are in vogue in the world. The aforesaid mystic practice known as Indrajal is the one which is performed by the banias. They have destroyed the common people of the world. They do not let anybody get wind of their misdeeds. After draining out the treasures of the kings and rulers, they suggest to the people that their wealth has abandoned them. People being to parrot their words and say that Lakshmi (wealth) has slipped out of their hold. They would not say that The diabolism of the banias has deprived them of their wealth. Bereft of the thinking faculty they fail to see the role of diabolism. The way they drain out the treasures by tearing apart the surface of Earth in the same way they make idols of gods and goddess disappear from the temples by tearing apart the land. Even the temples disappear in this way. People are stunned to see such miracles. Then they instill an impression in their minds that the saints and yogis (the ascetics) are endowed with some supernatural power. The saints and yogis themselves begin to feel that they do have that superhuman quality when the surface of Earth tears apart and they go down with their body intact. But it is no miracle on their part. In fact, the saudagar- mahajans use their black magic to tear apart the surface of Earth and make the stretch of land hollow for a distance of say, two hundred miles. This provides a kind of tunnel to the sage who had gone down the torn land. After treading that distance underground, he comes out. So these banias armed with their diabolic power are capable of tearing a piece of land apart and make it hollow to any extent. If they tear the land upto four miles, the yogi who went down the torn land will emerge at a point four miles away from there. Another thing that they have done is the construction of temples and shrines on the Samadhi (grave) of great divinities, Mahadeo and other Gods and Goddess. People sacrifice animals at the altar of these shrines. The images installed in these temples, where devotees offer their prayers, are removed through the underground channel built by tearing the stretch of land and then they are made to appear at some distance. Thereafter they declare that at such and such place an image of a god or goddess has appeared. In this process Mother Earth suffers. When a human being suffers from swelling and burning sensation due to flatulence and as the painful sensation travels from, say, head to the back and then to the feet, he begins to writhe in an excruciating pain. The mahajans are causing a similar pain and suffering to Mother Earth. When they want to remove treasures or icons or even temples surreptitiously, they create ‘flatulence’ in the bowels of Mother Earth. The painful sensation travelling from one place to another serves as a conduit for transportation of these things, which come over ground at the predestined place. A human being experiences an excruciating pain when the painful sensation travels very fast from one part of the body to another. Similar pain is experienced by Mother Earth when things are drained out through the passage of her body. A number of diseases have been caused to Mother Earth which have made her weak and vulnerable. The fat content of Mother Earth comprising the silver and gold mines – has dried up. When the images of gods and goddess emerge breaking apart the Earth, people throng the place to witness the miracle. Wonder struck, they pray to God and seek His blessings. This is a mere trickery of the banias who make it possible by their diabolism which they call the Kalukal. People readily believe with awe in such miracles. They do not try to understand that it is the black magic of the banias which has moved the images of gods and goddess too far off places. They do not for a moment think how the images made from stone can move from one place to another. They have lost their thinking faculty and that’s why they fail to identify the magical force behind such happenings. The diabolism of the banias has stupefied everybody and people do not understand in spite of my incessant efforts. Nobody notices how they have made the land hollow by tearing it and how they have removed treasures. They only know that the wealth has disappeared. The images from the temples have been removed in the same way. It is they who decide where the removed images would appear and there only they appear. They perform the diabolic ritual and have the images removed. Before that they circulate a massage that at such and such place which is at a distance of, say, two thousand miles, the image of a god, or a goddess will appear. In order to witness the miracle of God, a large number of people including the Kings and others throng the area with their hearts filled with joy. There they prostrate before the image of the deity. These happenings i.e. appearance of images, tearing apart of Earth, occurrence of famine, outbreak of epidemics, draining out of rainfall, premature deaths are the contrivance of diabolism. This mystic ritual of Indrajal, which Ravana used to perform, has been taken up by the banias after the death of Raja Bal. this happening of disappearance and then reappearance of the images is well known to the people of the world. But people, bereft of their thinking faculty, do not understand. The almanacs and other writings in circulation have confused them. They are the product of the banias. Ravana during his tomes had produced and circulated literature of this kind to confuse the world. After Ravana and other demon kings, the banias have resorted to this practice. Just think when we suffer from some ailment, say fracture, how much pain we have to undergo. We forego our meals. These banias are causing a lot of suffering to Earth. They are tearing the body of Earth by their diabolic power. I want to inform the people of the world about the misdeeds of these unscrupulous elements and tell them that Mother Earth when hurt experiences pain just like we do. But people are totally ignorant of this fact. The saudagar-mahajans are causing a lot of pain to Mother Earth by performing the diabolic ritual. By producing and circulating misleading writings they have confused the minds of the people who do not realize that like Ravana, they are indulging in diabolism. The writings which people are trusting in are not genuine. They are indulging in the worst kind of diabolism. Like Ravana the saudagar-mahajans after the death of Raja Bal started practising diabolism. They are creating an impression that the saints and sages are endowed with some charismatic powers. As a result, people are running after Sadhus and faqirs for favour of their blessings. Now, if someone approaches a faqir to get his ailing son cured, the faqir will assure him that his son will get well provided he sacrifices a couple of goats at a particular shrine. Following the advice of the faqir, in whom he has full faith, he sacrifices a couple of animals at the specified shrine. Now if his son gets well, he will praise the faqir sky high saying he has supernatural powers. A wide publicity will be given to him. On the other hand if his son dies, people will say that he was destined to die. This is how you people having lost your wisdom, believe in such miracles and sacrifice animals to propitiate gods and goddess. These books are only misleading you. You are blindly following the advice of the faqirs who do not have any superhuman power. Of course those who are the devotees of god are not harmed. God is merciful to all. He never harms anybody. The diabolism practiced by saudagars has corrupted the intellect of the people as a result of which nobody remembers God. People are all praise for the banias just as Ravana was praised by the unwary people. These unscrupulous people have caused hundreds of diseases to Mother Earth as a result of which her health is deteriorating day by day. The gold and silver mines which were in abundance in the bygone eras have simply disappeared owing to the illness of Earth. This fact needs to be noted that the gold and silver mines provide the essential fat in the body of mother earth. Without this essential fat the body cannot have the required strength. The bones will become fragile. Such is condition of mother earth at present. The weakness of Mother Earth has affected her fertility. As a result of the diabolic rite of the banias there is not enough rainfall. Nor is she able to breathe properly. But you people are totally unaware of it. If you had known it you would have certainly done something for the well being of your offspring. During Ravana’s times people took steps to dismantle Ravana’s sin on the advice of Shanishchara. Now I want to impress upon you – all the Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians and others to read my book (Jagat Hitkarini) and take necessary steps to ensure the safety and security of the present and the coming generations. Any dilly- dallying on your part will give these banias ample opportunity to lure the rulers of foreign lands to rule India. I therefore forewarn you that something must be done to dismantle the sinful activities of the banias so that no foreign rulers will be tempted to rule this country. Because in the absence of their diabolism this country will once again have the Golden period of Sat-yuga. People will get back their thinking faculty. Nobody will have any greed or covetousness. The rulers of the foreign lands are tempted to come to India to acquire rich resources which once this country had. Nobody knows where the riches of this country have gone. The banias with their diabolic power have drained the entire wealth of this country. They have deprived people of their thinking faculty. A well fed lion would not attack anybody but when he is hungry he will tear to pieces whosoever comes his way. Such is the situation of the rulers. The saudagars are secretly planning to rule the entire universe. That’s why they have destroyed the thinking power of the people of the world. They always think of harming others. They cannot think good of others. This situation will be causing tension giving rise to clashes and riots. People will kill each other. The rulers have also strained their relations. They cannot see eye to eye with each other. One ruler wants to kill the other to grab his kingdom. But their wishes are never fulfilled. All of them die in this process. The purpose for which they kill each other is defeated because their wealth is grabbed by the banias. In this way all the kings and rulers of the world will be killed and the people belonging to the bania community will far outnumber others. They will, then, rule all the countries of the world. This is the ultimate goal of these people and for that they are practising diabolism. This fact has been mentioned in the beginning. When Ravana practiced diabolism, people on the advice of Shanishchara dismantled his sin in order to save their children from devastation. Similar attempt should now be made to end the diabolic practice of the banias. In fact when all the people will join hands and expose the misdeeds of these traders in every village and town and also to the Britishers and citizens of their countries, then alone the secret rite that they are performing in an island can be checked. So brethren-the Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians and other! Try to understand what I am telling you and give it a wide publicity in every village, town and street. When the king (Edward) will have thoroughly understood the secret designs of this trading community, he will completely dismantle the mystic rite of these people, which they are performing secretly in the island in the midst of an ocean. Therefore, the details of diabolism being practiced by these people should be brought to the notice of his Excellency King Edward. Some scientist in Britain and elsewhere are intrigued by the mysterious occurrence of epidemics year after year taking a heavy toll of life. Children are dying at a very young age in millions and nobody could demystify this phenomenon till date. I, Sadhu Anoop Das, Beg to impress upon all the practitioners of medical science, the Britishers and other to ensure that no one dies at a young age and for that they will have to do something to find and remove the root cause which is the diabolic rite being performed by the saudagar mahajans on the eighty four lakh Kundis by tormenting as many living beings. This mystic rite has given rise to innumerable problem including environmental disaster, deforestation, drought and even intellectual and moral turpitude in society. Different rites are performed to achieve different results. When the mystic rite is targeted against a person, he suffers from the problems intended in the ritual. But people think that it was preordained and the almanacs etc. had forewarned about it. Through almanacs etc. these traders have circulated ominous prognoses of the worst kind. They say that with the advent of kaliyuga people will indulge in incestuous relation. They will lose-their sense of right and wrong and will behave like animals disregarding the sanctity of their relation with their mother and sister. It is therefore incumbent on all of you to demolish this sin unitedly so that your younger generation could be saved from the threat of moral and intellectual degradation. Let me tell you with all the emphasis at my command that these problems are not the will of god. They are the outcome of the diabolism of the banias, which needs to be dismantled. They have spoiled the intellect of the people to this extent that they (people) do not realize that Mother Earth is a living being and she is suffering from several ailments. If she had no life, she would have dried up by now. How could in that case the universe survives and grows? So this fact must be kept in mind that Earth is a living entity and that’s why plants grow on land. The entire universe is based on her. But the banias have created confusion in the minds of the people and so they fail to see the reality. The banias are performing diabolic rite to curse Mother Earth, but people think that the predictions of the almanacs are coming true. The banias are happy in their heart of hearts that they been able to practice diabolism secretly and the kings and the subjects are attributing their miseries to the astrological predictions. Nobody knows about their secret operation which they have kept a closely guarded secret. I know of their secret operation because they have tormented me with their diabolism. I too was unaware of their secret game until I was subjected to torture by them. But you people are totally ignorant of their misdeeds because your thinking power and your wisdom has been captivated by them by their diabolic power. Since I am worried about the future of your children, I have taken it upon myself to expose their nefarious activity. I want to tell you that the occurrence of natural calamities, the incidence of infant mortality and miracles like disappearance of image of deities from the temples and their reappearance by breaking apart Earth’s surface are all the handiwork of these saudagars. If you want your children to live happily, all of you including the rulers and the subjects should unite and take steps to dismantle their sin. The damage that they have done to the thinking faculty of the rulers as well as the subjects is beyond description. As a result both the rulers and the common citizen have great trust in these treacherous people. They think that all other – the Hindus and the Muslims are untrustworthy even if they are telling nothing but truth. On the contrary, these saudagars are indulging in complete falsehood and yet people trust them. This is all due to the effect of diabolism. But they are cheating both the Hindus and the Muslims by manipulating their account books leading to their indebtedness. They forge the signature of the poor people on paper and manage false witnesses to grab their belonging including cattle herds as a repayment of the debt. When the matter goes to the court of law, they present the forged evidence which is relied upon by the court. The poor man is punished on the basis of the false case filed by the banias. This is the justice which a poor man receives from the court of law. These unscrupulous moneylenders prepare forged documents in the names of fathers and grandfathers of the poor people and when the elders have died, they ask the innocent people to repay their loan showing them the documents purported to have been signed by their deceased elders. They threaten them to take legal action in case they failed to repay the loan. In most cases the poor man succumbs to the threat and repays the amount. If he fails, he is dragged to the court, where the forged documents are presented. Taking cognizance of the charge, the court decrees the poor man to repay the loan. Thus the claim of the dishonest moneylender is upheld by the court while the honest man is proved wrong. This is how the courts give their judgement in the raj (the British rule). The reason is not far to seek. It is the same diabolic influence of the banias which has debased the sense of judgement of all the people including the judicial authorities. Pitted against the powerful bania, the poor man has no say even in the courts. Nobody trusts him. His sincerity is questioned. On the contrary, the dishonest moneylenders who have committed forgery are favoured by the court. Their manipulated account books, forged documents and false witnesses presented before the court are relied upon whereas the sincere pleadings of a poor man are ignored. What an irony is this that those who are toiling day and night are facing starvation, where as these traders and moneylenders have amassed huge ill-gotten wealth without doing anything. The banias, who are relatively less affluent, fleece the poor people of the world by resorting to forgery. As against them the wealthy banias dupe the rich by adopting all kinds of dishonest means. They have spoiled the sense of judgement of the people by their diabolic power. Which is why the evidence tendered by a poor man before a court of law is dismissed as unreliable? The less affluent banias forge the documents and file a suit of non-repayment of loan in a court against a poor man. But the wealthy banias make a rich person his target and files a suit against him by forging documents. They lodge a claim which includes not only the principal amount and interest thereon but interest on interest as well. They tell their victim that his grandfather had borrowed money from them showing them forged bond. If he agrees to pay him the amount, well and good. Otherwise they file a suit against him in a court of law and get the amount by way of the court’s decree. But the authorities and the rulers do not pay attention to their forgery. A poor man who has actually borrowed money from a moneylender will never deny this fact. In fact he keeps the record with him that on such and such date he borrowed such and such amount from the moneylender. He takes some other people in confidence in this matter. But when he has not borrowed any money from any money lender and the money lender prepares forged documents to claim a heavy amount from him, he seeks justice from the court of law and makes submission before the court on oath. He testifies that he never borrowed any money from the money lender and that his grandfather had repaid the loan with interest. He even presents documentary proof before the court but the court rejects his evidence. Pitted against a dishonest but wealthy moneylender, a poor man does not get justice in a court of law and his honesty is questioned. All his sincere pleading falls on deaf ears. On the contrary, the forged documents and false evidence of the moneylender are relied upon and the poor man is forced to pay the money because a bania is considered to be an honest and upright man by the men in authority, the rulers and others whose mind has been captivated by means of Indrajal. Besides, the agents of the moneylenders obeying the dictates of their masters, prepare forged promissory note in almost every other person’s name stating that such and such person has borrowed such and such amount mortgaging his cattle, house and other belongings to the moneylender. A statement in the name of the poor man is also recorded in document that in case he fails to repay the loan, he will have no claim over the mortgaged property, nor will he appeal to the king for justice. So they are deft in committing such forgery. And yet the king never suspects their honesty. There is no other reason than the diabolic influence of the merchant community that the people of the world have lost their wisdom. By practising diabolism they have taken in their possession the riches of everybody in the country. They have now set their eyes on the riches of other countries. They have already opened their business establishments in those countries. From time immemorial a large number of gold and silver mines have existed in the world. Therefore there was a lot of wealth in the world. These moneylenders have taken the riches of the world in their possession. They have thus enslaved the whole world. This is to be noted that the kings and their offspring depend on the farmers who work very hard and grow food grains. In spite of this they are forced to work as bonded labour. They work very hard but do not get anything in return from their masters. They are subjected to merciless exploitation. The farmers are toiling in the fields day and night like animals only to feed the whole world. In view of their hard work, they deserve to be treated with respect. It is they who are feeding us and our children. However, having lost their sense of judgement, people are playing second fiddle to these traders. On the other hand they owe to the hard working farmers no thanks. This is all due to Indrajal, the black magic, by means of which they have captivated the wisdom of the people including the king, who do not feel grateful to their real benefactors. The king and others holding authority deny justice to the poor. A poor man who has never borrowed a farthing from the moneylender and says so on oath before the authorities, is not trusted and the claim of the dishonest moneylender based on the forged promissory note and false witnesses is upheld. Thus the poor fellow is made to pay the debt alleged to have been borrowed by his forefathers of seven generations back. This is a travesty of justice. The reason is that the diabolic influence has blinded the sense of justice of the authorities. They fail to see that the poor man who has been wrongly implicated in case of non-repayment of loan, is in fact innocent. One person may be lying. Two persons may be lying. How is it that all poor persons are dishonest and all moneylenders are honest? It is the effect of diabolism which has created a situation in which the poor are always proved wrong. The court denies the poor accused every opportunity to prove himself innocent. On the other hand the false claim of the moneylender is upheld without checking the veracity of the documents presented by him. The accused who is poor does not get justice in spite of his being honest and innocent. The moneylender indulges in all kinds of falsehood and yet his claim is upheld by the court. It is because the dispensers of justice are under the influence of the mystic force. These traders and moneylenders have influenced the sense of judgement of the court authorities by their diabolic power. As a result, they cannot discriminate between truth and falsehood. All these banias have got together and fleeced the people of their money and wealth. They have resorted to this sinful practice in order to doom the world and establish their unchallenged authority over it. They are performing a mystic rite of diabolism to harm the world. Thereby they have destroyed the thinking faculty of the people of India to this extent that nobody, not even the king is remotely aware of the sinful practice of these traders and moneylenders. This they have done on purpose. If their operation remains secret, then they can continue their sinful activity without any hindrance and they will be able to take the entire riches of the world in their possession. They have already grabbed the wealth of the Indian people. Now they are aiming at grabbing the wealth of all other countries and continents. Their insatiable greed for money drove them to take recourse to the sinful practice of Indrajal. They are looking forward to a day when they will own the entire riches of the kings and emperors of all the countries and kingdoms and the mighty monarchs of the world and their subjects will pay obeisance to them. They will be the rulers of the world. This is the reason that I want to inform and educate you people the Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians and others, about the diabolic designs of these saudagars. You have to take a united stand to dismantle their diabolic operation. If during my life time you are able to unite and do something, I am confident that you will succeed in your effort. Otherwise there is little hope.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 17:19:18 +0000

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