Ravens Revenge They called him the raven quietly swooping down - TopicsExpress


Ravens Revenge They called him the raven quietly swooping down upon his prey, Quick with words, quick with wit and even quicker to get away. A charming smile teasing the ladys fair, yet at times intimidating, Causing the Ladies to swoon, leaving the men hating. The longest of raven hair, flowing softly down his back, But when the mood suited him, pulled back showing a tanned muscular neck. His emerald eyes how they sparkled against the noonday sun, Sometimes a black felt hat pulled low, shielding them from everyone. A jagged scar edged down his cheek tanned from days in the sun, It came from one of his hardest fought battles needless to say he won. It lent an air of mystery, so handsome the ladies thought, Though they tried their hardest to win his hand, he thought of none that he would want. He played among the rich, the elite, nobles by birth, Each of the balls he went to, he quietly judged their worth. What was his living? It was really quite hard to say, From rogue, to pirate, to thief to spy, he let nothing get in his way. Ah sweet revenge was his passion, his lifestyle a means to an end, Born from humble beginnings, homeless, Sir Justin had taken him in. At first he was companion, later a friendship grew, Upon his death Raven gained everything, but was set up by someone he knew. Locked behind bars for murdering his friend though it was not true, Whips and beatings, days without water or nourishing food, He swore revenge against his known accuser, No longer would he be abused but instead become the abuser. His chance was to come as a guard came way to near, Hands tightened against his throat, his eyes terror filled. And indeed they should be for he was the one that meted out the harsh punishment At that moment Raven was the executioner that past so swift a judgment. He released the prisoners one by one, and set a blazing fire, All stood there watching as the flames burned higher and higher. Raven disappeared in the shadows which direction no one knew, When the constables all arrived they discovered he left behind no clues. Six years had come then gone his reputation grew and grew, No one recognized the young lad they once knew. Near his goal now, he stood in his enemys hall, Tonight he was a wealthy landowner invited to a birthday ball. His grand entrance was noted by the ladies scattered here and there, And a young girl of seventeen could not help but stare. Aye a beauty among beauties as he looked at her with a smile, MMMMM perhaps revenge could wait for just a little while. Playing the gentleman he approached her side asking for a dance, But as she introduced herself he realized this was his chance. Silently he laughed eyes sparkling with pleasant mirth, Oh this was too good to be true, his enemys daughter by birth. He danced with her, he wooed her, he took her for a walk upon the garden path, Suddenly he grabbed her, disappeared in the forest never once looking back. His coal black steed awaited him such a thunderous ride, A camouflaged cave that only he knew found them inside by daylight. He took her forcefully, feeling all the rage over the years, But as he released his passion inside, he regretted causing her tears. So innocent she had been and he had taken that away, For the first time words had failed him, he didnt know what to say. Perhaps using her for revenge was not such a good plan, He berated himself for using an innocent girl for revenge against a man. He held her tightly soothing words come forth easily, He felt her hurt, regretted her pain, would that he had been more pleasing. Aye the girl had suffered the pain, but now she felt something more, A tingling sensation, fire raged, this man she had searched for. He had invaded her dreams more than once, and yes it was he, He was the man of her wants, her thoughts, the man of her needs. For the first time Raven was undecided, what was he too do? His revenge had backfired making him feel the fool. He returned her home disappeared into the night, The innocent stayed in her room for days, all she could do was cry. Sir James searched high and low a marriage to make things right, His sweet little innocent was the love of his life. As time passed by her belly swelled a wee one grew day by day, But still she dreamed of his return, and prayed that he would stay. Raven sailed from a distant shore each day she invaded his mind, No matter which road he traveled no peace could he find. He should gaze upon her one more time to ease his aching soul, Upon his secret arrival his childs birth was about to unfold. Her father had his shotgun a wedding here and now, Raven had no objections he would make her happy somehow. A baby boy with emerald green eyes though the color of hair untold, His innocent bride he gave a locket made of solid gold In truth he had gotten his revenge though Sir James would never know, But he would not speak of these things lest the ill winds again blow. He had married the enemys daughter though it wasnt the revenge he had planned, Perhaps was truth and justice that lent the fates a hand.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 20:10:07 +0000

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