Ravenwolf, Ravenwolf... Everybody gotta bash Silver Ravenwolf... - TopicsExpress


Ravenwolf, Ravenwolf... Everybody gotta bash Silver Ravenwolf... Argh! Heres MY 2 cents, and you can bash ME for em all you like! While I dont laud the lady, and I do see the problems folks have with her, I hesitate to hands down discount her completely. For beginners and those getting a rehandle on the basics shes fine. Then again as an Eclectic I cobble my own road and see no author as a paver of the way. If youre being particular Cunningham had his faults, one of them being so broad in an attempt to cover all paths in one that hes almost too obscure to grasp easily. Huson, on the other hand, while a stronger writer by far, tended to lean on his Hollywood training. Even Buckland bore the occasional chink in his armor, and in my mind WAY overgrandized the simple joy of peasant-based candle magick, making it closer to a Ritualistic (and expensive!) ordeal. Uncle Al, while poetic, was as mad as a hatter and (in my opinion) a self-rightous asswipe, and while were on the subject of self-aggrandizing publicity seekers lets not forget Sybil Leek- The thing is, guys, you read all and EVERYTHING you get your hands on. You read and read and read. Eventually you cull- Separate wheat from chaff. Notice discrepancies and similarities. Find side-roads to follow and learn while there are rules, theyre sometimes approached from a different way... In the end you finally accept that this path isnt easy. Its not handed to you by a preacher. You have to take responsibilty for your practices YOURSELF, especially as a Solitary, which -hey, lets admit it! - thats why were HERE, and not busy reading our Covens prescribed material, completing the 13 Grades. While I myself have gleaned a bit from all of the above mentioned sources (and quite a few more) I would only recommend Dorothy Morrison and Yasmine Galenorns nonfiction to any beginner comfortably. Even then I doubt I could overcome the urge to add But thats just personal taste... It ALL is, when you get to the meat of the nut, and the rules that ARE will be grasped once youre ready. I realize that sounds obscure and pretentiously esoteric, but it truly just falls into place. Like finally shuffling the cards easily suddenly happens to a poker player, then ever after is less an act than a reflex. Just remember, no matter when or how the bubble finally sinks (or has sunk) for you, it may not happen that way for your neighbor. I know youre excited, and want to share the joy that has opened you wide and made your heart sing, but think- Dont become the person that you were once complaining about, who tried to Save you the other day. Sharing your beliefs or a welcomed discussion of views is one thing; bashing others to reinforce your views is hypocrisy.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 06:15:25 +0000

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