Ravi Shankar A Nagarajan feeling SCARED Connect The Dots1 hour 1 - TopicsExpress


Ravi Shankar A Nagarajan feeling SCARED Connect The Dots1 hour 1 min ago My Predictions: Who: The plane was hijacked by the voice that signs off with Malay ATC saying: All right, Roger that. It is likely one of the two pilots. I do not know which pilot is the voice, but their family would recognize them easily. My money is on the younger first officer. Check MLA for specific pilot work schedule requests for this flight. How: The suspect timed it just right for ATC switch over from Malaysia to Vietnam in no mans land, buying valuable time to cover absent transmissions and other suspected irregularities. He commandeered the plane probably while insisting his colleague take a coffee or rest room break. And systematically locked out the other pilot from the cockpit, shut off communications, Wi-Fi and transponders. But neglected the engine satellite telemetry. He put on his O2 mask, shut down cabin oxygen, and tried to render unconscious the cabin stragglers by climbing to 45,000 ft. He used land navigation towers to wend his way across the Malay Peninsula in some clever flying. Then broke out across the sea. There is an absence of islands, settlements and human contact in the South Indian Ocean. The Indian Ocean is over 2 miles deep on average. Where: Likely headed south out of radar tracking to avoid military radars in India and Diego Garcia. And avoiding Australian radar from the Southeast. His heading after the Malacca Strait was due South or South West. Final heading on plane contact crash may possibly face Mecca as a Muslim sign of religious reverence.(NW) (Interesting subsurface oceanic feature is the 90 East Ridge: a 3100 mile undersea mountain range that is probably only seen by satellites not by ocean goers. But it is a feature that draws the eye, is named, and would be a nice, rule of thumb, romantic target selected by an aviator and map lover to parallel fly and die in.) What: The plane crashed intact into the ocean as it ran out of fuel. It disintegrated on impact but the debris field is relatively compact. There were NO survivors. Death was by crash, not drowning or fire as the fuel had run out. Flotsam will be found by long range patrol planes, Australian or American. The lack of any land base would require long range missions based out of Diego Garcia. Very Expensive. Black box retrieval will await a Titanic like expedition. And yet the continuous black box recordings may not yield that much. The last 6 hours of uneventful level flight with a solo pilot in oxygen mask not talking. And the earlier flight events recorded over and erased. Why: Impossible to know as in any suicide. One of the pilots may be depressed from a relationship, finances, or job loss. See Egypt Air flight 990. It was not a terror jihad plot, though pilots were Muslim and did have pro Islamic Sympathies. This pilot did a lot of planning and homework. Find out if: -If he learned about 777 maintenance panels and wiring from ground crew. - Owned Navigation charts and maps of the area. -Check his computer for Google searches, documents, email contacts, purchases, web surfing, and txting. -Has he become suddenly hyperreligious? -Pilgrimage to Mecca recently? -Made peace with estrange family and friends. -Contacted a lawyer regarding last will and testament. -Giving away possessions. -Talked of or Attempted Suicide? -Taken a New life insurance policy with handsome payoff. Islamic culture as demonstrated with the Air Egypt Pilot does not do well with Mental Illness. The cure for any good Muslim is to pray harder to Allah. And it leaves psychic wounds unhealed. When: The plane had enough fuel for 7.5 to 8 hours maximum flight. It crashed near 800 am. Undersea Sosus networks should confirm the time. And may provide valuable triangulation data to locate the crash site. Other data networks could be the personal mobile devices carried by passengers. And perhaps triangulation of the hourly pings of satellite telemetry may establish a constant heading. Implications and Lessons Learned: -More screening for pilot mental health and security clearance. -Installation of cameras and audio monitoring by satellite for both cockpit and cabin. -New push for pilotless aircraft with autonomous robot flying. -Ability to remotely commandeer the plane to return home in event of an emergency like cabin decompression and asphyxiation of all passengers and crew. Muslims are doubly suspicious. -The Malaysian Officials behaved very much like the Egyptian officials: Intense denial and Political Motive to shape the narrative that a Muslim Pilot would go Psychotic and Kill everyone on a jetliner. They controlled the information, tried to cover it up, delayed the release, and ultimately could not cover the satellite data. Sometimes a catastrophe becomes a political issue. And it makes it a double catastrophe. And now China and the United States are both angry at the political games and lies played by Malaysian Leadership. The Truth is Hard to Bear. And every Delusions Must End. - From comments on Economist Blog economist/blogs/banyan/2014/03/malaysia-airlines-flight-mh370 Chat Conversation End this is more SCARY
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 08:23:23 +0000

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