Ray Rice doesnt deserve to be banned from the NFL. Yeah, yeah, I - TopicsExpress


Ray Rice doesnt deserve to be banned from the NFL. Yeah, yeah, I know let the flaming begin, but just for the sake of argument please let me explain. First let me say I do not condone his actions nor do I believe he should not be held accountable for them. I watched the video and I did not see a woman fearing for her life as she was being abused. I saw a couple in the middle of a very heated argument, as there was no audio I can only assume there were lots of vile words spewed at each other. She escalated the argument to a physical confrontation as she was the aggressor. I know hes a big bad football player and he should be able to handle a woman hitting him.....BULLSHIT!!! Abusive behavior is abusive behavior. If the roles had been reversed and he had struck her numerous times before she retaliated. Then if she had gotten a lucky shot and knocked him out there would be no outrage over her abusing him. The same people who are screaming for justice would be laughing at how he got his ass kicked by his girlfriend. Double standards exist in domestic violence cases. Its not always the man who is the abuser. She pushed this to a physical assault, and it escalated quickly and horrendously as things can do. The police arrested both of them for assault, which I feel is correct. The media and some so called stars have all gotten on board this horse and riding it for all its worth. But, even with all of the things done wrong here by both parties, they got married. Which tells me there are more good times than bad times for them. If theyve worked it out, or are working it out, what business is it of anyone elses? Hey it may well be a relationship with lots of problems, but its theirs, is yours perfect? The man is an NFL football player, hes good at what he does or he wouldnt have gotten to the top of his sport. It is a violent sport, and to succeed you need to be stronger and hit harder than your opponent. Should he have kept his cool and not retaliated? YES by all means. Does he need to seek help in dealing with his anger when pushed to far? YES! Does she need to seek help in controlling her anger? YES! They both have some issues that they need to overcome, but again thats none of my business. Check the local police dept. where you live and find out how many cops have been charged with domestic violence. The numbers may shock you. Yet, they still carry a gun and a badge. Domestic violence is a very real problem, but this is a case of making an example out of a high profile athlete. Things got out of hand in that elevator and ended badly, and couldve ended worse, but she shares the blame for escalating the argument to a violent end. Both parties are lucky that things didnt end tragically. Should he lose his job and be banned from the sport he has spent his life training for? Over one second of stupidity? We have seen athletes and stars do much worse than a man and (future) wife having a fight in an elevator. Pick any NFL team and see if you can find an entire roster with no history of arrests. Why is this case so much more damning than any other? Just my two cents worth on the media circus.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 00:06:47 +0000

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