Raymond Williams Facts over fiction: I like to have an eye - TopicsExpress


Raymond Williams Facts over fiction: I like to have an eye opener here ,the following is by Chief X Open your eyes to falsehood Christianity Christians : Placing Dates To all Christians and watch everything unfold . Because expecting a common sense conversation is virtually impossible . So I want one of them to answer the following : You always start by ask christians this question before the discussion starts . Do you agree humans have been on the planet for over 100,000 years ? 90 percent of them will say yes ,then thats when I open up a can of whip ass of knowledge and proceed to show them a chronologically biblical chart that says adam and eve according to their own bible ,is only 6000 years ago. You should see the discombobulated looks on their faces at this point .I then say ,either the Bible is dead wrong or someone is telling you a bold face lie ,it has to be one or the other ,you decide .While they are still discombobulated ,and trying to figure out what just happened ,I then tell them its both , surprise surprise ! No real scientist , black white or otherwise ,in their right mind would agree with what the bible says about Adam and Eve being in 4000 BC .when there are human bones found that date back 50k ,300k to 3 million years ago . Im still waiting for them to answer .by this time Im simply saying to them come on ,use your common sense and open a book a more like history book and read it . And to addressing the flooding that flooded the entire planet and and killed everything ,but a select few in 2500 BC !??? really !? says who !? Not the ancient Egyptians ,because they didnt write or carve anything , I mean nothing about that catastrophic event .There was never a time in history ,were all seven continents were flooded at the same time and there was a break in human life where everyone died except ,Noah and his supposed clan of all white people and pets,,,, okay ! This really is hilarious comical . There were monuments and pyramids being built at the same time of this cataclysmic world over event ,Wow ! This mind raping is so ridiculous and pathetic ,its doesnt even qualify as a childrens tail .the crap that theyve tried to pull on us for generations and millenium ,to promote their non existence and so-call great history of theirs ,which in fact is Ours Great Stories .if anything it shows Their Thievery at its best on their behalf . When you talk dates ,that will shut the whole conversation down and folks will walk away with bibles tucked .Lets be real melon and deeply carbonated people and do away with the stupidity and ignorance ,that so many of us are running around here with .Our Ancients reported and documented most everything ,events of importance and wasnt a damn thing mentioned about a flood ever happening to the magnitude in which these people have fabricated ,simply no record of it anywhere .Who are you going to believe? European theologist an archaeologist or the Ancient Ones ,who left stone writing and who were there to record it all , who happens to be and look like you Youre Great Ancestors !? Also no evidence of any Jewish Exodus from Egypt and Moses name is not even record in the Nile Valley . There was King Amose who chased out some Hyksos or are shepherd kings\asiatics from West Asia around 1500 BC ,look it all up ! There was no dude named jesus: no abraham record either .This too is shown and proven fact ,the very long and detailed records ,The Ancient Ones kept throughout Ancient Africa . All of the stories and names mentioned here are allegorical\ fictional\ as well as symbolic .Also there is no Solomon temple to be found anywhere or any evidence of it in any recorded history . Im no longer anger with other brothers and sisters who are sleeping deeply in part because ,I realize the conditioning and reconditioning is very deep .it also may come from some truth out of lies .a punishment handed down to Our Ancestors for us bowing down to a lesser species .As well as the lack of teaching in schools of real history or better yet our stories .The Miseducation of the black minds ,its a travesty and a well-designed plot of deception and deceit fullness . All We Need to do is learn Our Stories and do away with their fictitious stories .Search and open the real books and read them ,youll then have a very clear Overstanding ,that their interpretation and deception of history is the Truest Accounts of Our Stories .World history and Ancient African history are two different things entirely , Know This and Thyself ~..~ HoTep To Learning ,Innerstanding and Overstanding Thyself ,,,,, Unlike · Reply · 8 · 13 hours ago
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 13:16:32 +0000

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