Raymond walked over 1500 ft today in PT. He was using his light - TopicsExpress


Raymond walked over 1500 ft today in PT. He was using his light gate walker. He was very tired after he finished. His usual speech therapist is not here this week so others are covering his sessions. He did ok, it just takes him time to warm up to people and changes in his routines are distracting. With more recovery that should improve. Tomorrow I will be away during the day, this will give him some time to start trusting the staff to do for him what I normally do. Its going to be very difficult for me to be away from him but I know hes in good hands. One step at a time, for me and for him. I have prayed very long and hard about being away from the hospital and I feel that this is the direction I need to go, I have to make sure we are prepared and ready for any changes that might come our way. Its taken me a very long time to get to this point but the truth is that Im the person who has to take care of Raymond and that means I will have to be away from him at times in order to do what is necessary. Its not what I want but I feel in my heart that it is very necessary for our future. I prayed that God will give me the peace of mind needed to do this and so far I have felt very good. I know God has our future already planned and I have to trust his path. Thank you for your support. Be good to each other. We love yall.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 03:32:42 +0000

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