Rays rant for the day .... were ALL going to hell in a hand - TopicsExpress


Rays rant for the day .... were ALL going to hell in a hand basket. I just read in the Financial Times, our Wall St Journal that some economist who correctly predicted the US credit and housing bubble is now calling for a possible drop of 90% for the stock markets and 50% unimployment in the States. The reason is quantitative easing by the fed. With 25 - 100% inflation and 25% interest rates. The Republicans can take credit for cutting the deficit ( they forced the sequester funding levels ). In Jan 15 2014 another 30 billion is due to be cut again which is good. However Im wondering if they are going to agree to cut billions of dollars in direct subsidys to big agra. Not the Ma and Pa farm but the large commercial ones that are run by Monsanto and the like? In my honest opinion Canada is so much farther ahead than the States for we are LESS democratic. Right now our Parliament is shut down BUT NO ONE NOTICES that it was prorogued, ( because ONE MAN the Prime Minister said so to avoid embarrassing questions). But the bureaucracy is fully funded and up and running. In Canada the members of parliament vote the way the party whip says FULL STOP. YOU WILL DO AND VOTE THE WAY EYYYYYE SAY or you are thrown out of caucus. In Canada we have a 3 line whip system. 1 - 3. 3) you can vote any way you want. 2) cabinet ministers MUST vote with the party, 1) ALL must vote party line. If a budget or money bill fails you immediatly go to another election. So that rarely happens, Parliament is FORCED to compromise. In practice the Prime Minister appoints senators in Canada. Its for a life time appointment and they can NEVER be voted out because they were not voted in. You retire at age 75. In practice they are also not allowed to stop of kill any bill, but only add sober second thought ....AND THEN RUBBER STAMP THE BILL. So in practice your going to vote the party line period NO MATTER WHAT YOUR INDIVIDUAL CONSTITUENTS WANT. My final thought of the day is OBAMA GET WITH THE PROGRAM and vote for the Republican suggestion that ALL MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, ALL STAFFERS INCLUDING THE PRESIDENT GET THE SAME LEVEL OF HEALTH CARE AS THE AVERAGE AMERICAN. YOU MAY NOT BUY, YOU CAN NOT HAVE ANYTHING I CANT AFFORD FOR MYSELF when it comes to health care or university ... or anything that can be considerd public goods. If that was the way it was now I dare say the average American would have far better health care than they do now. Oh and that would have to include the 48 million ppl that dont currently have health insurance and the 48 thousand ppl that die every year in the States from inadequite medical care. Hmm is there anyone that read to the bottom of my rant ... NO NO there is not but its fun to beak off ahahah.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 21:01:18 +0000

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