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Re- post..:-) Why good people are still unhappy, at times..:-) The Greatest Irony of All Posted on December 30, 2013 by Christopher (NOTE: The following will be appropriately incorporated into my autobiography. These are only thoughts and notes compiled over the years, and are not the complete and final version that will be published.) It’s been such a burden over the years … since 1987 … keeping the real truth away from the other humans with whom I share this “lone and dreary world.” To help me keep the secrets, consistent with the following Book of Mormon concept, “It is given unto many to know the mysteries of God; nevertheless they are laid under a strict command that they shall not impart only according to the portion of his word which he doth grant unto the children of men, according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him.” (Alma 12:9) four mortal men [into whose bodies immortality was assimilated into mortality] exist upon this earth along with three other supernatural beings (for want of a better term to describe them) to support and mentor me during this experience that I perceive as a dual reality. They exist to help me keep the secrets and do things properly for the sake of those who are to benefit from this Marvelous Work and a Wonder® (“MWAW”). I refer to the four mortals as the “Three Nephites” [so-called] and “John, the Beloved,” (the Brothers), and to the other “resurrected” beings as “Joseph Smith,” “Moroni,” and “Mahonri” (otherwise known as the “brother of Jared”), not because these religious-based characters actually existed as they are presented in religious stories and myths, but because these men actually do exist in my experience and there is no better way to describe them to others. However, their existence, like all of my claims, can be viewed based on one of the four possibilities: 1) They are an illusion created by an insane mind that started on June 16, 1987, when I lost my ability to deal with the reality of my existence growing up in a LDS/Mormon culture and working behind the scenes of a very secretive, hypocritical and inhumane church. (The same thing happened to Joseph Smith, Jr. during the spring of 1820, commonly known as the First Vision.) Watch the movie, The Fight Club, starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton, for a sound Hollywood presentation of the possibilities of this abnormal mental behavior. And, yes, I have thought about this possibility from time to time over the years, often wanting it to be true. However, at least in my own mind, this possibility is not acceptable to me because of the empirical evidence that I have experienced with these men over the years; and more probative is the information that I have received from them. I have witnessed and been a part of their interaction with other people, at least with the four mortals. There’s also the fact that others have seen me with them (maybe not fully recognizable, but I have been seen with these men who others assumed were them). There’s also the fact that without yet traveling to distant areas of the planet, somehow money seems to flow to two separate foreign bank accounts from the bank accounts over which I have legal authority in the United States. But because these transactions are protected and accountable only to me, some might argue that my demented mind is simply making foreign transactions that revolve around me. Now, the fact that the MWAW Trust owns land in two different areas of the earth, purchased through foreign entities involving foreign lawyers, might seem to provide empirical evidence, but my sole control over the MWAW Trust still provides opportunity for doubt. It could very well be possible that I traveled to these areas, dealt with the lawyers myself, and purchased the land. Oh, how I wish I were allowed to reveal the exact location and the names of the lawyers with whom we transacted the real estate deals! These lawyers would verify that I did not leave the United States, but had others who represented the MWAW Trust make the purchases. But Rod Vessels’ involvement in these transactions in 2010 should provide this empirical evidence … that is, if he hadn’t suffered a major stroke that has caused him to question and doubt the reality of everything he experienced while dealing as legal counsel for the MWAW. Oh … but then my enemies and critics will simply state that I hired proxies to do my business and deceive Rod Vessels. I suppose no matter what seems logical, there will always be a cause for doubt when such seemingly extraordinary claims are made. Alas, sometimes I wish possibility number 1) was the case and that I would receive therapy and end the role of their true messenger and live my life in more peace and harmony with others. For this reason, I’ve often entertained this thought as being feasible over the years in hopes that upon pondering it I might trigger an emotional response that snaps me out of what appears to me to be very real and my only reality. Could my mind be that powerful, that deceptive, that controlling over my reality? This question leads to the next possibility: 2) I am a genius and everything that I have done since 1987 has been a concentrated manipulation with a specific purpose in mind … and I’ve yet been able to exactly define this purpose, as it has yet to show much success in its intention, whatever it might be. (Joseph Smith, Jr. was like-minded and comparably skillful and clever.) Some suppose that because I have previously used the line of logic by stating that I could prove that Joseph Smith was a fraud who made everything up by making everything up myself, that this is my purpose. I introduced this line of logic once in my own attempt to get people to think because I was confident of my abilities, which were the same as Joseph’s, both of us having the exact same knowledge. This possibility would force my enemies and critics, however, to admit that I am much smarter than they, or any other man for that matter, because there has not been a man since Joseph Smith who has accomplished what I have through the MWAW. I do appreciate the consideration of this possibility and I would like to believe it, if I could, but it would negate possibility number one 1), which is much more real to me. Furthermore, those who know me intimately, would agree that possibility number one is far more likely than concurring that I am some sort of genius. The other two possibilities appear self evident: 3) The LDS/Mormon religion is the only true religion upon the earth and Lucifer has deceived me like the BOM character, Korihor, in order to test the true Latter-day Saints. If this were the case, and the LDS/Mormon people sure hope that it is, then I would eventually meet a Korihorian end: “Now the knowledge of what had happened unto [Christopher] was immediately published throughout all the land; yea, the proclamation was sent forth by the chief judge to all the people in the land, declaring unto those who had believed in the words of [Christopher] that they must speedily repent, lest the same judgments would come unto them. And it came to pass that they were all convinced of the wickedness of [Christopher]; therefore they were all converted again unto the [LDS/Mormon faith]; and this put an end to the iniquity after the manner of [Christopher]. And [Christopher] did go about from house to house, begging food for his support.” (Alma 30:57-58) HOWEVER, The chances of those who have embraced the MWAW being “converted again unto the [LDS/Mormon faith]” are about as realistic as the Mormon Church convincing the United States government and the rest of the world that gay rights are not humane rights that should be protected under human law. They lost in California, they lost in their own State of Utah, and they will always lose when confronted by me and the MWAW … and they will never, EVER, re-convert any person who has learned the “secrets” of the MWAW. And, of course, 4) It’s all exactly what it claims to be. I know that possibility four 4) is the only sustainable and logical possibility. Those who have discovered the MWAW and applied the challenge to read the books and listen as I explain “the mysteries of God in full,” that no other mortal has ever, nor can ever, explain like I do, have also come to this conclusion. However, the challenge to their faith in me and the MWAW is still valid: If another, any other, ever comes forward with a more complete and logical answer to “the mysteries of God” than I have given and will continue to give, then the possibility of the MWAW being true will be proven incorrect. And believe me, there are many (and well they should) who seek for answers outside of the MWAW that could possibly confound and challenge it. Unfortunately for the enemies and critics of this work, theose answers cannot be found. It would be easy to prove this work not to be what it claims … that I am not who I claim to be: present a better answer. Solve the mystery of the book of Revelation better. Explain the LDS/Mormon temple endowment presentation better. Explain the book of Isaiah better. Answer the questions of our existence better. Shouldn’t be too hard of a task, should it? Find a better answer! But anyways, What are the secrets that I have withheld, that I continue to withhold, from the world? Over the years I’ve had great hopes that one might come along, any one, who has figured it out, who has come up with the same answers, who can offer an explanation of the book of Revelation, of Isaiah, of LDS/Mormon history, or human reality. I’ve had some hope that once involved in the MWAW, one might start figuring it all out, tapping into the source of all real truth and real intelligence; i.e., things as they are, as they were, and as they are to come. So what does the “real truth” really mean? It means that when an answer is given, nothing in the past, nothing in the present, and nothing in the future will ever negate or change that answer. Therefore, the “secrets” that have been withheld from the knowledge of the people of this world since its beginning (foundation) have to be things that will never change … that have never changed. Some might suppose that they already know all the secrets, that they’ve finally got it all figured out. These people are deluding themselves. They don’t know much! And now, to end the year 2013 and to begin the year 2014, a year in which I will finally be able to get on with my job and start explaining all the “secrets,” let’s start revealing some of these never-before revealed, and never-changing secrets … yep, even things that those who have been involved with me for almost a decade can’t explain: You see, that’s why I know how important my role is to this world. There are many who are coming to a full knowledge of the “mysteries of God” who can’t explain them. They can’t explain them because they are not a true reality to them. They’re just concepts. Concepts can change as more intelligence affects them. ”The mysteries of God” are not concepts to me because I know them and understand them unlike any other mortal. It was given unto me to know these mysteries of God (and there are not many of us, just five mortals right now), nevertheless we have been laid under a strict command that we shall not impart the answers only according to the portion of them that is understood by the willing mind of the God who wants to know the answers! Here’s another secret revealed, which should be a logical conclusion once one realizes who “God” really is. So let’s reveal the hidden meaning of the following BOM scripture, which was written by advanced human authors with the intent to help mortals find the only true God and heed his commandments: “It is given unto many to know the mysteries of God; nevertheless they are laid under a strict command that they shall not impart only according to the portion of his word which he doth grant unto the children of men, according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him. And therefore, he that will harden his heart, the same receiveth the lesser portion of the word; and he that will not harden his heart, to him is given the greater portion of the word, until it is given unto him to know the mysteries of God until he know them in full. And they that will harden their hearts, to them is given the lesser portion of the word until they know nothing concerning his mysteries; and then they are taken captive by the devil, and led by his will down to destruction. Now this is what is meant by the chains of hell.” Keep in mind that the above things were written with the intent to get people to think, to turn within to their true God. In other words, turn to themselves, their own mind, the only person who will ever give them commands and cause them to act upon these commands; the only person who has the real power to reveal the truth of all things; i.e., the things that “God” accepts as being true. So let’s rephrase the above BOM scripture revealing its true intent: “It is given unto every human being to know the truth of all things; nevertheless each is laid under the burden of the limitations of their own mind according to the heed and diligence which they give unto their desire and willingness to search for the truth of all things. And therefore, that human who does not have the desire and willingness to find the answer, the same receiveth the lesser portion of the truth; and that human who has the desire and willingness, to that one is given a greater understanding of the truth of all things, until it is given unto that one to know the truth of all things in full. And they who do not have the desire and willingness to search for the answers, will never understand anything beyond what their own mind has set as its limitations, until they know nothing about truth; and are taken captive by the limitations placed upon them in their mortal state; and therefore, led by human nature down to destruction, not of the physical body necessarily, but as to the understanding of the truth of all things. Now this is what is meant by the chains of hell.” The real truth is: Every human knows exactly what I know. We know what is good and what brings happiness and a positive experience, and we know what is bad and brings misery and a negative experience. A little child knows these things. Now let me reveal one of these never-before-considered secrets, the one I call, The Greatest Irony of All: The message of the MWAW is based on a two-fold premise: Value (Love) your self (God) with all your heart, might, mind, and strength, and value (love) your neighbor as your self. On these two principles are the laws of all advanced, perfect human societies based. NOW LISTEN CAREFULLY TO THE SECRET … the great irony that none but the five of us mortals understood until now: WE DON’T LIVE IN AN ADVANCED SOCIETY! WE ARE PURPOSEFULLY GOING THROUGH A MORTAL EXPERIENCE THAT HAS BEEN SET UP IN SUCH A WAY SO THAT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO EXPERIENCE WHAT TAKES PLACE IN AN ADVANCED SOCIETY! In other words, it’s impossible, as a mortal, no matter what anyone says or tries to opine, to value your self with all your heart, might, mind, and strength, and others as you do your self! It’s impossible because the alignment by which we value all things was created in an advanced human society with a perfect physical body. Our value systems are not instinctual like other animals. They are inherent (inborn) and a part of us from the moment our mortal brains begin to fully operate outside our mother’s womb, at least the ones that will never change. Mortal parents do affect our value systems, but these erroneous values change as we gain more knowledge about our mortal experience. The values that will never change (true values) are those inherent in each of us; i.e., what is beautiful, what feels good, what smells good, what is emotionally comfortable and what is not. The alignment of everything upon which we place a true value is already there, subconsciously known and controlled by the advanced, perfect human brain in which the entire mortal experience is taking place. How can we love our mortal self when the whole basis and intent of having an imperfect mortal body going through an imperfect mortal experience is meant to be diametrically opposed to what we have known forever as the perfect human experience? How the hell can we value (love) what is taking place upon this earth? How do we value growing old? Stinking? Going to the bathroom? Getting sick? Being forced by necessity to value our own lives above all others? HOW THE HELL CAN WE VALUE OUR MORTAL SELF AND THE OTHER IMPERFECT MORTALS WITH WHOM WE SHARE THIS EXPERIENCE WHEN WE ARE CONSTANTLY, SUBCONSCIOUSLY COMPARING OUR CURRENT EXPERIENCE WITH THE INNATE ALIGNMENT OF HUMAN PERFECTION WITHIN US? Is there any wonder why we don’t love our self? You show me a person who really loves him or her self with all his or her heart, might, mind, and strength, and I’ll show you a Down Syndrome person. No normal mortal has the ability and capacity to love their self completely, totally, and without reservation! How many Down Syndrome people are on Facebook? Isn’t that what social media is all about? We don’t value our self enough to be alone in our world without contact from others. We seek out others who provide us with the value that we feel we are entitled to, at least a value that we want to believe is real. Is how others value us real? Or is their value of us simply a manifestation of their attempt to gain value from us? If you ever come across any mortal, besides those who are mentally and physically mortally abnormal, who claims to love him or her self with all his or her heart, might, mind, and strength, you have encountered a person who lies. The secret, It is impossible to live by the standards of a perfect human society, upon whose laws are based the idealistic reality of valuing one’s self above all others and valuing other’s self as being above all others, UNLESS YOU EXIST IN A PERFECT HUMAN SOCIETY WITH A PERFECT PHYSICAL BODY! The more you try to love your self with all your heart, might, mind, and soul … the more you try to love your neighbor as you do your self … … the more hell you’re going to encounter in the failure! More of the secret and a better understanding of this great irony: Don’t try because you will NEVER succeed as a mortal. ACCEPT THINGS AS THEY ARE. BECOME COMFORTABLE WITH THE KNOWLEDGE THAT THIS MORTAL EXPERIENCE WAS MEANT TO MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE TO … … partake of the “Tree of Life,” of which you partook freely before you partook of the “forbidden fruit of the Tree of KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL!” That’s why there are “Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turn every way, to keep the way of the tree of life” making it impossible to put forth your hand and partake of that fruit, or better, making it impossible to live and feel like you did as an advanced human being. Your hell comes from trying so hard to live by the two-pronged standard that will bring complete peace and happiness to our human experience: loving our self above all and allowing others to do the same. Your peace will come from accepting the impossibility and doing everything within your power to be satisfied with the fact that it is impossible. HOWEVER, it sure is nice to experience the feeling when we do comply with these two principles. :-) But when you finally figure out that it’s impossible to always comply, then it will be much easier for you to enjoy the absence of the feeling while going through this mortal experience. In other words, DON’T BE SO GODDAMN HARD ON YOUR SELF OR ON OTHERS! EMBRACE ALL THE NEGATIVITY! EMBRACE ALL THE SHIT PEOPLE HAVE PUT YOU THROUGH AS PLAYING THEIR PART IN PROVIDING YOU WITH A WONDERFULLY MORTAL EXPERIENCE! THE WORSE THIS EXPERIENCE IS, THE BETTER IT WILL BECOME WHEN WE RETURN TO OUR TRUE EXPERIENCE AND COMPARE THE TWO! That there, folks, is The Greatest Irony of All. :-)
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 13:20:36 +0000

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