Re: 2014 Congress Wrap (BY CZAJKOWSKI) People To: - TopicsExpress


Re: 2014 Congress Wrap (BY CZAJKOWSKI) People To: [email protected], Les Malezer, Glen Kelly From: Wieslaw Czajkowski To: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2014 12:05 AM Subject: Re: 2014 Congress Wrap (BY CZAJKOWSKI) With the current agenda of the Congress, the Peoples dream of sovereignty will never materialize without having a National Representative Body, which had been postulated by the movie FREEDOM FOR OZEANS with a Government in Internal Exile, as quoted: There remains a great need, to have a national representative body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples where we can come together in unity to fight for the special status and needs of our people. Tammy Solonec.Member of the Board. The agenda in no way can undermine the very fabric of the Commonwealth Australia. Only radical movement can, as the movie provides, with Tammy Solonec combined, in opposition to the Art.46 of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. It may gain a humanitarian concession for the would be SOVEREIGN STATE OF OZEANS. STATE OF OZ, with a corridor at least 1 km wide from the South Australia to the South Australia North, embracing the Katherine Gorge National Park and the Kakadu National Park. To: Wieslaw Czajkowski Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 9:22 PM Subject: 2014 Congress Wrap Corporate Newsletter Click here to read the web version of this enews. 17 December 2014 Constitutional Reform Front & Centre @ Fundraiser The private sector and philanthropists were targeted to contribute to the Recognise constitutional campaign at the inaugural Recognise Fundraiser in Redfern recently. Congress joined other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members and leaders, non-Indigenous supporters, the Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, along with national media in shining a spotlight on constitutional change. Congress Co-Chair Kirstie Parker said there was an opportunity for real, substantive and lasting reform to be achieved. “I am optimistic that this country is brave enough to be ambitious, Ms Parker said. Non-discrimination is a key issue for our peoples, and we owe it to ourselves and others to address it by all available means. If we dedicate ourselves fully to the task, I believe we can achieve something that is just,something Australia could be proud of as a nation. Now is not the time to aim low.” Read Tony Abbott’s full speech here and Bill Shorten’s here. Public Meetings Wrap Up Congress at Canberra public meeting (L), and Co-Chairs talk to Tiga Bayles before Brisbane public meeting. Congress Co-Chairs have just wrapped up a series of public meetings around the country from 10 – 27 November. Co-Chairs Kirstie Parker and Les Malezer – along with Congress Directors - attended meetings in Brisbane, Cairns, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth. We thank our deadly members, delegates and supporters who came along to get updates on the latest Congress business and to have their say about the issues affecting them. Co-Chairs Parker and Malezer talked on the six major projects in the Congress reform package: • Strong Representative Congress • Constitutional Recognition • Accountable Governance • Respecting First Peoples • Common Prosperity • Ending Institutional Racism Throughout the process, our main aim was to get out there and bring together community, members and friends in thinking and talking about the issues important to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Co-Chairs Parker and Malezer also reaffirmed the Congress vision: Leading Peoples; Protecting Rights; Being Representative; Securing Futures; Building Relationships and Identifying Solutions. With around 8200 individual members and 180 member organisations, we are only as strong as our members and we have been heartened at the overwhelming support we received at our public meetings this year. We were also happy to sign up a few new members along the way, and always welcome more. We remain, as ever, committed to advocating for the recognition of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People’s rights and working towards securing a strong and vibrant economic, social, cultural and environmental future for our First Peoples. We look forward to what we might achieve together in 2015. -------- At the issue is EXTINCTION but ABOS, also called Ureans or Ozeans as I prefer the latter.So ,let the Karingal Aboriginal produce with my permission the movie FREEDOM FOR OZEANS. --------- Search also for SIMON POCKLEY --------- ACCORDING TO ANTHROPOLOGISTS: --------------------------- The Extinction of Abos is near, but about it they don’t want to hear !!! ------------ From: Ralph Modjeski To: modjeski@thefreesite Cc: [email protected]; w_czajkowski@yahoo; gmc@usa Sent: Sun, March 13, 2011 8:41:04 PM Subject: Re: SOVEREIGNTY Dear Michael Mansell: I am still waiting for your response. Truly - Wieslaw --- modjeski@thefreesite wrote: From: Ralph Modjeski To: Cc: , Subject: SOVEREIGNTY Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2011 19:45:55 -0800 Dear Legal Director Michael Mansell: I am Wieslaw Czajkowski of San Diego, California, aka DOO WARAMBOOL, campaigning for enlistment of Indigenous people of Australia into the World Heritage programme of UNESCO as the only way for prevention of your people from extinction. They are under assault by any means possible that it should happen quickly thus solving to white fellas all problems in dealing with. The process of assimilation has to do with it and the recent drive for Aboriginal National Congress, as well as the rewriting of Australias Constitution, serve the same purpose. Your failed attempt to establish Aboriginal Provisional Government, despite of actions by ATSIC in similar direction, should be replaced by Aboriginal elected Government in Internal Exile and following it an Aboriginal Congress, both uniting all Aborigines Nations across the continent, to their detriment dispersed and and culturally diversified that allows manipulate them endlessly as the complete extinction will occur. Now I am in Perth, WA, trying to deal with local South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council but without a success for they agree with official policies speeding up the process of assimilation. Please take what it was said into consideration and try to find a modus of operandi which would keep Aborigines united in their strive for sovereignty. Yours truly - Wieslaw, Doo Warambool. ------- D E C L A R A T I O N (PROPOSAL, FEBRUARY 2014) Federal Government of Australia (Government) solemnly DECLARE, that in order to repair harm had been done to the First People of inhabited by them TERRA NULLIUS, being occupied by Settlers, and to prevent formation of a First People Government in Internal Exile, as planned, the Government by referendums and legislative acts is willing to transfer the Northern Territory to the First People for creation of an unobstructed by the Art.46 of United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, a Sovereign State of OZ, and does cause voluntary relocation of Settlers from the OZ to other States of Australia, as well as the First People from these States to the OZ, with due compensations. The task of conducting referendums, the Government will assign to Aboriginal Land Councils within respective States and of the Northern Territory, over seen by the National Congress of Australia’s First People. Referendums’ question should be: DO YOU ACCEPT VOLUNTARY RELOCATION OF THE FIRST PEOPLE TO THE NORTHERN TERRITORY? Cc: Aboriginal Land Councils per the: Government – Prime Minister Hon.Tony Abbott; Congress: Hon. Les Malezer, Co-Chair. Wieslaw Czajkowski, BSAE, San Diego, California.----------------------------- Wednesday, August 8, 2012 2:56 PM F R E E D O M F O R O Z E A N S (+PLOT)(+ANAYA) SCENE I. Contour of Australia seen from space in black, surrounded by blue, with distinguished white boundaries of most strong clans, still approximately 80. Music: classical of Ozeans performed with didgeridoos. Voices: inarticulate, laud, joyous, coming from within the boundaries blinked at this occasion, thus making a cacophony of sounds and blinking sparks. Narrative: IT WAS THE LAND OF OZEANS BEFORE 1788. SCENE II Contour of Australia in white with boundaries of 80 clans in black. From within these islands of clans heard weak, undistinguished, voices in languages of the clans. At the left, lower side of the continent an island with the name NOONGAR On the right, East side, an island marked CONGRESS OF OZEANS. Music: from low tones to high contemporary of white settlers, laud and bombasting. Narrative: IT IS THE LAND OF OZEANS ON THE VERGE OF EXTINCTION. SCENE III. Continent of Australia covered by the 80 clans with boundaries in the shape of QUADRATES. Within each quadrate it is seen a TOTEM specific to each clan. On its left side name NOONGAR. At its right name CONGRESS with its EMBLEM. Music: soft, reconciliatory, specific to Ozeans and Settlers, over their continent surrounded by colors BLACK, EYELLOW AND RED. Narrative: IT IS THE LAND OF THE FIRST PEOPLE, RIGHT NOW IN 2011. SCENE IV. From the quadrate NOONGAR, does departure a charter bus with a Presidential Candidate and en route from the first quadrate to the last one he or she collects TOTEMS, as a sign of appreciation of the Candidate’s drive for presidency. It might be not excluded, that from another quadrate departs second Candidate in a competition to the Noongar’s one. One or both of them will finish the presidential tour in the CONGRESS. Music: embalming tones of the Australia’s and First People’s anthems. Narrative: PRESIDENCY DRIVE FOR OZEANS, VICTORIOUSLY ENDED. SCENE V. Continent of Australia seen from space, in a mosaic of colors resembling colors of Australia and OZEANS, glimpses of their flags, and the QUADRATES, each surrounded by palms of hands joyously waving. The silhouette of CONGRESS within filled with waving hands. Music: performed by didgeridoogists. Plenty of them. Narrative: WE, THE FIRST PEOPLE, IN OUR OWN CONGRESS ARE NOW ASSEMBLED SCENE VI Into the Chamber of Congress enters the winner of the presidential ride and is vigorously applauded by Delegates from each QUADRATE. And all in a solemn mood needle small TOTEMS at the edge of the Flag of the First People of Australia, so let it be known, across the world, that OZEANS have been united by the 80 clans into ONE NATION. Music: responding to the Clan of the Winner. Narrative– WE, THE PEOPLE OF OTHER CLANS, DO BLESS OUR PRESIDENT AND THE AMENDED NATIONAL FLAG SCENE VII In this Scene are seen TOTEMIZED QUADRATES heading into direction of the not yet having status of an Australian State, the NORTHERN TERRITORY in order to establish there a SOVEREIGN UNITED NATION OF OZEANS. Music -Anthem of the United Nations Organization Narrative- ALL NATIONS ON EARTH PLAYS TO THE TUNE OF THE UNITED NATION OF OZEANS. DREAMS OF OUR ANCESTORS HAVE BEEN FULFILLED. WE CAME FROM THE DOO WARAMBOOL, A PLACE IN THE MILKY WAY. FROM THE MILKY WAY, HOME OF THE PLANET EARTH. Author: w_czajkowski@yahoo------------------------------------------ The Extinction of Abos is near, but about it they don’t want to hear !!! – HAVE SAID ANTHROPOLIGSTS. -------- Abos of Guatemala acts: View gallery · . Guatemala City (AFP) - A community of 230 Orthodox Jews from several countries Thursday began leaving the Guatemalan Indian village where they have lived for six years after claims and counterclaims of discrimination and threats. Their exit from San Juan La Laguna, on the banks of Lake Atitlan and 200 kilometers (125 miles) from the capital Guatemala City, follows a meeting Wednesday in which Jewish and indigenous representatives failed to reach an agreement. We are a people of peace and in order to avoid an incident weve already begun to leave the village, Misael Santos, a representative from the Jewish community, told AFP. They had received threats, Santos said. We have a right to be there, but they threatened us with lynching if we dont leave the village, he added. Most members of the small Jewish community are from the United States, Israel, Britain and Russia, and around 40 are Guatemalan. Approximately half are children. Since October, the local indigenous population has accused the Orthodox Jews of discriminating against them and of violating Mayan customs. The Council of Indigenous Elders said the Jewish community wanted to impose their religion and was undermining the Catholic faith that is predominant in the village. We act in self-defense and to respect our rights as indigenous people. The (Guatemalan) constitution protects us because we need to conserve and preserve our culture, council spokesman Miguel Vasquez told AFP. See: by Simon Pockley about the Real People of Australia. They are the subject of extinction and as endangered species must be protected by the UNESCO. FIND A PLACE FOR THE ABOS’ RACE !!!!!!!!!! PORT-AU-PRINCE¸2003: Voodoo has been declared an official religion by the government of Haiti. “Voodoo is an ancestral religion and an essential part of our national identity”, reported the Associated Press. ---------------------------------------------------- February 1, 2014 By Les Malezer via Facebook: I am making this post at the request of a few peoples. Wieslaw Czajkowski is not a friend or associate of mine. He takes liberties in posting my photo on his page, and frequently cited Congress in his Facebook and email messages. I met Wieslaw at a rally at the Tent Embassy and was happy to have my photo taken with him. However he has overstepped the boundaries of politeness by taking liberties with that brief moment. I will not condemn Wieslaw as I believe he in not harmful and bitter. He is not a Facebook Friend so I cannot take the step to befriend him. I urge everyone who is surprised and disturbed by Wieslaws messages to ignore his rants. Other than that I wish him the best of health and happiness. February 3, 2014 via Facebook:. Dear Les Malezer, Spiritus Movens of the National Congress of Australia’s First People: Your advice about ignoring my rants needs a small clarification for our relationship had been commenced on the memorable day of February 12, 2008 (*) at insistence of the Tribal Warrior of Redfern i.e. 3 yrs before the Congress has been established and the photo was shot for further references. It made me proud as to the liberties of acting for the benefit of the Australias First Peoples on many occasions and places, Facebook not withstanding. The latest is an appeal to your Congress to take a part in the La Ruta Maya Belize River Challenge, which for the Congress would be an achievement of international significance. With this I remain truly yours - Wieslaw Czajkowski ,Honorary Member of your Congress. (*) Sovereignty Convergence at the Parliament of Australia in Canberra.--------------
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 16:00:56 +0000

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