Re-Branding America... As you consider what is possible in your - TopicsExpress


Re-Branding America... As you consider what is possible in your life and for the future of humanity, imagine for a moment that you could travel back to the convening of the Continental Congress and the signing of The Declaration of Independence... for proper perspective make sure to bring your cell phone and wireless laptop to the meeting. Please let Our Founders know their inspiration was correct about the importance of their American Time and Destiny. Watch the look on their faces closely as you take their picture... text your friends and log on to the web. Surely theyll be astonished by your magic, but dont be surprised to receive a look of disappointment when you tell them that our use of technology has made the times we live in anything but Magical. Explain to them that technology is only as good as what we put into it. Google their names and show them how often their tributes also contained the ugly story of slavery. Tell them it was their decision to exclude and divide what is an indivisible truth, that all people are born equal that began a traceable line from the signing of The United States Constitution through The Civil War... to today, and the possibility of a nuclear holocaust on American soil. Also make sure they understand the act of allowing institutional Inequality to stand for some, created a festering lack of faith in Equality here in America and out of that grew a lack of faith in the basic Idea of America around the World. Its simple, if the word All doesnt mean all... Who then does America really stand for? But go easy on Our Founders and Thank them with all your Heart and Soul, because they gave US all we really needed when they gave US the words all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights and while its true that they didnt do all they could possibly do to make these words true... Its O.K. because after 237 years neither have We. But lets face it... Some people Hate America and Our Founding Fathers because in their minds, the men who founded America were racist slave owners who ratified a Constitution that put into writing the ugly idea of a fractional person-hood and citizenship based solely on the color of ones skin. And to these people I say... You are right... and you couldnt be more wrong to Hate America and Our Founding Fathers. As more and more people came to the shores of America... they brought with them a whole host of prevailing beliefs. Some of those beliefs were VERY, VERY, VERY UGLY. And it makes sense, The Dark Ages... were given that name because they were dark. VERY DARK. But slowly... Very Slowly... that began to change as those who came to occupy the shores of America began to sense their own state of equality. And as more and more people began to assume a measure of true belief in The Essence of Equality... the first nation state founded on The Promise of Equality for All... began to take shape. And yes many of the men who gave shape to America in the early days were racist slave owners. But they were also imperfect men who lived in a very dark time without running water, electric lights, telephones, television, radio and the internet. It would have been nice, very nice if Our Founders got it all right... right from the beginning. But they didnt. Even... IF... they had wanted to, they couldnt... convince a new war-torn nation to discard all the old, very ugly ways. No they couldnt. That would take time. More time and technology than any one person had back then... when life expectancy was only a fraction of what it is today. In other words, its time to finally give Americas Founding Fathers a break and place the blame... for todays racism and ALL the other ugly forms of discrimination right where it all really belongs... ON ALL OF US. After all... We... are the first generation without any excuses. https://facebook/ReBrandingAmerica
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 15:23:28 +0000

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