Re: Councilmember Stanley Chang /LABEL GMO Thanks - TopicsExpress


Re: Councilmember Stanley Chang /LABEL GMO Thanks Courtney.....I was always under the assumption/impression that groups endorsing pro label it agendas included the fight at home/locally, and not just at the federal level.  So the endorsements that were made- they are just for folks who want labeling at the federal level-  not at the county/or state level? That is a huge factor for the citizenry tracking the HCFSAF endorsed a candidate, Chang, who is against labeling at the county and state level?  Someone please, please clarify this, wow.. How disappointing. It would be most advantageous if the endorsement piece put out/distributed by the pro-label it groups made that distinction....that their endorsements include/ favor people getting elected to office who want to stifle, prohibit, stymie, block, and deny all peoples in Hawaii at the local level from taking ownership of their health and demanding laws to protect bizarre and conflicting is that? Thanks Tom On Saturday, August 16, 2014 12:34 PM, Courtney Bruch wrote: Aloha Tom~ Ive only heard him say this is a federal issue. Courtney On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 12:14 PM, Tom Berg wrote: Aloha Right to Know Friends, >We have a golden opportunity right now to have all county council members across the state unite and advance legislation calling for the state legislature to enact GMO labeling rules and need to wait for how it plays out in Vermont, or other kick the can excuses...we can get labeling done in Hawaii right now if all venues - all four counties in Hawaii, and the state itself are united. It begins with the HSAC 2015 Legislative Package going on RIGHT NOW! Please see my email below explaining the opportunity to take action using Honolulu City Councilmember Stanley Changs new zest and zeal to get GMO products labeled when he pitched himself as the label-it guy during his run for congress. MAHALO Tom Berg 808-753-7324 > > > >On Saturday, August 16, 2014 11:22 AM, Tom Berg wrote: > > > >Aloha Carroll Cox, > > >It would be greatly appreciated if you would consider following through on a subject matter regarding labeling GMO food products and cover it on your weekly radio show. > > >Right now, all of the county councils in the state of Hawaii are engaged in deliberations to formulate what is called the Hawaii State Association of Counties (HSAC) legislative package for 2015. The HSAC legislative package is a compilation of requests from all four county councils and meant to advise Hawaiis state legislature what they need executed. The caveat here though, is that any and all requests to be included in the HSAC package must pass all county councils respectively- meaning they are identical in language and applicable, serve a purpose agreed to by all four counties in the state.  > > >Example: In 2011, three out of the four counties- Kauai, Hawaii, and Maui advanced for the HSAC 2012 legislative package a resolution calling for the labeling of GMO at both the state and federal level. In opposition, was the City and County of Honolulus council which blocked the measure (by a vote of 8-1), with Councilmember Stanley Chang successfully leading the way against labeling.  The same scenario repeated itself in 2012.  > > >In 2013, after two years of the neighbor islands being bullied, defeated, overrun and stomped on, the counties of Maui, Kauai, and Hawaii failed to advance any GMO legislation for Honolulus consideration and thus, no HSAC legislative package has ever included a request to label GMO since. > > >But wait, dont give up! Theres hope for GMO inclusion in a HSAC legislative package for 2015 because now Councilmember Stanley Chang supports GMO labeling across the board at all levels according to a couple of organizations and certain leaders fighting for GMO labeling. Chang himself had a commercial airing on television that he wants to champion GMO labeling.  > > >Pro-GMO labeling folks and the very organizations that endorsed Councilmember Chang should be ecstatic that Chang will remain in office through the rest of this year and will have a golden opportunity to vindicate himself on his previous positions --for Chang had voted consistently to kill all GMO labeling measures that came before him in the past.  > > >Presently, with a new HSAC legislative package being crafted for 2015 by Councilmember Chang, he has the opportunity to take action on his campaign promise for congress that he supports GMO labeling at all levels and is for county home rule on prohibiting chemical saturation of our soil, water, and air.   > > >Councilmember Chang could right now, initiate GMO labeling and make good on his promise and show us what his word means and what he stands for.  Will you contact him and ask him to champion GMO labeling for the 2015 HSAC legislative package?  > > >Attached is a PDF document of chatter on facebook- screen shot of comments made by pro-label folks telling us who to vote for- and includes Stanley Changs name.  I would infer from the endorsement of Chang for congress by a particular advocacy group, that certainly, these pro-label groups would expect at the very least, Chang would make good on his quest at the Council level where he has the position, power, authority and means to carry out the mission at hand-  and that is our right to know. > > >What will Councilmember Stanley Chang do with the remaining four months he has in office? Will he continue to protect his colleagues who have taken the Monsanto cash, shield them from being exposed and called out on their positions? Or, will Chang step up and legitimize the endorsement he received from pro-labeling advocates and insert language for labeling in this years HSAC? > > >If Councilmember Chang puts labeling GMO in a reso to be included in the HSAC legislative package for 2015, he will have actually earned the title of being pro-GMO labeling. But as of now, Changs do nothing attitude to advance labeling of GMO in this years HSAC package says it all. Chang has refused thus far to even suggest GMO be included in a HSAC package, let alone discussed.  Yet, this is the guy pro-labeling GMO advocates want leading the fight. Confused? Me too.  > > >Thats where you come in Carroll. Why arent any of the pro-label GMO organizations pushing labeling as an issue for a HSAC package this year? Are they protecting Chang from being exposed as a hypocrite? I thought the goal was to educate and disseminate as much publicity as possible in every venue possible whenever possible, the plight of the GMO.  > > >In my opinion, the credibility of the group(s) that endorsed Stanley Chang for congress are really on the line here.....will these pro-label groups ask Chang to take action and make good on his promise? For the first time in our states history, we have the ability to have all four counties request the state legislature stop ignoring the will of the people and let us know what is in our food.   > > >The pro-labeling GMO movement has the opportunity to focus its energies at the county level right now and possibly yield a major victory for labeling- carrying that momentum to a new legislative body by simply asking Chang to follow through on his promise, to execute the will of the people.  > > >If gambling were legal in this town, I would bet everything I have that Councilmember Chang, with four months left in office, will not fight for labeling, let alone even introduce into the HSAC 2015 Legislative Package....he will do nothing to advance labeling in reality is my opinion... he touted he would, fight for labeling LOCALLY when vying for a congressional, lets see the action, for he is in the position to do such right now and get labeling into the forefront before the legislative session starts at the Capitol. > > >Mahalo for your time and consideration- maybe it would be advantageous to invite the groups that endorsed Stanley Chang for congress based on his position on GMO, to participate in a discussion about this on your radio program. My goal is to make aware and alert folks, that the HSAC package going on right now is critical, and has value in this debate...for some reason, no pro-GMO group/organization is asking Chang to my knowledge, to follow up on his promise.....I think thats wrong and ill-advised and super cowardly. > > >Tom Berg   > >
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 23:05:32 +0000

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