Re. HEALING, THE NEED FOR TRANSPARENCY Our character make up - TopicsExpress


Re. HEALING, THE NEED FOR TRANSPARENCY Our character make up comes from life experiences, contrary to our belief in vernacular as the world would have you believe. Our every emotion, and though, and even the way we treat others are our DNA markers. With time, these markers can become our baggage we lug around, these markers might look like anger, distrust, or disappointment. Oddly enough, we lay claim to these and use them as shields, we will call this “Pride and Arrogance”, our defense mechanism against exposing our innermost selves. This is always an impediment to any attempt for ministry to occur, therefore, we must be transparent before the LORD. (Ephesians 5:13) [13] Everything exposed by the light is made clear [14] For what makes everything clear is light. Admitting our vulnerability is to admit our humanity and our need for God. This is the first step to the healing process (Ezekiel 36:26,27 HCSB) “You are made new” [26] I will give you a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.[27] I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to follow My statutes and carefully observe My ordinances PRAYER Father God, Thank you for calling me by name and claiming as your own. By your omniscience, you knew me long before I was born, and the person I would become. Thank you for these life experiences that cause me to realize a need to be changed by Your indwelling Spirit. I pray for courage, O LORD, to surrender wholly to your sovereignty, and let this process of healing to begin with me from this point forward. LORD, I lay my baggage at the foot of the throne because they’ve become much too heavy for me to bear. I thank you in advance for hearing my prayer. In Jesus mighty and precious name, Amen. Selah
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 20:14:35 +0000

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