Re Member Expand your awareness! There has been Parallell - TopicsExpress


Re Member Expand your awareness! There has been Parallell reality Earths that has long since annihilated themselves And there Parallell reality Earth that are evolved to a heaven on earth status With no disease no evil no haters no sickness. An infinite Parallell reality earth with realities and variation between those two extremes exist and all are happening Now because now is the only time there Is. Re Read that and let it sink in. What we will be made to overstand that they all exist in their own parallels And you decide which one you will experience with your choices your behaviors Your decisions your love your vibrations your frequencies. Mmmmm So now choose wise of forget full Enoshite What I want the incarnates to know is again To experience what we call movement is to change or shift or slide to a Parallell reality. To experience what you call memory or remember anything is to switch or cross connect to a Parallell reality where those things you remember exist and are ongoing. All existing Now . If you and I take a movie film strip and look at the frames no movement exist in each frame unless it is projected onto a screen and moved In front of your eyes each frame being in a different position and movement is created in frog of your eyes But without this illusion no movement is in the movie. Each frame is a still picture that Is how physical reality is structured. And objects dont exist in locations location is one of the variables of the object equation your house your block your neighborhood does not exist in a location but the location is one of the variable of those objects equation its energy vibration That make it seem of occupy a place or space in time. And things In reality are just energy every object you see is just energy Your Brain is the device that cause the energy to be scrambled Into what you see as objects but the running program that determines what things are is running in the back ground ...its a graphical user interface like your desktop,computer to the computer running its just numbers 10111001010101 but what shows up to you might be graphics images words but the computations are numbers as the movie the matrix was able to convey. Once these factors are properly overstood All the myths will be easily done away with And we will be addressing the higher issues in life and vibrating ourself into Parallell Reality earth that matches our vibrations because they all already exist and waiting for our frequency to teleport us to the location that matches our frequency So if you are loving all unconditionally chances are your physical reality Will reflect that lovingly and your destination and destiny will change according to your frequency. That is a probability and a possibility in how reality is structured. The Re Turn Council
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 19:23:35 +0000

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