Re-Posting CALL FOR ENTRIES!! SHARE YOUR PET STORY & WIN A VENTURE PHOTOGRAPHY SESSION To raise awareness of animal welfare and encourage pet adoption in Hong Kong, We are partnering with the SPCA to launch the “ADOPT LOVE CHARITY EXHIBITION”. As part of this campaign, VENTURE would like to invite you to share your original heartfelt stories and photographs about your pets through Venture’s Facebook page: https://facebook/venturephotographyhk . Grab your friends and get them to vote for your picture. The 10 most-liked photos will be selected for judging by Venture’s professional photographer panel. The 10 finalists will receive VIP passes to attend the ADOPT LOVE CHARITY EXHIBITION cocktail event at Mini Hotel alongside supporting celebrities in mid-December. The judges will pick the 3 best entries to receive a professional photo shooting experience together with your pet(s) at our Venture Studios. The photo shoot packages for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place are worthHK$20,000, HK$15,000 and HK$10,000 respectively. To enter the competition, all you need to do is: 1. Like Venture’s Facebook 2. Share this competition post 3. Upload a photo of you and your pet to Venture Facebook 4. Summit an original story, with no more than 300 words, about you and your pet together with photo 5. Tell us why you want to do a photo shoot with Venture Studios 6. Share the post on your wall Entry deadline: 12 noon. November 21, 2014 (Results will be announced on Ventures Facebook on November 28) * Venture Studios reserves the right of final decision in case of dispute 分享你與寵物的動人故事 贏取總值HK$ 20,000攝影套餐 為了提高大家對動物權益的關注及鼓勵寵物領養,愛護動物協會(SPCA) 將與我們攜手合作,舉辦ADOPT LOVE慈善攝影展。因此,我們特設Facebook攝影比賽,讓大家有機會分享自己與寵物的動人故事。立刻登上我們的Facebook專頁https://facebook/venturephotographyhk參加比賽,即有機會贏取Venture 送出的豐富獎品。 評判團由Venture的專業攝影團隊組成,我們將從10個獲得最多 ‘讚好’ (Likes) 的故事中選取優勝者。另外,名人慈善攝影展酒會將於12月中旬假迷你酒店舉行。10位入圍的人士,將獲得酒會的VIP通行證兩張及限量紀念品乙份。Venture 會從中選出3個最動人的故事,設冠亞季軍各一名,將獲得價值港幣2萬元、港幣1萬5千元及港幣1萬元的Venture專業攝影體驗。 參加詳情如下: 1. ‘讚好’ (Like) Venture Facebook 2. ‘分享’ (Share)此攝影比賽的貼文 (post) 3. 將一張你與寵物的合照上載至Venture Facebook 4. 於同一個 貼文 (post) 撰寫你與寵物的難忘回憶,內容不多於300字 5. 同時告訴我們為什麼想到Venture 與寵物拍照 6. 在你的Facebook上 ‘分享’ (Share) 所上載的貼文 (post) 截止日期: 2014 年11月21 日,中午12時正 (比賽結果將於11月28日於Venture的Facebook 公佈) *Venture Studios保留有關比賽的所有最終決定權 *受條款及細則約束。詳程請與有關職員聯絡。 *受條款及細則約束Terms & Conditions for Facebook: Facebook條款及細則: 1. Venture Studios will serve as judging panel on entrants received on Venture Facebook Page. Venture Studios 會為Facebook比賽評審。2. The judges decision on entries is final and no correspondence will be entered in to. 任何爭議以評審最終決定為準。3. The “Likes” are determined by people and/or other pages liking our Facebook page.只有已「讚好」Venture Facebook 專頁之用戶計算在「讚好」之照片內。4. This competition is open to all people living in Hong Kong. 比賽開放於給所有於香港居住人士參與。5. Only one vote per photo per voter is allowed. No correspondence will be entered into.每用戶只能投每張照片一票。重覆投票並不計算在內。6. Entrants agree to their image being used by Venture royalty-free to publicize this competition and promote our brand. This may be, but not limited to print, in-store and on-line material.參賽者同意照片之使用,Venture將不需繳付任何版稅作宣傳費。參賽之照片可能會用作打印、本公司之商店或網上宣傳用途。7. Copyright of all images is the property of Venture.Venture擁有所有上載照片之版權。8. Venture has the absolute discretion to remove any content already uploaded without giving reasons or recourse for its decision.Venture擁有最終決定權利移除所有Facebook內之內容而毌須事前通知。9. No responsibility is accepted for any vote lost, damaged or delayed as a result of any network or failure of any kind. Proof of transmission will not be accepted as proof of receipt.Venture對任何有關網絡故障問題而導致票數遺失、損懷或延誤將不負上任何責任。任何網絡故障之證明均不適用。10. Entrants will be disqualified if they contain any defamatory, illegal, malicious, indecent or other inappropriate content. 如參賽者之留言含有誹謗、違法、中傷、‵不雅或其他不適當的內容將會被取消資格。11. Any attempt by any entrant to obtain more than the stated number of entries by using multiple/different email addresses, identities, registrations and logins, or any other methods will void that entrants entries and that entrant may be disqualified. Any questions regarding the number of entries submitted shall be determined by Venture in their sole discretion, and Venture reserves the right to disqualify any entries by persons determined to be tampering with or abusing any aspect of the Campaign.任何人利用不同電郵地址、註冊名稱、登錄名稱或其他不適當手法而登記多於一個戶口以獲到更多票數,將會被取消資格。而Venture亦擁有決定票數之權利及取消任何有可疑之票數。12. Venture is not responsible for any non-intentional, incorrect or inaccurate information associated with this Campaign or for any technical or human error that may occur in the administration of this Campaign. In the event the Campaign is compromised by a virus, non-authorized human intervention, tampering or other causes which corrupts or impairs the administration, security, fairness or proper operation of the Campaign, Venture reserves the right in its sole discretion to suspend, modify or terminate the Campaign. Should the Campaign be terminated prior to the stated expiration date, Venture reserves the right to award the prizes based on the entries received during the Entry Period.任何有關此活動之非故意或不準確之資訊,或任何技術上或人為之錯誤,Venture並不付上任何責任。若此活動被電腦病毒、非授權之干預或修改而導致活動於安全、公平及正確下運作,Venture將保留權利去修正、延長或終止此活動。若活動於原定結束時間前被迫終止,Venture將擁有一切權利並根據當時之票數而決定勝利作品。13. By entering this Campaign, entrants agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and the decisions of Venture. If the winner is unreachable, ineligible or fails to respond as set out above, they shall forfeit their prize and it will be awarded to the next highest place eligible entrant.所有參與是次活動之參加者必須同意本活動之條款及細則。若參加者違犯或不遵守條款及細則,參加者之得獎禮品將可能被沒收,禮品可能頒予獲票數次名之參加者。14. Venture reserves the right to alter rules or prizes at their own discretion. No entrant shall have any recourse against Venture as a result of the alterations or the rules or prizes.Venture擁有自由權利去修訂活動規則或得奬禮品。參加者並沒有對活動結果及規則有追索權。15. This competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook. You are providing your information to Venture and not to Facebook.Facebook並非本活動之贊助及並非擁有本活動之管理權,參加者所遞交之資料均屬Venture所擁有。16. All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Terms and Conditions, or the rights and obligations of the entrant, Venture in connection with the Campaign, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“HKSAR”); without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules (whether of the HKSAR or any other jurisdiction), which would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than the HKSAR. 所有有關條款與細則之建立、詮釋與執行之議題及提問,或參加者之權利及義務,Venture與其活動應受香港特區法律約束;沒有落實法律或規則(不論香港或任何其他司法管轄區),將會應用香港特別行政區以外任何司法管轄區之法律。17. ANY ATTEMPT BY AN INDIVIDUAL, WHETHER OR NOT AN ENTRANT, TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE, DESTROY,TAMPER OR VANDALIZE THIS WEBSITE OR INTERFERE WITH THE OPERATION OF THE Campaign, IS A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS AND VENTURE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK DAMAGES AND DILIGENTLY PURSUE ALLREMEDIES AGAINST ANY SUCH INDIVIDUAL TO THE FULL EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW.任何人意圖或蓄意破懷本網站或干預活動之進行可能會違犯刑事和民事法律的規定,Venture將保留一切追究賠償之權利。
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 05:33:39 +0000

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