Re: Recent Independence Referendum for Scotland - Allegations of - TopicsExpress


Re: Recent Independence Referendum for Scotland - Allegations of electoral fraud widespread within various locations. Kairen Zonena Secretary to the Commission Board The Electoral Commission 3 Bunhill Row London EC1Y 8YZ Dear Kairen: I contacted the Police Scotland on Saturday 27 September 2014 regarding the above. They have urged me to contact you requesting the SPOC, single person of contact regarding electoral fraud concerns. It has now come to light that there has been various allegations of electoral fraud committed on or before 18 September 2014. I am very concerned that my postal vote was not received at my local council office at _________________Council. It may well have been intercepted, destroyed, altered or replaced to influence the vote count. I would now like you to investigate further to see if my ballot papers were indeed returned to that office and if so be possible to receive confirmation or a copy of this specimen/record. Having now watched various videos and seen some particularly disturbing information and theories (not within mainstream media streams) regarding this referendum I would ask you to treat this matter very seriously. As a UK resident I have every right to know that the Electoral Commission has operated in an impartial way and I would therefore appreciate your feedback on the following such matters: *- Ballot papers of both yes and no sitting on tables which were very clearly marked as no piles. *- The suitability and background checks of those working in polling stations including local council offices eg(If any list of polling agents excluded anyone due to political affiliations, nationality or other) What safeguards did you have in place to prevent any irregularities or malpractices taking place? *- Were other checks made on individuals regarding memberships of organisations such as The Orange Order, Freemasons etc? *- In some video evidence it quite clearly shows a Polling Clerk/Presiding Officer in Edinburgh completing what looks like ballot papers. Have you been able to investigate this matter any further? Link: *- The fatal accident on the A9 near the Berriedale Braes in Caithness late on Thursday night of the 18/09/14. It seems very strange that a fatal accident happened. Also even more alarming is that it was indeed possible that this HGV was deliberately hi-jacked and later intercepted to allow ballot papers to be taken out, destroyed or even added to influence the final count? The crash happened at approximately 23:18 hours and the road was closed for several hours. The accident delayed the delivery of Scottish independence referendum vote ballot boxes from the far north to a count in Dingwall. Some ballot boxes from polling places in the far north were taken to Dingwall by a long diversion via Melvich. Enough time for an MI5 style intervention? How do we know that your staff were acting impartially during this time? *- Police Scotland taking away ballot papers at polling stations as some people were voting twice. What action have you taken regarding duplicate votes being made? Are you likely to identify those persons who committed fraud? *- Missing ballot papers. Many people despite being resident for many years at the same address did not receive a ballot paper through the post. Some people who registered on the final day of closing registrations also did not receive a ballot paper. *- Postal ballot papers found in a bag in Glasgow. Another video which is not found on the mainstream media. In this video a man shows literally hundreds of ballot papers, all voting yes but not where they should be. It is most likely that they have been intercepted by Royal Mail or a member of staff at the polling station. I am not impressed at all at the standards or behaviour of your polling station staff. This referendum was not conducted in a fair way at all. There are so many areas left open for electoral fraud and I would ask you to investigate fully each case and respond to my concerns in writing to my address below. It is very clear in your training manual that at no time should any Polling staff be able to make contact or alter any ballot papers. If you check the video evidence you will clearly see staff tampering with ballot papers. This is not impartial behaviour by the Electoral Commission Scotland and I would ask you to investigate further. Please provide me with a contact regarding my local councils office to where I returned my postal ballot as I wish to know if it was received or not and by whom. I have spoken to Police Scotland already to whom I have raised my concerns with and I await your written letter of reply and please also confirm you have received my email by email. I can be contacted by telephone on 000000000000000 but a written reply to the above concerns would be most appreciated. Thank you Yours faithfully
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 15:17:07 +0000

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