Re: Recent post about Vaccines and you are being lied to. You may - TopicsExpress


Re: Recent post about Vaccines and you are being lied to. You may want to read this.... In light of the medias hysteria over a once common childhood illness called measles and the refusal of the vaccine industry to acknowledge the problem has nothing to do with the unvaccinated, it was past time for this post. Dear Parents, You are being lied to. People who claim to be acting in the best interest of your children by pushing vaccines are putting their young lives at risk because they have received little to no education on vaccine ingredients and the injuries that they cause. They arent aware that the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program pays out $100M a year in damages, which is barely a drop in the bucket of vaccine injury in this country. In fact, the doctor singing the loudest praises of vaccine safety was paid $36M for his 20% portion of a patent on a vaccine that your child probably received, even after it was withdrawn from the market for causing injuries. They say that measles is deadly, but they’re talking about famine-stricken countries, not in America. They say that the measles vaccine is effective but the truth is that outbreaks happen in populations of 99.7% vaccination with no easy explanation. They convince you to vaccinate for chicken pox so that your boss isnt mad that you miss a few days of work to be home with your child. They distort the number of flu infections by combining it with pneumonia, which is irrelevant in anyone but the most elderly, while mainstream media write headlines about flu deaths in children that had other, far more serious simultaneous infections. They tell you that whooping cough is back due to herd immunity rates dropping when the truth is that pertussis is cyclical, immunity to it cannot be defined, and researchers at Johns Hopkins knew even 20 years ago that herd immunity to whooping coughcould never be achieved through vaccination. They say that vaccines are effective at preventing disease, but the truth is that antibody production only tells half of the immunity story. Theyll have you believe that vaccination is equal to natural infection, but the truth is that even the FDA admits that aluminum adjuvant vaccines cannot produce cell-mediated immunity, which is the basis of herd immunity. They say that vaccines are safe but the ruler by which safety is measured is the mouse weight gain test, not the fact that 1 in 6 children today live with a chronic illness or disability in our over-vaccinated country. They will tell you that vaccine side effects are mild because theyre referring to the aluminum depot in your childs thigh swelling and getting hot. Theyre not talking about 4 months later when you realize your child has developed a deadly peanut allergy. The truth is that there is a mountain of research about the dangers of injecting aluminum-- from IgE antibody production in asthma and allergies, to how aluminum targets the myelin covering of the nervous system, which causes autism, ADHD, and Alzheimer’s disease. They will insist that a viral vaccine can’t cause autism at the same time that researchers are quietly making autistic mice in the laboratory by creating a viral infection in pregnant mothers. Nonsensically, they want you to believe that regressive autism would begin in 1 million children at 12, 15, 18 or 24 months anyway, on its own, and the timing with the vaccine is a coincidence, despite no explanation for such a theory, and of course no control group proving them right. Theyll tell you that mercury doesnt cause autism, regardless that Merck admitted in 1991 they were exposing children to 87 times the toxic levels of mercury that should be eaten, and the FDA didn’t intervene for almost a decade. They will offer its removal as some kind of proof that the MMR doesnt cause autism, despite the fact the MMR never contained thimerosal in the first place. Theyll tell you that vaccines “no longer contain mercury” and hope that you dont realize the number of vaccines that are bathed in mercury and the amounts remaining are determined to be residual and not worth telling you about. They will distract from the bodily damage caused by aluminum by discussing the abundant aluminum found in the earths crust, or in a mothers breastmilk, asking you to believe that drinking breastmilk is equal to injecting aluminium into the human body; as ifaluminum poisoning our mothers breastmilk is something to celebrate. They will hope that you dont learn that the amount of injected aluminum in the two-month vaccination schedule exceeds the amount of aluminum allowed intravenously by a factor of 20. They will snidely say, Its a good thing its injected subcutaneously and not put into a vein,” as if capillaries don’t carry those injected substances to the bloodstream. They will tell you the vaccine reactions recorded by parents in VAERS arent to be believed, as if they know more than the parents who stand as witnesses to the crippling effects of vaccination their children. They will play down the reports in VAERS despite the fact that the FDA admits that only 10-20%% of all vaccine reactions are even reported. Theyll tell you that the vaccine schedule is safe but the cold hard facts are these: there has never been a laboratory double-blind study of the CDC vaccination schedule. Not in 1980, not in 2010, not ever. The people telling you how safe the vaccine schedule is were not even remotely vaccinated on that schedule. They throw around the phrase herd immunity as if it is proven fact, rather than a hopeful theory derived from naturally acquired viral illness. They fail to mention that one can never become immune to bacteria for the same reason antibiotics cause bacteria toevolve into superbugs. They will not admit that vaccination has turned conventionally inconvenient illness into deadly infections. They cry to protect the immunocompromised children who cannot receive vaccines when the truth is that those children should not receive further vaccines because vaccines are what caused them to be immunocompromised in the first place. To add insult to injury, the CDC has removed almost every contraindication for vaccination so that immediate anaphylaxis after vaccination is nearly the only reason one could rely on for a medical exemption to vaccines. In fact, even children with cancer are expected to be fully vaccinated with exception of the live viruses in the MMR+V. They are quick to smack down any treatment that a pharmaceutical company doesnt own a patent on, even those that are widely known to be beneficial, such as cannabis oil, chelation, or supplements for vitamins and minerals that are lacking in our pesticide-heavy American diets or due to malabsorption in those carrying MTHFR defects. They will tell you that vaccination is a greater achievement than the creation of a water sanitizing system so that we no longer drink our own disease-ridden fecal matter. They want you to believe that Africa needs more vaccinations rather than clean water to drink. Why are they lying to you? For several reasons. Many of them dont know any better; nutrition isnt given much time in medical school and their biased learning institutions are funded by pharmaceutical companies. They truly believe the lies they repeat to their patients. Many of them are victims of their own Doctor As God complex. Many see what happen to those MDs who dare to caution others of pharmaceutical dangers and watch those whistleblowers called quacks and become the victims of media witch-hunts. Many of them know that admitting the truth means admitting their role in the tragic harm thats been caused for the past 30 years. Expecting those doctors to take responsibility is like expecting the last of the Nazi soldiers to come out of hiding and turn themselves in to stand trial. In only one respect is my message the same as the pro-vaccine propaganda: Educate yourself. But while they mean “Read all these websites that we fund to support our position”, I suggest you should learn what the scientific community that does not profit from vaccines is saying. Learn how the immune system works. Go read about the history of disease before vaccines, and talk to older people who grew up when polio, measles, and other diseases that were prevented by modernization of society and clean water before vaccines were available. Go read about how vaccines are fast tracked for approval without proper safety trials. Learn about Andrew Wakefield, and how his paper that suggested their may be a possible link between childhood vaccines, intestinal inflammation, and neurologic injury in children has been replicated and proven time and time again and how his partner Professor John Walker Smith was exonerated of all charges, proving that the allegations of fraud propagated against Dr. Wakefield were unfounded. Read the numerous, huge studies that have explicitly examined whether autism is caused by vaccines…and have found that yes in fact, there is a connection. While you’re at it, understand that we have spent 27.4 million dollars on 127 genetic studies since 2006 and are no closer to finding a cause. That may seem like a lot of work, and the scare tactics from the media can seem intimidating. But learning to differentiate between truth and propaganda is a skill that can be mastered. You owe it to your children, and to yourself, to thoroughly investigate the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Don’t rely on what some stranger on the internet says (not even me!). Read the scientific studies that I linked to in this post for yourself. Despite what anyone is telling you, you don’t need to be bullied by scare tactics. You should instead be afraid of the fact that vaccines are admittedly unavoidably unsafe and the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act releases all manufacturers and administers of vaccines from all liability from any injury caused by a vaccine. This blog post was guest written by Robyn Charron. Robyn has a Bachelor of Science in Biology and years of experience as a lab tech. Robyn has written pieces that have been published by Scary Mommy, Mass Appeal, The Girl Who for Babble, Bonbon Break, Just Eat Real Food, and MSN.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 04:28:41 +0000

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