Re: Removal of Various Links by Dave - TopicsExpress


Re: Removal of Various Links by Dave Y. truthforfree/html/article_removaloflinks.html Some of the visitors to this website may have noticed the removal of certain website links from this page as of July 27, 2004. The list of sites that were removed include Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship as well as several other Toronto Blessing/Renewal-related websites. I thought I would take a moment to explain why for some of our visitors who may have questions (as well as for some of my friends who have wondered why I have moved away from some of these revival concept ministries and mindsets in general). First of all, the removal of specific sites is not to suggest that the previously listed sites do not have anything positive to share (nor is in an indictment against all of those involved with these ministries). Some may indeed provide various beneficial information to some parties and may involve sincere ministry (or at the very least, sincerely-intended ministry) in some respect. The reason for removal also does not mean an outright rejection of all elements of the Charismatic or renewal movement/Toronto Blessing (as it has often been referred to). Many of you are aware that I was involved in the Renewal movement (a.k.a. Toronto Blessing) in the mid to late 90s myself and witnessed what I genuinely believed to be the manifested power of God working in some really wonderful ways in some peoples lives, including my own. I also am a believer in the gifts of the Spirit as the Bible teaches them. Just because some groups or individuals may abuse or distort the use, teaching and presentation of the gifts of Spirit does not change the fact that Scripture confirms their existence and validity for today. That having been said, I will share with you plainly that I believe the Toronto Blessing movement - overall - did not contain a revival in the biblical sense of the word (i.e. people repenting, turning from sin, believing the Gospel and being added to the kingdom of God). What I witnessed (and, to my shame, participated in) during that time has proven to bear more bad fruit than good (and it would take too long to detail every way how), so I am compelled to call it what it is/was; a false revival. It opened the door wide for false apostles and prophets to rush into the Body of Christ, spewing their lies and deceptions; twisted doctrines and subtle errors. I thank God for His protection and salvation and am so glad for His forgiveness and mercy. Hopefully I learned my lessons well and will not ever repeat them. Hopefully I have managed to keep my heart tender and soft to Christ and His inner workings of the Spirit, but sharply sensitive to false winds of doctrine, lying signs and wonders, and wholesale deception of Gods people - who are, today, being caught up in a completely false concept of Church and fellowship; led away by the wicked manipulation of the devil and his anointed ones. Because of what Ive been through, studied and observed over the last several years, I do have a soft spot in my heart for those (hungry, sincere seekers of Christ) who have been victim of foul teaching and who may also have experienced twisted/false manifestations of the Gifts; however, I wish to reiterate that just because someone misrepresents the Gifts of the Spirit in application does not give us the right to dismiss the true Gifts from having application in the Church (i.e. the Body of Christ) today. I say this to reiterate that my rejection of the largest part of what transpired during the renewal movement (particularly that which was endorsed and orchestrated by its leadership and through many of the doctrines espoused through its teachers, prophets and publications) is not an outright dismissal of the supernatural manifestation of Gods presence and power among people. I do believe in miracles, healing, and spiritual Gifts. I am also not offended when manifestations sometimes follow a work of God; however, I am more interested in what occupies the central focus. Is it truly Jesus and His Gospel... or something else? During the Renewal (quite honestly), the conversation was more about the experience than anything else. The Jesus that was talked about was a Jesus who seemed to be disconnected from the Gospel of Scripture (a more New Age kind of Christ). Even when people made efforts to emphasize that its about Jesus and not about experiences, still those same individuals regarded non-experiencers as being religious, hard-hearted, resistant to the Holy Spirit, spiritually immature, and blind to the true revelation. There was, indeed, much spiritual pride among these people who endorsed the movement (and I take my share of the blame for that pride that took root in my heart as well). As many of the participants of this renewal dismissed the warnings of un-accepting observers, the same seemed to cast off restraint and open themselves wide to false teachings and perhaps even demonic influence. My reason for removing most of the websites I had previously listed on the site (regarding the Renewal movement and the modern day prophetic movement) is one of selective non-endorsement (for lack of a better term). Many of these ministries willfully associate with ministry organizations and concepts that I cannot, in good conscience approve of anymore because of personal knowledge about some of their teachings and involvement with other (what I would consider to be) non-Christian or even anti-Gospel organizations. For example, I am saddened by the fact that groups like Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship have embraced the unbiblical teachings of the G12 program (for more information about G12 - Government of 12 - read Tricia Tillins excellent article for detailed information. There is also an excellent article/letter authored by one of the leading pastors that was part of Toronto Airport Vineyard movement who has since repented and shared his concerns about what transpired in that phenomenon. I very much recommend reading this: A Toronto Pastor Repents by Paul Gowdy I am also generally turned off by so-called ministries that claim special or higher revelation or exuberant, supernatural experience and lofty-sounding religious agendas while merchandising their hearers into oblivion. You can pick virtually any one of the most popular revival or prophetic ministries out there today, visit their websites (or even one of their conferences), and find page after page (and table after table) of God items for sale; Especially their teaching materials, which often reach into the hundreds of dollars range. It doesnt take a cult watchdog organization to recognize that a disturbingly high number of men and women who occupy these kinds of professional ministries are fleecing the flock for their own financial merit and dragging the name of Christ through the mud. Paul (the apostle), in his letter to Timothy, warned that men will be lovers of themselves and lovers of money. This was not a generic reference to people in the world, but specifically of those who would profess to be of the Faith!!! 2 Timothy 3:5 (The Message) - Theyll make a show of religion, but behind the scenes theyre animals. Stay clear of these people. Also, some of the more prominent leaders in the current apostolic/prophetic movement are known to have involved themselves in, and aligned themselves with, some extremely questionable groups and teachings... not to mention new age concepts and doctrines of demons. I even heard one prominent teacher say outright that Jesus is NOT the only begotten Son of God! There it is; even a direct dismissal of the Gospel. Another prominent minister said that Jesus never came to be the Messiah and yet another said that virtually all roads lead to God so it doesnt matter if youre a Hindu, a Mormon or even a non-believer, because God is saving people regardless of the factor of their non-acceptance of the Gospel! I have been completely shocked to see how so many of the most prominent individuals who presume to lead todays Church are caught up in deception and error. Some of these individuals appear to include prominent religious figures like Rick Joyner, Paul Cain, Bob Jones, Todd Bentley, John Paul Jackson, Jack Deere, and others (many others... in fact, far too many to mention here). Those of you familiar with this website know that it is very rare that I ever mention teachers I am critical of by name... So why mention these by name? Well, there are actually several important areas of concern. One is that, while these men have often claimed to either be prophets or move in the prophetic anointing, I have not often observed fruit that matches the biblical criteria, but I invite you (the reader) to weigh the evidence, use godly discernment and decide for yourself. This is not to suggest that all of these men started out bad. Some of them likely began in the Light and even published writings that motivated people with godly persuasions; However, somewhere along the path, it seems their discernment became dull, their eyes became blinded and their hearts were lifted up with pride. As a result, several of them have become as ones who (in my opinion) ought to be avoided and exposed for great error. Yes, we pray for their eyes to be opened, for their pride to be destroyed, and that their repentance be made sure so that they will return to right doctrine and simple faith in Christ, embracing the one true Gospel of Jesus, and acting with humility towards their brethren in Christ. None of the following comments are intended with malice or rejection of the truth that God loves them and is able to restore them to Himself (if they will but humble themselves and turn back to Him). I also realize that, as this article ages, it may be that some of these individuals have allowed the Lord to work a change in their hearts... I sincerely pray so. This represents the information I have at hand (at the time of this writing) and I do - ABSOLUTELY - encourage you to exercise discernment, investigate things on your own, trust God to guide you, lean on Scripture, and always walk in grace, love, forgiveness, and truth. My heart truly does not wish to slander any person, but I desire that no one be taken by deception and the things I will share here have concerned me greatly. I dont believe it to be my ministry to expose false teachers (thats why even this page exists in an obscure location on this website). Jesus said to leave them alone. Let them be... Let them run their course... If the blind the lead the blind, it is inevitable that both will eventually fall into a ditch. By Gods grace, perhaps at least then they will look up in repentance and return again to their first love... or find it for the first time if they never knew it to begin with. My prayer is that all the folks I have mentioned (those who have lifted themselves up as ministry celebrities and/or untouchables and all those who have been swept away by spiritual pride and delusion), my honest hope is that all of them will, one day, walk in truth and fall head-over-heels in love with Jesus! All have sinned and fallen short of Gods glory (that includes me)... and all of us need to remember there is but one Lord and one Master; Jesus. The body of Christ is united by one Love, one Truth, one Spirit, one Baptism, and one Gospel. May God forgive our sins and open the blinded eyes so that we may all see the truth and enjoy the rich love of God who changes us day by day, from glory to glory!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 03:19:12 +0000

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