Re: [Save The Bunker Bridge] In true dialogue, both sides are - TopicsExpress


Re: [Save The Bunker Bridge] In true dialogue, both sides are willing to... Just walk away is my choice now. Anything I do is called out as inmature or ego or personality conflicts.. These are hard projects and I do know my business. So what you are saying is let the liars win.  Indicative of the world as we know it. No art. Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: Patrick Muller Date: 04/05/2014 12:48 PM (GMT-06:00) To: Save The Bunker Bridge Subject: Re: [Save The Bunker Bridge] In true dialogue, both sides are willing to... Patrick Muller commented on his post in Save The Bunker Bridge. Patrick Muller 12:48pm Apr 5 Julie, you have to let go of responding to every comment with an insinuation that you have the purest vision and that the problem lies with someone else. Even if true, at this point, its not constructive or mature dialogue. Every one needs to let go of the inaccuracy that they have the strongest passion for the bridge or that they worked the hardest or that their support is superior because they live within the Kalona city limits. So many people need to learn the art of collaboration. Its not about taking the most credit or stoking an ego -- every one should check their egos at the door. Its about getting the project done. Whatever injuries and transgressions happened in the past, they need to literally and figuratively be allowed to flow under the bridge and disappear downstream. Everyone who wants to commit to an integral leadership or working role on the bridge from Tuesday nights meeting forward should have the capacity and willingness to stop engaging in this he said, she said bickering. There are really only two questions for anyone to answer on Tuesday evening: What efforts does the bridge project need now; and what am I willing to contribute to that? Comment History Julie Bowers 12:37pm Apr 5 Exactly but there was never truth on one side. Original Post Patrick Muller 12:22pm Apr 5 In true dialogue, both sides are willing to change. -- Thích Nhất Hạnh View Post on Facebook · Edit Email Settings · Reply to this email to add a comment.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 18:05:02 +0000

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