Re: The Parking Garage. Here is what scares me, and I think - TopicsExpress


Re: The Parking Garage. Here is what scares me, and I think what the root cause of everyones alarm is – It’s The Boulevard. That is the catalyst of all this outrage. Before The Boulevard I mostly trusted our Town Council to keep big development reined in, especially in critical, close in areas such as Coleman Blvd, the OV, etc. Once The Boulevard began to take shape, I realized that if something wasnt done at once, I was looking at the New Coleman Blvd. At some point (probably sooner than later) huge buildings like this are going to be up and down Coleman. We all know that a developer, like any businessman wants to maximize the profit he makes on his investment. With the small size of most of the parcels that are, or will become available on and near Coleman, it doesnt take rocket physics to figure out the only way for them to maximize the profits is to go vertical, and as vertical as they can. That’s what’s going to happen if Town Council isn’t reined in, and made to be held responsible for allowing this to happen. Keep in mind – In a developer’s perfect world, he builds his project, sells out at some point in time, and moves on. It’s what developer’s do. That’s fine and good, but the residents and citizens are left with their footprint well into the future. Hence the importance for the citizens to make sure that footprint is palatable for the entire community. Developers are also experts at Smoke, Mirrors, and Spin. When The Boulevard was being planned a bigger deal was made about on street parking, a bike lane, curbside bicycle racks, and some schitty landscaping in the (now) median. We were all worried about those things, while 10 feet away we had these monsters being erected and we werent even paying attention to it. Kudos to The Beach Company for pulling that off. Tex Smalls is doing the exact same thing – He got town council to buy off on another monstrous building under the guise of “Public Parking which will benefit everyone.” He is so smooth he’s duped the town into using tax dollars to help fund his project. Can’t you see it? It’s right before our eyes! But there are catches – it’s not really public parking. It’s only public after business hours. Really? Seriously? Come on Council. He needs no money. Let him use his own money to build it, and let him charge for parking. If people want to park there, they can pay. It’s not the town’s obligation to use tax dollars to provide free parking for anyone. I’m just scared to death of what developers will do to our town for a dollar in their pocket if left unchecked, and with a council that doesnt have the kahonas to stand up to a big developer with big lawyers. That is, except Gary Santos! If you want to see “The Boulevard from one end to the other on Coleman, then quit fighting this fight. Sorry for the rant
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 13:38:56 +0000

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