Re; continuing sage Churchill/Gulfstream and the ones caught in - TopicsExpress


Re; continuing sage Churchill/Gulfstream and the ones caught in the middle, I have taken the time to talk to trainers stabled at Calder to try and be accurate; 1 The negotiation was clear that Churchill was going to close these areas, with Gulfstream givng assurances to horsemen at calder that they would be taken care of. 2. The bigger barns that had horses that were viable to run at Gulfstream in the winter were conveniently moved to the good side and protected barns, 3. the smaller barns that have run at calder for years, or was hustled to run at Gulfsteam West ( not needed right now) are in jeopardy and are in tents not suitable for horses- too small ventillation hot etc- they are horrible conditions. AS SUSPECTED, This is not about churchill but about Gulfstream- they made many promises, in getting the calder dates, to the horsemen. and it just didnt happen nor were they protected. Worse- the small barns or ones they do not need right now are suffering terribly with horses living in deplorable and dangerous conditions. As usual, its the hard working smaller folks getting harmed and worse the horses. The big time trainers at Gulfstream and those competing there should care and do something ---------- all horsemen should be family, big, important , rich or small- its suppose to be for the betterment of the game and the hoses that compete. Sadly, most are scared of management and scared to speak of the true atrocities in the lottery of surviving and getting stalls. another black eye for racing that was easily preventable by the one they say is saving racing- STRONACH- SO, as the millions are being bet at Gulfstream every week, remember the horses suffering in deplorable conditions that are simply not needed right now by Gulfstream until April.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 05:14:17 +0000

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