Re districting in Florida - The attempt to hide the truth - TopicsExpress


Re districting in Florida - The attempt to hide the truth continues. Lol. Redistricting ruling appealed A GOP consultant asks the U.S. Supreme Court to block the disclosure of documents at a trial. BY MARY ELLEN KLAS Times/Herald Tallahassee Bureau TALLAHASSEE - A GOP con­sultant who lost a battle at the Florida Supreme Court to keep documents secret at an ongoing redistricting trial appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednes­day. Pat Bainter, owner of the Gainesville-based political con­sulting firm Data Targeting, filed an emergency appeal to the nations highest court in a last­ditch attempt to block his testi­mony today in the trial over the states 2012 congressional redis­tricting maps. In a lawsuit filed by a coali­tion of voters groups, Bainter is accused of collaborating with legislators and staff to create a shadow redistricting process to benefit Republican incumbents and candidates. The plaintiffs, led by the League of Women Vot­ers and seven Democratic-lean­ing individuals, say Bainter and his partners helped legislators protect incumbents and Repub­lican candidates in violation of the Fair District amendments to the Florida Constitution. The state Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that Bainter must release 538 pages of emails, maps and planning documents if they are entered as evidence in the case that is now in its seventh day, but the justices allowed him to have the courtroom closed to the public and the media when the documents are discussed. Bainter, whose legal bills are being paid by the Republican Party of Florida, argues in his appeal that the documents are protected political speech - internal deliberations and . See REDISTRICTING, 8B Article Continued Below See REDISTRICTING on Page B008 .REDISTRICTING continued from 8B Consultant appeals document disclosure strategy, and the names and contact information for likeminded individuals who wish to remain anonymous. He claims that the forced disclosure of what he considers trade secrets will have a chilling effect on his First Amendment rights and asks the U.S. Supreme Court to issue an emergency stay to keep the proverbial cat in the bag and to preserve Bainters ability to later appeal any ruling out of Florida. Also on Wednesday, Baint ers attorney, D. Kent Safriet, appeared before Tallahassee Circuit Judge Terry Lewis to ask that the testimony of Bainter and GOP political consultant Rich Heffley wait until next week in order to give the Supreme Court time to rule. Lewis said no. The Florida Supreme Courts ruling will hold, the judge said, and Bainter and his documents will be admitted if the plaintiffs can show they are relevant. If its not relevant, its not admitted, he told Safriet. Your interest in not having it admitted is not the same as whether something is relevant or not. Safriet argues that the Florida Supreme Court erred when it reversed an appellate court ruling even before a written opinion had been completed by the 1st District Court of Appeal. The ruling will force Bainter to disclose confidential information such as data, analysis, and impressions crucial to (Data Targetings) business as political consultants as well as grass roots members and insight into the firms direct mail capabilities, he said in the appeal. Safriet argued that disclosure would harm Bainters financial interests and cause irreparable harm. He also suggested that Bainter may decide not to answer questions related to these privileged and confidential materials and could be held in contempt of court. The emergency appeal to the nations highest court continues what has been nearly two years of legal battles over the documents held by Bainter and his firm. His lawyers say that Bainter and his partners, Matt Mitchell and Michael Sheehan, should be treated differently from legislators but are caught in the crossfire through nonparty subpoenas and discovery. The Applicants are simply political consultants, the appeal states. They align with the Republican Party and conservative causes, and as a result are thus vilified by the Democratic-Respondents. Mary Ellen Klas can be reached at meklas@MiamiHerald or on Twitter@MaryEllenKlas. Powered by TECNAVIA © 2014. All Rights Reserved. Times Publishing Company. See Our Privacy Policy. 05/29/2014
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 14:28:37 +0000

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