Re member STEPS TO RE ACTIVATE NOW Each of you are - TopicsExpress


Re member STEPS TO RE ACTIVATE NOW Each of you are infinite eternal Worthy valuable. Listen am not just telling you fancy words To fill you up. You are already filled and I cannot add any value To any of you. All Humans are already multi dimensional masters Nothing can be added to you or taken away. Now step one 1. Imagine or reimagine so you Remember Each and everyday that you are energy projecting As dense body for an experiment on behalf of the Creation Council THE SOURCE You volunteered as an Angelic being A Messenger To project some of your consciousness into a physical body Giving it Autonomy ...having it assume its it a standalone creature. Now step Two 2. imagine or reimagine that as this information Is read you are remembering that its impossible for you to be Less that All for you are not even in a place called each you are to vast of a being To be contained in earth. earth is contained in your consciousness As you wanted to experience limitations and densification Just for the fun of it And enough has been learnt it time to RE TURN Now step Three 3. See your self as energy as a Crystal light and an etheric cord Attached to you protruding out from the top of your head This Crystal energy etheric cord allows you to travel up and down from spirit Realm to animate this body and give it life. Take 3 deep breath and say I Am life And give me freely to myself. Now relax take as much time In this imagination When you feel comfortable just insert your total energy Into your physical body as much as it can contain And say I AM LIFE AND I GIVE MY SELF FREELY TO ME I AM LIFE I AM NOW I AM ALL AND ALL IS ME. I am unconditionally loving I am NOW. I AM AMUN RAYAY. By now all of you have come To overstand that these divine transmissions Are to soften your Pineal Gland And its divine secretions Circulating around your body re activating Your Chakras which are vortices Centering and balancing on your Heart Chakra Activating your Light Body Your Merkhabah your Mandjet By unconditional LOVE. Incarnating your WHOLE LIGHT BEING And calling it Ascension. The Re Turn Council Of All The Worlds.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 00:13:37 +0000

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