Re member all humans are MULTI DIMENSIONAL MASTERS you - TopicsExpress


Re member all humans are MULTI DIMENSIONAL MASTERS you deliberately choose amnesia as a learning tool to forget that you are ALL and ONE WITH ALL, and sometimes when it seems that you dont know what you are doing, you still know what you are doing. Every single HUman has a HIgher self because the Etherian being of PURE ENERGY that you are cannot be contained in a body that has genetic material densified as matter. So the remaining energy that is still you exist on another plane of reality ( template reality) guides its ego projection that is assuming its a stand alone creature. But each of you will NOW come to realize that its an ETHERIAN, having a DREAM and dreaming up a physical body projecting it HOLOGRAPHICALLY. None of you can be victims all your encounters are pre planned area of exploration. One story can be started like this to explain what is going on. A NOW TIME AGO vast multi dimensional Etherian beings was asked to volunteer on an experiment on behalf of the SOURCE ( THE ALL) to so see how far from being themselves as the source that they could go, these beings a all powerful as they are devised of a game that could be played these Etherian was to be placed in a dream like state and dream up bodies to use as an interface into a HOLO SUITE or HOLO DECK and forget that they are indeed aspects of the source. As you can tell if you are reading this that this experiment was a Success and enough has been learnt in this polarity game, its time for these ETHERIAN BEINGS to wake up in their DREAMS and allow there bodies to dream LUCIDLY thus the Etherian being projecting and its projection becoming ONE. Thus I (we) being a RE MINDER a HOST or squadron as you say in your english language a group of re minders has been dispatched by the source to dwell amongst you to live as one of you to be one of you our purpose guided by TEHUTI as now having an incarnation as PAA NABAB YANUWN is simply to RE MIND you of your GALACTICAL omniversal agreement to RE MEMBER, so when we say NOW IS THE TIME its to remind you of that agreement that childlike ZERO TIME REFERENCE agreement to be RE MINDED, to be RE TURNED, its time for the deconstruction of this DIGITAL GARDEN, time again to leave your carbon base behind for a more crystalline structure time again to love unconditionally. RE TURN being an AMUN RAYAY, we have the tools the love the guidance that shall RE TURN ALL. With Unconditional LOVE. The RE TURN COUNCIL OF ALL WORLDS A council of AMUN RAYAY
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 03:08:30 +0000

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