Re member when I ask to wise DIVINE Etherians of Pure LOVE - TopicsExpress


Re member when I ask to wise DIVINE Etherians of Pure LOVE What should I share with the HUmans Those Terrans of love that are expanding in awareness those that are listening and learning, growing, flowing with unconditional LOVE ...the wise one the loving NADJARU ...those divine council members of LIGHT Say ask them to affirm with invocations and affirmations And make it personal Ask them to say out loud I am one with All and All is one with me I think Thoughts of LOVE always I share Love and give Love To All. I live on a Self sustaining abundant friendly planet the Universe supports me in All I do. The Universe provides wealth for me Constantly. I am Omniversally supported so my thoughts becomes the reality I experience. Say: my LIFE is filled with delight and is not complicated my Life is GOOD NO EVIL can come into my experience for anything that occur in my reality serves me and I have decided that only good things happens to me. Say: I am still having a HUMAN experience in a POLARITY GAME so sometimes I will feel weak or sad but am working to be less polarized by vibrating on a positive frequency constantly. Say: my negative thoughts are weak because as soon as they pop up I replace them with a positive thoughts and it has been proven metaphysically that one positive though carry such force it can cancel out many negative ones. Say: reality has a structure the game of life has laws and rules so in knowing these Rules of the structure and mechanism of reality. I Overstand that the things I desire already exist but will not manifest in my reality until I am in the same vibration as those things. Then once am properly aligned they show up as manifestations, I must imagine and visualize and being thankful as if am already in possessions of those things so by a certain resonance they appear. Say: knowing the structure of reality and the mechanism I overstand that anything that is happening in my reality that I do not like will continue if I try to evade and avoid it and not loving it. Listen what you do is accept it love it and see if there is something that you need to learn ...look carefully for the life lessons. Then when you have find something in it that is a lesson you visualize that situation or event that you dont want anymore coming over a bridge to come into your reality then you tell that situation or thing you cannot come into my reality until you change. now then you imagine the change you prefer visualize it, now you HUG it seeing it as you want it to appear in your imagination and visualization then walk it over the bridge into your reality. this technique alters the blue print that is held in the Etheric planes that is generating that reality, for our reality its HOLOGRAPHIC high frequency images so its editable with imagination and visualization. Reality can be photo shopped as you use Adobe Photoshop to edit images, you use imagination to edit the high frequency images that makes up your reality. Say: I am loving and my pineal gland is active again I am directly communicating with my higher self and an awakened being I have Aligned my chakras am centered I am balance....and I am beginning to release control from my brains over to my HEART for all my processings. I am Ready to insert my whole light being into this body in the amount that my physical shell can handle, I am ready for ascention I am Ready to be my crystal self again leaving my carbon base for a more crystalline structure being a STAR an AMUN RAYAY ..with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE . The Re Turn Council
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 21:28:38 +0000

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