Re-posting a portion of a previous link~ “Women’s - TopicsExpress


Re-posting a portion of a previous link~ “Women’s rebelliousness is a medical condition. It is of two kinds: the first is the condition when the woman delights to be the submissive partner who finds pleasure in being beaten and tortured. This is what is called masochism. The second is when the woman loves to hurt and master and dominate the other partner. This is called sadism. Such woman has no remedy except removing her spikes and destroying her weapon by which she dominates. The weapon of the woman is her femininity. But the other woman who delights in submission and being beaten, then beating is her remedy. So the Qur’anic command ‘banish them to their couches and beat them’ agrees with the latest psychological findings in understanding the rebellious woman. This is one of the scientific miracles of the Qur’an because it sums up volumes of the science of psychology about rebellious women” (page 19, quoted from the Australian Minaret, 1980). There is a reason why I am so vocal and adamant that we must act quickly~ now! I obtained a copy of a publication in England with this quote above. That was in 1999. There is now a move against British women. The above quote is in regard to marriage. Islam considers western women far below their own. The women of Sweden are now paying a price for the liberal immigration practice of their government, and others are in progress. The US government is now under control of those who hold the above viewpoint, with officials now saying that the US is now an Islamic nation. If you choose to remain silent or neutral, then men, you are subjecting your wives, daughters and others to the fast approaching wave of assaults. If you are a woman, you MUST NOT remain silent. You must develop a plan and a strategy to combat this violence against yourself, and motivate a protector. I have seen this in action, and have intervened before. This is very real, and not fantasy or might happen. It is in progress. Band together, or this will be upon you. Develop a network of help with each other. Be vocal about it. Islam depends on fear and intimidation to gain submission. Be vocal. Let them know you are not intimidated, and are ready for them. This is your part, and your defense is the Lord. Do not be intimidated. Intimidate them!
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 03:26:16 +0000

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