Re-writing the 12 weeks, what you can expect to achieve article, - TopicsExpress


Re-writing the 12 weeks, what you can expect to achieve article, which is in desperate need of an update now three years later. As a recap, nearly all of us will fall into a certain category depending on goals and physical condition. If you identify which category youre in, you can set out a plan of action and stop yourself from spinning your wheels unnecessary. There is one category or people though that Ive realised has nothing to do with the physical: 1. Stubborn. This isnt a reference to body fat, but to a mental attitude. These people are unhappy with their lack of progress, but refuse to change their diet or training method(s) because they are stuck in some form of dogma. Until their frustration overwhelms their stubbornness these people cant be helped. A subcategory of these folks are those that hold (fairly) firmly onto the belief that one style or dieting or training is suitable for all goals at all times. Three examples: • The person that insists on low-carbing, at all times, despite their struggles in a lean-mass gaining phase. • The guy that insists on keeping 5 crossfit WODs in their weekly training plan while attempting to diet (ostensibly in an attempt to keep up their metabolic conditioning because... thats what their favourite MMA fighter - with their entire team of experts around them and their job on the line - manages to do. (This completely knackers recovery capacity when its in short supply, ramping up physiological stress, and sets people up for failure or injury). • People that are bulking and have started to push the boundaries of what they can physically, comfortably eat, despite moving to more calorie dense food choices that fit their macros, but remain adamant that they must eat within an 8 hour window instead of extending it. (High NEAT responder aka. hard-gainers.) This subcategory of folks are sometimes saveable with a little nudge in the right direction. But as the saying goes, you can lead a donkey to water but you cant make it drink. Sometimes people just need to fail multiple times before changing their ways and that can be an essential part of the learning process. Dont push people though or youll just fray your friendships. (Five years ago if you told me that I didnt need to spend $200 a month at bodybuilding Id have likely written you off as not knowing what you were talking about.) Dont try and force a one size fits all on yourself. Be sensible. Dieting isnt easy and neither is gaining muscle. At the minimum, stack the deck in your favour.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 09:52:23 +0000

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