Reach Golden Years at Full Throttle - the J. Kordich way! - TopicsExpress


Reach Golden Years at Full Throttle - the J. Kordich way! ... Author Jay Kordichs Top 11 Tips, on how to reach the age of 90, at full throttle. Featured tips include, Change your diet, Take cat-naps, Exercise, Create personal goals, and my personal favorite (as I now make home in rural Cambodia), Get out of large cities. Excellent, inspiring - and HIGHLY useful - stuff, Id say! ...Take it away, Jay! How to Reach 90….at Full Throttle. My Top 11 Tips! (By Jay Kordich)... I will soon be 91 years old, and I thought it may be wise to share some of my successful ways of living with you. Please send them to your parents or grandparents. When we age, it’s very easy to get caught up in a rut, staying at home most of the time, feeling like life has passed us by. Tragedies and traumas, divorces or illnesses can get us down, even when we are younger, so these Principles can help anybody, no matter the age. If you are a young parent, just remember, your children will emulate your habits and strengths and also your weaknesses. Even when your children are quite young, we may not think they can see or hear us, but they are like sponges. They absorb everything around them. Here are my top 11 tips….. #1. Change your Diet! Try to eat an organic Vegan Diet as much as you can, and try to Juice Vegetables, (up to 1 quart per day). Eat organic Fruits in Season. This is probably the most important change you can make because it will help keep you vital, and open to change, just by virtue of these juices flowing through your body daily, and it helps our environment as well. Experts say eating this way is the quickest and most effective way to help keep our planet and our bodies healthy. #2. Take Organic Superfood Supplements: Chlorella, Wheatgrass Juice, Barley Greens, Supergreen Powders Daily by either adding them into our fresh juices or use them in super green smoothies. #3. Take Cat Naps ~ Yes! Take a 20 to 30 minute cat nap daily. You can even do this at work. Even if you have to go to your car during lunch break, it’s that important. #4. Exercise! 30 minute daily exercises are a must. Get sunshine! Even if it’s a brisk walk. Getting in the outdoors is crucial, every single day. Trips to the gym are ok, but remember fresh air is priceless. Our lungs need it. #5. Serve Others Daily. Find a way to help someone who is older or younger who is in need of help. Even if it’s a short note to someone who is hurting, or someone you can visit. Serving others selflessly keeps us connected as a large human family. #6. Drink Water! Drink lots of purified water. I choose drink steam distilled water because I get my organic minerals from my vegetable juices. I recommend 6 glasses of water daily. Even if its just reverse osmosis. #7. Create Personal Goals. As we age sometimes we lose focus and/or forget what brings passion into our lives. When we reach some of these goals, it keeps us mentally fit and optimistic. As we age, it becomes harder to create new goals, but when our diet is pure and our attitude clear, it should be much easier to feel optimistic as we age. #8. Forgiveness. We must forgive the past, no matter how much it impacted our lives. If we don’t forgive, it’s like walking forward with our head turned behind us. There is no healthy future when we are tied to the past. Let Go and Let God bring you the gifts that are waiting for you when you forgive. #9. Overcome your Limitations! Overcoming our own inner fears is crucial to living a long healthy life. Once you get past your fears, you will feel a surge of incredible energy. It takes daily effort, but as you overcome each little fear, they become easier and easier to conquer. #10. Throw out the Negativity. Never ever let negative thoughts enter your mind. Once you let them in, they grow like a cancer. The key to keeping optimistic is to substitute them for a loving or exciting thought. Staying active, juicing and eating a predominately living foods diet will make this easier. #11. Get out of large cities. Try to find a new life that has less people, less electro-magnetic chaos, more harmony, more trees, organic soils, parks and relaxation. Living in large cities, working in places that are stressful is not the way human beings are supposed to be living. Slow down and get into a smaller city that can give you and your family a better life. --- Jay Kordich, author, Live Food, Live Bodies. See: amazon/Live-Foods-Bodies-ebook/dp/B00BLQQYRK/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1391149358&sr=1-1&keywords=jay+kordich. Inspiring work, Mr. Kordich - as ever!! Jeff FitVegan Sekerak TheSuperFitVegan
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 06:26:31 +0000

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